Chapter 13

Dream High: My Sweet Love

"Thank you Bi Jeong-sshi for coming out. Right, I have a question just for you, Joo Yong-sshi, so no members will be on stage to hear this. Who do you think is the best singer in W.W?"

"Well, it's for sure that it's not me," Joo Yong laughed. "I think it's a tie between Seung Yong-unnie and Yoon Hye-unnie. I can't choose between them."

"Come on, there has to be a better one."

"Not really. Yoon Hye-unnie has a very soft voice and is very good with the slow songs whereas Seung Yong-unnie's voice is much stronger and she hits all the high notes easily. I'm jealous of that."

"Where are you taking me, Ellie? We've got rehearsal," Joo Yong frowned as she was being dragged through school by the other girl who was too excited to even tell Joo Yong where they were going. 

Ellie suddenly stopped in front of a class, nearly ripping Joo Yong's arm off in the process. She pointed into the class and both of them peeked in. Inside was a class of third years and they seemed to be holding a mini showcase themselves, 

"The one singing right now is Dae Hyun-oppa," she said. "Young Jae-oppa told me to come and watch him sing."

"Young Jae-sunbae? Why would he tell you that? And why were you talking to him?"

"It's nothing like that," Ellie said, dismissing Joo Yong. "Young Jae-oppa just said that I could improve on my singing and I could do it by asking Dae Hyun-oppa to help me. Only problem is...Dae Hyun-oppa is a third year and Young Jae-oppa said he's not very nice..."

Joo Yong looked into the classroom and watched Dae Hyun. He didn't look like he was unpleasant but then again, it was hard to judge someone by their looks although she had to admit that he was very good at singing and if he did decide to help Ellie, it would be beneficial for her.

"They're coming out!" Ellie said, grabbing Joo Yong's arm and ran up to the door, waiting for Dae Hyun to walk out. "Dae Hyun-oppa! Um...I'm Ellie Park, a first year. Can you help me-"

"Sorry, no," Dae Hyun simply said as he walked on.

Ellie stared after him and frowned, biting her bottom lip and looked at Joo Yong. 

"Don't worry about him," someone suddenly said and Ellie and Joo Yong both jumped. "Hi, I'm Yoon Hye, Im Yoon Hye. Sorry for startling you. Dae Hyun's not in a good mood today so I apologise for him."

"Doesn't give him the reason to be so rude," Joo Yong said. "Ellie only wanted him to help her with her singing."

"Easy, I can help you with that," Yoon Hye smiled softly, holding a pen to her lips. "What are your names?"

"Ellie Park and Lee Joo Yong!"

"Ellie, I don't need his help."

"If we're going to get his help, we could just get him to help both of us. Whether or not you need it, it'll be beneficial in the future, wouldn't it?"

"Your friend is right," Yoon Hye said, tapping her pen to her cheek and grinned at the two. "Well, I've got your names down. When I get Dae Hyun to help, I'll get back to you."

"Gumawo, Yoon Hye-unnie!"


"Please, Dae Hyun?" Yoon Hye asked, holding her hands together as she begged Dae Hyun to accept Ellie's request. She had been asking him ever since Ellie asked for her help and with every free moment that she had, she was annoying Dae Hyun with it. She had gone through the phases of asking nicely and being aggressive about it but now she was just plain begging.

"I already said no."

"Dae Hyun~don't be so heartless. You want the school's showcase to be good, right? It'll be super amazing if you help this girl out."

Dae Hyun looked the other way without a reply and Yoon Hye switched sides as well, giving him a pout. In the past, this had helped her and Yoon Hye was praying silently that it would still work on him.

"Dae Hyun-ah, you know you want to~" Yoon Hye sang, smiling at him. A smile was threatening to break across Dae Hyun's face but he held it in. "Come on, Dae Hyun-ah~ Dae Hyun is the best looking guy in the world. No, the entire universe! Dae Hyun is also the best singer that has ever lived and will ever live."

"I want a kiss."

Yoon Hye smiled and pecked him gently on the lips. "You'll do it then?"

"I don't get you. Why are you so enthusiastic about pushing your boyfriend to help another girl? Are you not afraid of me falling in love with her instead?" he asked.

Yoon Hye smirked with confidence and sat down. "Of course not. I have enough confidence in myself to know that you wouldn't be falling in love with her," Yoon Hye smiled, opening up her lunch box and Dae Hyun stole an octopus sausage from her. "Oi, don't steal my food."

