
The letter never seen

Dear Minho,


I love you with all my heart. I just wasn’t meant for this world! I hope I can find a place of peace and happiness, a place I am child enough to live, yet man enough to survive. I love you! I hope you can truly believe me. Maybe on my journey I’ll find Jesus. Pray for me Minho. Pray I will find happiness. I hurt so bad inside! I want it all to go away. I want a new beginning. I am not afraid to die Minho,. I’m just so afraid of tomorrow! I love you more than my best friend. I wanted you to know that, but in the end you never realized it. But that’s okay. I need to find happiness somewhere different. Though you will never know my feelings.


Remember when you told me not to do it. You said that therewere people that cared. You said to hold on. I called you in my time of need. You helped me through the hard times. That was long ago. But what happens when it’s too much, when I feel I can’t move on. When I feel like no one cares and everyone’s lives would be easier when Iwas gone. It just wasn’t their lives I was think of but yours. I caused you so much pain Because of the choices I made. You tried to help me through ‘sorry that I wasted Five years of your life. When you found the cuts on my arm you held me when I cried. You might remember I didn’t say a word. You thought I was slowly losing my mind. That I was slowly going crazy. You thought I was only doing what everyone else was. But you didn’t know the sleepless nights I had before. The nightmares I lived through. It just wasn’t you I dreamed of dying. But everyone else to. You think you know everything I did, but you were wrong. A thousand lies I told To make you feel better. I know that after I write this and what I do tonight. You might hate me forever. You might never cry. And I just thought you should know that it’s not your fault. You only made my life easier. You understood everything that no one else could. Remember just last month when you yelled at me for blaming myself for everything that happened. It’s seems that you were right. I do blame myself for everything. Because it’s my entire fault. I ruined everyone’s lives. Not just with my lies, But with my actions, with my just being here today. You were the best thing that happened To me in my short life. And I was the worst that happened to yours. So I just want to thank you for everything you've done. For being there when no one else was. So this is the one final goodbye. I'm sorry for breaking our promise. Though you might not read this letter or even find it. I still wanted you to know you were my best friend. 



Tears continued to fall as Minho read the letter over and over again. Thinking back to the promise that was once made. 



"Hyung we will always be stay together because we're tied



"You're right! Will never separate!"

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Babyz_Maknae_Jello #1
Chapter 1: This sounds like me.. This story is exactly like my own life except I never commit suicide.. Yet..
Chapter 1: Ah that's hard to read..
Aww that's so sad.....tears. Update soon.