
So far yet so close.

[SooHye's POV]

They took us to the SMTOWN Building. It was my first time there and again, I was completely speechless. Wow, it is happening! I was so cool outside but in the inside, but in the inside, no one knows.... how thrilled and happy I am.

When we got into the building, they took us to the practice room. As they opened the door, music starts to pumping. *Oh? I never heard this before? But the voices are very similar.* They took us inside, as I predicted, I saw 12- no, 11 boys dancing and then stopped when they saw me, my mom and Junhee sunbae walking into the room. "Boys, this girl is a new trainee. She;ll be sharing the same practice room as you guys. EXO, Sarah. Sarah, EXO" "Oh hello, I'm Sarah~" I said while bowing 90 degree. My eyes were locked on Luhan but he didn't even look at me. But that is truly understandable, because every one knows Luhan IS a shy bo- no, guy. But at the other sight, there is a boy who's locking his eyes on me. And that boy is, Byun Baekhyun.


[Baekhyun's POV]

Is that.... an angel? It was the very first time seeing someone, so.... beautiful. Her hair is tucked into a not so high ponytail, her eyes are big and she didn't pick her eyebrow, her teeth biting her lower lip, maybe she's nervous or is it a habit? But most important is her clothing. She's not like other girls here, pairing a tank top with a pair of super short shorts and high pumps. No. She came in with a pink top witha turquoise blazer, pairing it with a dark blue skinny jeans and white flats. This is - my ideal type. She's so beautiful. I can't - I can't stop starring at her, she's just so- "Ehem?" "Huh?" *Wake up Baekhyun!!* "What? Uh, hello, Im EXO-K Baekhyun." I said, smiling shyly at her. She smiled back and trust me, it was so perfect.

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eqamylove #1
Chapter 4: Please update a long chapter!! Your story awesome!!!
kpoplover123456 #2
Chapter 3: Pwease update!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Not baaaaaaaaad :-) hehe