
A Post-it made me realise

    The sun was up and the birds chirping in the trees indicating it's morning at the same time a groan was heard accompanied by the sound of fabrics being pulled.There, in a medium sized apartment located in HongDae, a guy which seemed to be tall and sleek and his eyes closed tightly together was lying on his king-sized bed, rolling here and there in annoyance.This guy, Amey-as friends call him, was still sleepy as he just slept a few hours ago, assignments were seen scaterred everywhere on his study table making his apartment look eerie and gloomy as he lived alone.

    Weirdly, today Amey had the urge to get out of bed, but he tried to fight the feeling and hence he rolled around.When he noticed the worried feeling he felt would not vanish he opened one of his eyes, and looked everywhere in his room. 'Nothing out of the ordinary..Why am I so worried today?! What is it Amey?! Think.....is it about me not apologizing to Baekhyun that I accidentally ate his Chocolate???? Ah No·····That was on purpose, which he wouldn't mind...but that's not the problem now!!' he thought, frustrated, he abruptly sat up on his bed and ruffled his hair. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes,in attempt to remember but failed.

      "Okay!! I give up, I'll know why eventually anyways" he said half-screamed and putting his hands in the air like a criminal caught by the police.Unknowingly, his eyes landed on his varsity jacket hanging on the door knob, there was something pinned to it...like paper..Oh wait! A post-it. Suspiciously,he climbed out of bed and walked, more like crouching, his body bent slightly like a spy with his hands clasped together making a 'gun', and he suddenly rolled on the ground while mumbling "Target locked: post-it pinned to blue varsity jacket, 35 degrees due North-East, attack~!" He stood up and pulled the now crumpled paper in his hands, but dropped it to the floor while saying, with short breaths "I must use my special gloves, this is a very interesting discovery!" he immediately ran to his closet and rummaged through his clothes and jumped in joy when he found his...black fluffy cat paw gloves.

        He adjusted the gloves to fit his hands and went straight to pick up the nearly-forgotten paper, he read the contents and fell to the ground. To his surprise, that day was the day where he confessed to the love of his life, Juniel. She's a fine petite girl with silky brown hair and cute eyes, her voice is as soft as velvet.He was then snapped back to reality as his alarm went off, he was seriously late....For his visit to his friend, YongHwa.

      "Yonghwa hyung~!! OPEN UPPP YAAAA OPEN UPPP YAAAAAA" Amey screamed while banging his friend's front door with urgence.While he was banging the door Amey felt something soft and pudgy, he kept banging until someone held his wrist. Apparently, Amey didn't realise that the door was open and all that time he was hitting his hyung's face.

         Yonghwa was standing there. Sleepy eyes, bed hair, and he was only wearing his right slipper but his face was a little weird, like it was HIT. "Great, just great Amey. I have a concert this afternoon and this is how you congratulate me? By smacking my face?? Such a weird dongsaeng I have, when I mean weird, I mean really WEIRD" Amey just stood there staring. His hand reached out towards Yonghwa's face "Sorry hyung, I didn't notice the door was open. Heh sorry again hyung but lookey here your face··" Amey said while lightly poking his face in wonder. Yonghwa had his poker face on and just tugged his hands in and let him sit on the couch, "I guess it's about Juniel huh?" Yonghwa asked, smirking as he closed the door. "Yeah, about that, could you help me with something?" Amey asked while fidgeting his fingers and looking to the ground. Yonghwa, who was leaning against the couch raised his right eyebrow, curious about his dongsaeng's favour. He chuckled while patting the younger boy's head and said "Ok, spill it".

        While on the other side of town a girl, who is known as Juniel was sitting under an oak tree, the breeze was just perfect and the sunlight was warm, grazing against her skin ever so lightly making her look like a fallen angel.She was singing with guitar in hand and her head bobbing softly at every beat occasionally. She was happy that day. She would smile at times as the leaves would land on her face while she sang.

       'Could the day get any better??' she thought.Now, she was leaning against the tree, legs stretched out in a criss-crossed pattern,her hands tapping her guitar on her lap, it has been hours since she came to the park. Usually she would spend her time there only during the early morning until 8.Now, it was half past 11 and she hasn't move a bit. Strangely, her mind told her to stay just a tad bit longer.

       Suddenly, she could feel a presence next to her. A familiar presence. She jerked her head to her left and found Amey with a....Guitar?! 'Since when did he know how to play one?' She shooked the thought away and smiled, "What are you doing here oppa? Is something up?" Amey by now was red like a tomato. "I just want to tell you something" . Right then, Amey started to play a song and sang along.Juniel was amazed with his voice but cracked up in the end as one of his guitar strings disconnected . "Oh no...actually, I just wanted to say...JUNIELILOVEYOUVERYVERYMUCHPLEASEBEMYGIRLFRIEND!" He said as he covered his face with his hands.Juniel was dumbfounded but laughed and said "My pleasure", Amey by now was now on the ground eyes closed and his hand on his left side of his chest.

"Oppa!! Are you OK?!"

  Juniel now was on her knees, shaking Amey's so called 'life-less' body. Amey abruptly opened his eyes. "I just had an heart attack, a great one too". He said while wiggling his eyebrows. As she heard this she laughed whole-heartedly. "Oh oppa, you dork, hahaha"

    .Now they were holding hands walking around the park.Juniel then remembered about the guitar. "Oppa, last time you said you can't play the guitar?" she asked while pouting and her free finger on her lips as a thinking pose.Amey laughed and pinched her cheeks causing his other half to glare at him. "Actually, I asked Yonghwa hyung to help me. At first he kind of objected but I practically begged him and lastly he taught me.Oh, and this is his, I don't own any guitar" He stated with a calm and slightly proud face. "ohhhh...But Yonghwa oppa is not the type to give in easily, what did you say?" This made Amey break into a large grin. "I said to treat him ice coffee anytime he wants it,I'll do anything to get you as my girlfriend~" Juniel blushed and just let go of his hand and ran to front. She stopped a few metres in front and said "I love you too Oppa~ now try to catch me before I tell Yonghwa oppa you disconnected one of his guitar strings~" Amey eyes boldened at the sentence and started running chasing the younger girl until the end.  


A/N: Well, that's it :D sorry for the grammar mistakes, heee 

and I asked my brother to read this a few days ago and he said he imagine T.O.P as the character (since I'm a big fan of him, and keep spazzing about T.O.P to my brother, haha) but I agreed anyway, hahaha please comment.~

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