

I think my past chapter's format may have been a little confusing:/


As I wake up, I feel perfectly fine. The room I'm in is not mine, nor is it Myungsoo's. I look around and notice hospital machinery. *Funny, why isn't it swiched on?* Memories of the accident come flashing back to me.

I walk out of my open hospital door and walk around in hopes of finding Myungsoo. The hospital is bustling with people, all who seem to be in their own worlds. I see Hoya running in, he seems to be upset. I follow him as he runs into a room.

And there I see Myungsoo. And I hear the doctors talking to Hoya. None of them acknowledging me "He hasnt woken up yet but he's going to be fine, but the hit seems to have affected his brain. He'll function properly but he may have amnesia. We're running some tests to check if it will be severe." Hoya asks him another question but the word are drowned out at my realisation. Amnesia..amnesia..the word registers in my head. *He'll forget? Will he forget me?* I approach his bed as silent tears erupted from me..i his face and kiss his cheek. But he doesnt wake up. I start to sob loudly, it's a wonder why the nurses haven't thrown me out.

I turn just as i see Hoya walking out the door. I follow him out of the hospital and walk beside him. I realise he's crying. *Don't cry Hoya*  Neither of us speaking. I realise that he's not walking home. He's walking in the opposite direction. I'm about to tell him but I realise he's going to Myungsoo's house. He's probably helping him get some clothes and necessities. I decide to follow him there.

As we enter Myungsoo's house, still none of us has spoken. I follow him into Myungsoo's room and he starts to grab a few things. But i realize he's not getting clothes or a toothbrush. He's taking our stuff. All of mine and Myungsoo's memories he was grabbing then and throwing it in the bin. I scream at him but he ignores me. I advance on him and grab him, but my hands go right through him. And then it dawns on me. The reason why Hoya was crying. Why he couldn't hear me and why I couldn't touch him. *I'm dead. *

And I can only stand here and watch as the man I love holds another girl in his embrace and whispers sweet nothings to her. Were our memories that insignificant to you? You can remember Sungjongie, Hoya everyone else..why not me? I know it's not your fault, but can't help but to blame your for forgetting me. Don't you remember the first time you told me you loved me? That time you held me in the middle of the park as I cried? We were that kind of couple they'd say, the type which would last long, two peas in a pod, cookies and milk, a perfect match. But it doesnt matter anymore does it? After all..i'm dead to you.

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Chapter 3: T-T that was so sad! And he doesn't evn remember :'(