It's true

Be honest or lost the who loves you


After an hour from chatting "i need to go...bytheway what's ur real name?" he asked u " call me reem " u replayed "ah ....reem nice name so got to go reem talk to u later :)" he sent to you "sure thing ok no proplem " as u put ur phone down thinking about what just happened is it real am i that lucky girl !!!!well,maybe who knows. i mean no one knows his lover of his friend or even his destiny . u smiled as u r speechless and want to wait to see what will happen next...
U and jonghyun keep chatting each other for such a long time you get to know each other more and get really close. i mean he gaves u his phone number . u talked to him u even call him in skype to see him each time  .your realationship is really good  U both became really close to each other he likes u so bad u r so beautiful ,smart and funny u r just perfect to him .....till oneday he calls you at 2:00am and u were sleepning ur iphone lights in ur eyes and wakes up ...u pick it up to see who calls you at this time and it was kim jonghyun calling u ........."hello"  u answered " nothing better ....nothing better than you"he sings for u "what is this?!" u were laughing hard but really enjoying it "i wanna be ur boyfriend!!" he said to u " what!!!!" u stand up in ur bed "u heared me wanna be ur boyfriend ......saranghea ,reem" he said to u in a cold cool way "u start screaming jonghyun don't mess with me i'm really tired .u r an idol i can't .... u love me...why? just know each others.we didn't even meet yet? what are you talking about?!"as ur voice craked u were crying "now why u r crying .....and why would i west my time messing with you . i really loved u ...u r my stop crying its hurts me i can't hear u crying ....need to go bye:"(he said to u 
It's 5:00 am and u can't just sleep and ignore what just happened i mean he loves u to death and u love him too ....but he is really not ur type .i mean you always loved his best friend that u can't just forget him for a moment .the guy who makes ur heart fly high each time u see him or even hear his name .u are in love with.........""lee taemin"" and its just hard to you to keep its this way u start crying .not becouse u love taemin.u didn't really even talk to him and it's not tha u hated jonghyun ,it's just you are really afraid that u may meet taemin and what u felt is right?! .you were lost in your thoughts till your best friend calling u and just ignored the call and start thinking deeply about it you are not bad girl ,not playfull girl so why it's turned out like that !! . u slept while u r holding ur doll and thinking with your eyes full of tears 
U woke up screaming as it's a must be a nightmare i didn't talk to jobghyun ,i'm not his GF,but it was real as soon you realize it . u feel really bad coz u don't have any feeling for jonghyun as he in love with u feel guilty for loving his bestfriend a shinee member lee taemin and yet not sure about your feeling . suddenly someone knocking the door u walk staight "who is it?" u shouted" it's me" u opened the door and its was ur best friend sara "hi" she said "Oh .... U looks sooo tired what happened to u?" she asked u and here i started crying "omggggg"she's shocked she keep asking and u r speechless "ok, it's looks like we will talk later anyway , i will make ur break fast wait for me" she smiled to u and head to the kitchen ....u lay down and just staring up at nothing with empty mind ....after minutes here ur break fast eat it and we need to go "where" u asked her "to have a fresh air in new places" she smile to u "Oh, thank u im really nothing without u sara " u tell her "i know ,now eat so we can have fun" she wink at you
U finished eating and u dressed up and heading to the car . and here u start laughing and listing music and shinee songs . she takes u to a mall and u guys start shopping and jonking around . and it's already dinner time and here u set down and have ur order in ur best retaurant "now tell me whats bothers u and makes u cry so hard" sara asked you . u take a deep breath and u told her every thing from A to Z "mmmmmm's not easy ...let me ask you ....what if u told him and he left u for taemin you think u will have taemin ?r u sure taemin deserve what you are doing for him?do even know taemin?" she ask as ur all answer were "NO" ," so stop thinking in stoped way and love who loves u "she tells u with a smile
U just look at her asking ur self is she right? Can i do it? Can i just forget about taemin and love jonghyun who really loves me and care of me?....can I.....
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