

If you'd like to know what song I meant.... 

Click  >> Here

It should make a good background music.... 





The breeze blew onto my face as I descended the sky in a fall. A smile slowly etched itself on my lips as the excitement build. My heart raced, the adrenaline was pumping in my veins and as I waited for the right moment, I made a mental countdown.

5 . . .

4 . . .

3 . . .

2 . . .

1 . . .



  My eyes snapped open and later averted to the blue sky that could be seen just outside the class windows. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I thought disappointingly, ‘Ah . . . it was just a dream’. I stretched out my limbs and packed my stuff while classmates had already emptied out the classroom and made a move for home.

  I slung my bag over my shoulder and hurried to my next intended destination. Just in the nick of time, I catch a glimpse of the bus that would take me there and noticed it already moving away from the stop. I ran up to it and as always, grabbed hold of the railing and pulled myself up. The driver, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline chuckled at me.

  “In time as always,” he commented as he gave me a glance when I inserted a few coins into the box. I gave him a small smile and went to the back where the seats were absolutely vacant.

  To pass the time, I leaned back and went off into a daze as I watched the buildings pass me by. I closed my eyes and tried to catch some sleep, in hopes that the dream may continue but to no avail, it never came back. I continued to take a nap and took notes at how many stops we’ve made.

  At the seventh stop, I bolted up and headed out. I manoeuvred myself amidst the people that were heading the opposite direction and made a right turn at the sight of a familiar looking alleyway. There, I turned to the left and there it was; the pub.

  Once in, I tried to hold back the cringe as the smell of stale alcohol filled my nostrils. Hard to believe I stood this for the past few years. I headed straight for the back and changed immediately out of my school uniform. I changed into a pair of worn-out jeans and a plain white tee well-kept inside my bag. With an apron tied around my waist, I stuffed my bag inside my locker and rushed out to start work.

  It was always the same faces I see. I took the usual order and served them with a smile and nod. Although there were a few new faces, but they would never come back the next day. Even with the thought in mind, I still gave them the best service I could offer. Four hours later, the sun had set and it was time to go.

  I had slung my bag over my shoulder and was about to leave when, “Yi Xing.”

  At the mention of my name, I halted and turned around. It seems Mr Xi has something he’d like to discuss with me. I approached the bar where he diligently cleaned the beer glasses and once he knew I was close enough, he placed an envelope onto the counter.

  “Your pay for the month,” he said simply and looked up to my face to see my expression. Without even bothering to check the amount, I took it wordlessly and placed it inside my bag. A little disappointed he didn’t receive the intended response from me, he continues to clean the glasses and adds, “I know the pay isn’t much but . . . just know that I appreciate you coming over every day.”

  I was a little touched but remained emotionless. I gave him a slight bow and my heels. Just like that, I was out the door.

  As soon as I stepped out of the pub, I halted and looked up to the sky. It was a nice orange hue. A corner of my lip curled into a smile and I thought, ‘Perfect’. I made a left where I went further into the alley and was met with a fence.

  I unslung my bag and threw it over before I climbed over. Once across, I looked around to see if there was any being besides me here. I picked up my bag and went ahead until I was faced with a ladder. I jumped and pulled it down before climbing up. Once on top, I took in the breath-taking view of the sky.

  I looked up and let the wind tousle my hair, taking it as a welcoming greet. I placed my bag down and knelt down on one knee before taking them out. They may be old but they were precious to me. They meant the world to me. Many memories were made with these rollerblades. Yes, they were none other than just a pair of rollerblades – but to me, they were special.

  I put them on and stood up. I slung my bag securely over my shoulder and skated over to the edge to see how high up I was. I checked each edge to see which route I’d take and settled on the path heading west, the way the sun set.

  Slowly, I slid back until my blades met with the ledge and hunched down before ing myself forward, gaining speed by the second before jumping off of the roof top. It was like time slowed as I enjoyed the moment. I closed my eyes for a brief moment as I made a flip and turned to make sure my feet were downwards and once they met the building’s next roof floor, I slid to the next roof and let out a laugh as I landed on roof after roof.

  At the tenth building, I jumped up and let my body fall. I was falling down head first, but not for long. I landed on my right foot and my left continued to skate across the concrete floor as the road went along the sea. I pushed myself over the fence and slid down the hill and screeched to a stop as I reached a road pathway that lead somewhere.

  I knew the road and continued my journey forward. There was a hill up front. I increased my momentum and speed until I accelerated to a speed that allowed me to go up the hill effortlessly. Going down the hill, I gained more speed and everything went past by me in a blur.

  I just followed the pathway and let them lead me to wherever it was it went. I slowed my pace when I realized the road was no longer going along the beach. It was heading out to the city. There was a barrier between the shore and a plant. I never came across a hydroelectric power plant before. As expected, there was dam and much to my interest, an idea formed in my mind.

  I took off my blades and climbed over the concrete wall. I tried my best not to make a sound and guessed my way through until I came across the door that lead access to the dam. I locked the door behind me and climbed up the many flights of stairs until I had reached the top. I opened the door and there it was – the top of a dam.

  I stepped out and there it was again – the wind. It greeted me warmly by tousling my hair yet again and took out my blades. The path was wide enough and I went and skate across the other end of the dam. There was a cliff nearby, how convenient. I smirked to myself as a plan schemed itself in my mind. I skated backwards until my back was against the door.

  I hunched low and got in my stance, ready to push myself towards the end when a voice disrupted me. “Hey you, you’re not allowed here!!” yelled the guard.

  I took that as my cue and pushed myself forward. I could hear him faintly as he warned, “HEY!! STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!” I ignored his words and smirked as I gained more speed and catapulted myself upwards and soared into the sky.

  I closed my eyes as I let the wind blow itself in my face. I was flying. Time slowed yet again and I enjoyed the feel of the breeze as I made a countdown – just like in my dream.

5 . . .

4 . . .

3 . . .

2 . . .

1 . . .


  I opened my eyes and turned my body around before my feet met with the cliff and slid to a stop. I was beaming from the ear-to-ear grin on my face and looked behind me. The security guard had his jaw drop in awe. I let out a laugh and got up before skating away so he wouldn’t be able to get a better look at me.



  It was time I flee the scene. 



I felt like I did a bad job at describing the scenes and all.. Oh well, back to the storybooks after this wretched exam - yes, I am in the midst of my finals hehehehe. Drop a comment~ if you'd like to that is....
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Chapter 1: I really liked it :)