"I have one condition for helping that girl," he said, chewing on the sausage. "You have to be there."

"Wae? She wants you to teach her how to sing. And, I have to finish that song, remember? The lyrics are still a bit weird..."

"You can write the lyrics while I'm teaching," Dae Hyun stated. "That's that, you're going to be there."

*After School*

"Tadah! This is our secret hideout," Ellie smiled, skipping around behind the brick wall due to her excitement. "Bi Jeong-unnie is not here so we can use this place to our hearts' content."

"Bi Jeong? Nam Bi Jeong?" Yoon Hye asked. "Oh! She's a scary person. Dae Hyun, let's go," Yoon Hye said, grabbing the boy's arm and pulled him along but Dae Hyun barely budged and Yoon Hye was yanked back.

"You were the one who wanted me to help her. Since we're here already, we might as well stay," Dae Hyun said and looked at Ellie. "Let me hear you sing something first."

Ellie nodded and told Dae Hyun which song she was going to sing before starting. Joo Yong leaned up against the brick wall and yawned softly, leaning her head on Jun Hong's shoulder who also looked like he was going to fall asleep anytime.

"Annyeong," Yoon Hye whispered, sitting down with them. "Are you two a couple?"

"Do we look good as a couple?" Jun Hong asked.

"Very cute," Yoon Hye smiled as she pulled out her notepad and pen.

They sat quietly at first and Yoon Hye was busy writing her lyrics before she was fed up with it and looked at the sleeping couple next to her.

"So nice...I wish Dae Hyun and I can be like you guys," she said softly. "You make me want to write a song for you."

Jun Hong stirred a little in his sleep and Joo Yong moved, lifting her head from Jun Hong's shoulder and looked at Yoon Hye, letting out a soft yawn. Jun Hong moved and leaned his head on Joo Yong and due to his tall frame compared to Joo Yong's tiny one, he ended up sleeping in an awkward position.

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?" Yoon Hye smiled. "I was just admiring you guys."


"Not in a weird way. I'm jealous of your relationship. I can tell that he likes you a lot. I wish Dae Hyun would be more like him..." Yoon Hye sighed. "But, that's not what I wanted to say. I want to know if I could write a song for you guys."

"For us? Why not write one for your boyfriend?"

"Eh...Dae Hyun's not romantic like that," Yoon Hye sighed, making a face.

"Why do you like him?"

At that moment, a shoe was thrown in their direction. Joo Yong and Yoon Hye both managed to avoid it and Jun Hong jolted up when Joo Yong jumped, finally waking up.

"Don't sit there and chit chat while I'm teaching here!" Dae Hyun shouted in his strong Busan Satoori dialect.

"Yah! Jung Dae Hyun, how dare you talk to me like that? You're the one who dragged me here!" Yoon Hye shouted back.

"To write your lyrics! Instead, you're there talking to a freshman! You're distracting with your voices!"

"Don't cross the line, Jung Dae Hyun!"

"Um...can you throw the shoe back?" Ellie asked, standing on one foot. "Dae Hyun-oppa threw my shoe..."

Joo Yong picked up the shoe that was thrown at them and threw it back to Ellie who quickly put it on and ran over to her friends.

"Isn't the social protocol here to leave?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know anything about social protocol," Joo Yong said. "But I agree, we're leaving."

"Why? How often do you get to see a Busan man arguing in Busan Satoori?" Jun Hong asked.

"More than a lifetime's dosage if I live in Busan," Joo Yong replied and took his hand, getting up. "Come on, we're going."

"I'm going home!" Yoon Hye shouted as she grabbed her things and stormed off.

The trio froze on the spot as Dae Hyun caught sight of them leaving. The trio quickly ran off before the Busan man had a chance of shouting at them as well. "Thank you for helping!" Ellie shouted.

*Later On*

"Yeobeoseyo?" Yoon Hye answered her phone, pacing up and down in her room as she was trying to think of lyrics to finish her song which she was supposed to finish at the park.

"It's me."

"I know it's you," Yoon Hye sighed. "Your name shows up on my phone when you call. What do you want?"

"I'm sorry."

"Of course you are, Busan man."

"I am. You know I am."

"Say sorry in Satoori."

"I'm sorry."

"Now say you love me."

"Don't take this too far."

"I'm hanging up."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Dae Hyunnie," Yoon Hye smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I really need to finish the song."

"It's still not finished?"

"Just a few lines more, I promise!"

