YAH! who said your not special?!


Ha Yoon is in very busy kinda poor family always known for her top grades and polite attitude.she got eccepted in one of the most famous school in town "Jinju Academy" meaning pearl academy (you'll later know why it's called pearl academy ;) ) and suffers from the seperation of her friends and bullying form the snoby students and trying to fit in

but then she meets boyfriend basiclly Youngmin,Kawngmin,Minwoo and Jeoming then later get to know Hyungseong and Donghyung who are working at a cafe near their school ,they're taking a break from their latest tour and want to live their highschool life like any normal person also one of the weirdest things that all the students don't know who boyfriend is!!!!! (except HaYoon XP)

that makes their lives easier and kinda peacfull in way,Ha Yoon of course is super crazy about this she can't believe that her idols are right infront of her


soon they become friends, and their lives are filled with laughter,fun and adventure not to mention love so who will it be? ;)


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