Safe and Sound.

Safe and Sound.

Jongin is falling. Down, down, down, down into a chasm of midnight, distorted shadows reaching up to twist around his limbs; stretching over tan skin, grappling for purchase -- each touch scalding beyond reason. A choked scream catches at the back of his throat, a strangled plea for help that never surfaces. Fingers curl around the column of his neck, nails pressing into veins and Jongin claws at the invisible digits, gasping for air.

One small hand splays itself over his racing heart, fingertips tracing up to brush back stray strands of dark hair, damp with cold sweat. "Jongin?" A whisper in his left ear, a breath of warm air fanning across his skin. It's familiar, so very familiar, Jongin holds onto it -- something to chase the fears away.

"I'm here, Jongin-ah. It's alright." There's a quiet humming of a tune, chaste kisses feathering along his hairline. The shadows recede little by little, fading away and breathing comes a little easier again. Jongin pries his eyes open to semi darkness, moonlight washing the walls in varying shades of gray. Kyungsoo is wide eyes swimming with worry, full lips curved in a gentle smile -- a pretty silhouette in the dark.

"Hyung?" He croaks through dry lips, catching the soft cotton of Kyungsoo's shirt in a trembling fist. "I'm here. You're okay. It's okay." Kyungsoo murmurs soothingly, warm palms cupping the sides of Jongin's face as he presses a kiss to his forehead. Jongin inhales Kyungsoo's scent; something like faded cologne and lingering deodorant, a little like their shared shampoo and the fabric softener that is used on all their clothes -- Kyungsoo smells like home.

"Stay with me, hyung." Jongin whispers, fingers reaching to twine themselves with the vocalist's -- bronze tangled between paper white. Kyungsoo leans down nd kisses Jongin on the lips, pulling away moments later with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Always." He promises.


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Chapter 1: Gawd, you are killing me !!! I loved the baeksoo and now this one is great too
misakilov3 #2
Chapter 1: these kind of stories are my favourite<33 kaisoo is just so perfect ^=^
misakilov3 #3
Chapter 1: these kind of stories are my favourite<33 kaisoo is just so
Chapter 1: Awwww sweet and adorable! I like it!
Chapter 1: I like this, it's good! /thumbs up hahaha I like how kyungsoo's there for jongin.