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This fanfic is amazing. Consisting that Dream High is my very fav K Drama and you adding HyeMi's name in Chapter 3 just made me look back at Dream High 1. Sure DH2 there's but no one can beat DH1. So, great fanfic. Wish you could make it longer. There wasn't any fighting scene here and it's all cute and romantic. I like it. No. I love it. You have some errors I did notice but all in all, it's great. Good luck i your next fanfic and your coming fanfics.
bapdaehyunnie #2
Chapter 18: omg, its so cute, i love daehyunnie idea, so sweet and romantic :) love this fanfic so much ^^ daebak!!!!
Chapter 18: GAH MY HEART <33333 IT'S SO CUTE but are you going to do scenariosnfor the other three as well? I hope you do, if it's not too much hassle! :)
I didn't really catch anything except a tiny typo: you spelled "strengthened" wrong ("stregthened") during the part about how Ferris wheels are slow and stupid. But that's it! I love it!
Chapter 17: WHAT. IT'S OVERRR?! HOW CAN THIS BEEE but the ending was super cute! <3 Can't wait for It's All Lies! JELLO FOREVER!

Some errors I noticed:

"Joo Yong looked at the door knob then slowly looked up [at see] Jun Hong." Typo, I know; should be either "at Jun Hong" or "to see Jun Hong."

"'You think [to debut] is more important to me?'" Should be "debuting," I believe; it's the case of gerund versus infinitive. "Debuting" sounds better.

"' are all from Kirin so we [would] save time on [introduction] and bonding with each other.'" So "would" should be "can" because it's certain, and "introduction" should be "introducing" for parallel structure.

"'You will have free time for now...'" A bit awk-sounding. I think "You have some free time now" sounds better.

"'[Fifteen minutes later], we will..." Sounds like narration, which is weird when someone's talking. You should say, "In fifteen minutes..."

"He was glad he knew at least one person in depth[;] Bang Yong Guk." The semicolon (;) should be a colon (:).

"...Joo Yong looked down at her phone, playing with it as she flipped it open and [close]." Should be "closed."

" he [lied] on his back on the grass." Should be "laid," I think. I get confused sometimes, but in this case, "laid" definitely sounds better.

"'To [be], Joo Yong is the perfect girl.'" Obviously another typo; should be "me." Aw Zelo so sweet! And JY is surprisingly romantic too. :D

IDK if I found everything, but these are just some errors that caught my eye. Anticipating your Xmas special! :D
Fantastic chapter! No mistakes, but one thing: don't put author's notes in the story! It just doesn't seem as professional. Ideally, author's notes should go at the end of a chapter, but the beginning works too if it's really important. Just a tip. Update soon! :)
Chapter 15: i need moorrrreee ! its cute that you put her dad first and junhong second :D
Chapter 15: "I also happen to have inherit her heart problem." I think it should be either "I also [happened] to inherit" or "I also happen to have [inherited]" because although JY still has the heart condition now, she technically "inherited" it wayyy back when she was first created as a single cell. I think. The sentence just sounded a little off to me but I can't tell you for sure if it's wrong or not. >< Sorry! This is like not helpful at all haha but uh there are no other mistakes so yaaay!
Chapter 14: WHOOT. NEW CHAPPIE. ><
Awww, so cuuuuuute. "Jun Hong is the only reason I might consider staying." OKAY THAT IS LIKE THE SWEETEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD AND OMGGG JY IS ADORABLE OK
"Only [G]randma [will] be coming but even then..." because "Grandma" is like a "name" in this case, and "will" because it's for sure that her grandma is coming.
Also "Did anyone ever CARE about my feelings?"
:D That's pretty much it. great chapter! Update soon!
Chapter 13: Yaaaay chapter 13!!! So happy! :D
Yoon Hye and Dae Hyun are so cuuuute! Almost as cute as JY and JH. But not quite. xD
Anyways no major errors, just two periods that I think should be commas:
"Gumawo[,] Yoon Hye-unnie!" AND "You want the school's showcase to be good[,] right?"
But yeah. That's it. :D Fantastic job!
But I have ONE question. "Dae Hyun also has the best voice that has ever lived and will ever live." Voices...can LIVE??? O_O
Chapter 12: The train part was sooooooo kwaiiiiii!! Now when's Daehyun and Yoon Hye coming in?! The couples are so cute but I'm confused. Is Hae Sung and Yong Guk still dating in the future?? Please update soon tho this is getting even better by the moment!