
It has to be you

At Soojung's apartment


"W-where do you want to sleep?"


Soojung blushed as she asked that question. She and Jongin have been dating for years, but they haven't slept together, not even once. Asking that question was awkward for her.


"Anywhere is fine. As long as I'm with you." Her boyfriend smiled, sitting on the sofa behind him. She decided to sit beside him.


"The doctor said my leukemia is in stage 2."


Jongin looked at his girlfriend.


"I don't know what to do, Jongin-ah."


He realized that tears were falling from her eyes. It hurted him a lot, seeing her cry and scared. He slowly put her head on his shoulders.


"Everything is going to be alright." He planted a kiss on her cheeks. "I promise you."


But Soojung's tears didn't stop flowing. He started to hum a lullaby so she could sleep, which worked after a few minutes. Jongin slowly carried her bridal style torwards her room and laying her softly on her bed. Jongin chuckled on how cute his girlfriend was. He stood beside her bed and admired her.


"Don't worry. I'll do anything for you."

The next day


"Good morning, babe."


A deep, husky voice greeted Soojung, who was half-awake on her bed.


"Come on, get up! I've got great news to tell you." Jongin grinned.


"I want to sleeeeeeeeeep." She pouted and the other side of her bed.


"It's 11:30, Soojung. You've got to get up!" He scolded.


"Fine." Soojung sat on her bed, rubbing her eyes.  "What's the good news?"


"I'm going to tell you later. I'm going to prepare for breakfast first. Okay?"


"Okay." She smiled and watched him leave her room. 'Thank you God for giving me Jongin.'

"Breakfast is ready!"


As soon as she heard Jongin shout, Soojung stood up from the sofa and went torwards the kitchen.


"Hmm~ What did you cook? It smells so good!" She smiled.


"Bacon and eggs. Your favourite." He replied, putting the plates in front of her.


She chuckled when she saw a smiley face made from bacon and eggs on her plate. She suddenly realized that her boyfriend is still childish as ever. "This look so yummy. Daebak!" She exclaimed and ate a piece of the bacon. "So what's the good news?"


"I got accepted in my new job!" Jongin grinned.


"Job? You applied for a job?" She raised an eyebrow. "Jongin, you don't have to do that."


"Hush! Stop talking and enjoy eating. I'm the one who should work! I'm the guy!"


"But Jongin--"


"No buts. I'm going to work. That's final."


"Fiiiiiine." Soojung continued to eat.


"By the way," Jongin took a paper from the cabinet and handed it to her. "I would like you to fill this up."

Soojung's wishlist


She read it. "What am I going to write here?"


"Well, your wishes."




"So we can fulfill it." He smiled.

author's note: i'm sooooooo sorry guise for the really stupid and short chapter. i'm not really inspired these days. :c




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Eririn #1
I like this story. I can't wait to see how you are going to continue.
Chapter 2: okay so, i was listening to haru haru- bigbang, when im reading this story.
even this is not the end yet, i already feel my heart dropped.
daebak, authornim.
Update soon please, new reader here
Chapter 1: I bet this story will ended sad... ;_; update please
This sounds really interesting ! can't wait
minahbubblez #6
I'll prepare tissue for this :)
i love your quote, author-nim...
Update soon :)