The Witch Plays Match Maker

Girls on Training [Be Trained Now!]

"Thanks for Visiting us Ms. Sekyung" Eun Rae said

"Please, Like I said earlier, just call me Unnie" Sekyung replied, pretending to be nice,

"Unnie, When are you coming back?" Win Ni asked excitedly

"In due time my dear, in due time" She answered then rode her car and drove off.

"Those Gullible Girls, It'll be easy to trick them" Sekyung said evilly followed by an evil laugh escaping from her evil lips attached to her evil face.

When she got home, she texted Im Song Wan.



I'll decide what to do with the Boys who will be partnered up with each. 

-Se Kyung


Okay but they have to follow the rules inside the house, No Hand Phones and Cameras

-Song Wan


I say, since I'll be making a Variety show, Cameras will be allowed. THAT'S FINAL!

-Se Kyung


But the girls' privacy is on the line

-Song Wan


So?! I can't make Idols come there and not shoot anything, It'll be a waste of time for me and for them. So CHOOSE, NO IDOLS? or Just have cameras and let the IDOLS come, you don't really have a choice.

-Se Kyung


Fine, but I will be guarding them!

-Song Wan


No, See, that's part of my deal, you get out of the house when I'm around.

-Se Kyung


Why? It's my house and my Trainees

-Song Wan


It's my show and my Idols, again, you don't have a choice my dear sister.

-Se Kyung



-Song Wan.



Se Kyung Smirked upon reading her sister's message. 'She agreed' She thought evilly then took out her notebook and her profile of the girls.


"Jung Sora, a Tech Freak, Lazy and A bit y..Who would be best for her?" She asked herself  "Hmm...If she likes gaming and inventing then probably someone she can get along with, someone who is manly but has a romantic side that can bring out this girl's true self. Maybe G-Dragon might be best for her" She concluded

"Lee Eun Rae, daughter of the president of a world reknowned Movie Directing Company" She read the profile "Likes Race Cars, Loves helping people, has a few bad records because of running away from the police, Taekwando black belter. Hmm..I think she would be best for a person opposite to her personality, Like Jang Woo Young" She said

"Win Ni..Hmm.." I looked at her picture "Rough? Tough?" I smirked, it's obvious what's this girl trying to convey "She's only acting, I bet she's a fragile girl inside and she's one of the types of boyish girls who tries to hide her fragility and who seeks security in people, Obviously. I need someone who could bring out her inner girl, someone who can make her trust him more and open up. that way, she can feel safe with...Hmmm...CN.Blue's Leader? Jung Yong Hwa? Yeah, That's right he's the perfect person for the job" She wrote down what her final conclusion was and fllled the page and proceeded to the progress.

"Jamie Choi, her track record is messy" She commented as she read Jamie's school's records then chuckled a bit "Pulled many pranks during her School days, eh? Sounds like Cho KyuHyun with his Hyungs in Super Junior" She said then immediately snapped her fingers "They're a perfect match!" she said then wrote down the things she realized and moved on to the next girl.

"Lee Hye Mi...She's Pretty and has lots of Potential in being an Idol star...She can do everything" She said as she read Hye Mi's Profile "Woah..Tough Girl is afraid of ghosts?!" Se Kyung almost jumped off her seat when she read the detail "I think she needs a knight in shinning armor...Someone Prince like who has a Voice of an angel" She thought hard for Hye Mi's partner "King of OST's! Yesung!" She said then immediately wrote doen Yesung's name

"Moon Ga Eun, an environmentalist, she's blunt. I see that her parents died during a fire accident when she was young. She's a guitar lover. She was once in a band when she was still in australia...In short, she's an avid Music Lover..Who could be perfect for her? Well, Obviously it should be a singer who is in a band..But who? No Min Woo?" She asked herself and many names played in her head but those people didn't fit Ga Eun's personality, after some time, she finally came up with the perfect person for Ga Eun "Kim Hyun Joong! He used to be a guitarist in a band back in his Pre-Debut days, He also loves plants so they would instantly click. Perfect! Now, Two more to go..." She said then wrote those details she came up with and proceeded to the next Trainee.

"Park Junhee, Marked as one of the two worst trainees in the house. Very Stubborn, but is addicted to cats and marshmallows? She's weird" Se Kyung said "Xiah Junsu also likes cats but he's too old for this girl" She said "One of the youngest Idols in the industry is Shin Dong Ho and he likes to eat. he looks like a bunny when he eats so I guess his cuteness would turn this tomboy chic into a proper girl easily" She said then wrote down those things she realized

"Choi Hye Shin, daughter of the president of Heavy Skates Skateboards. Dreams of becoming a world famous Skateboard rider, Idolizes Tony Hawk, a prankster and is very devious at times, her mother considers her as a troublesome daughter that brings disgrace to their family. She has a boy bestfriend named Brian Lee, He's very close with him. I bet she has feelings for this guy. I just need to bring her innder girl out. Therefore, I need a sensitive idol for the job. Kevin Woo perhaps?" She guessed then smiled at herself, satisfied by her thoughts, she finished her job and called her boss and told her about her variety show plan and he immediately agreed and said that he would do the rest to get the idol into their show.

"Next Week, We'll start with G-Dragon coming inside the house for the first week and then followed by the other idols, oh! and also, i want to add No Min Woo as a wild card in the show" The Boss said then hung up. Se Kyung slept with an evil smile on her face.




Sorry for the very late update!!!

It's summer vacation in our place and junhee07 moved to another house

and she's still settling in and I am very very very busy this summer because

of meetings and activities I have this summer,

it's so hard to find time to sit infront of the computer...sorry!

... so yeah, please forgive our

incompetence...*bows* We're truly very sorry... *kneels*



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updated! so sorry for not updating in a very very long time..*bows* please forgive us -twinklestars


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Chapter 16: There are alot of food which is not considered junkfoods right? let's buy that instead!
Chapter 16: ^^ Read your update! X) It was cute.... Eunrae and Wooyoung <3
Chapter 16: Well, it HAS been a while~ ;) Nice to know you still remember this. XD Can't wait to know what happens next!! >.< paired me up with Hye Mi. 8D HYPERACTIVE BUDDAYS~~ <3 XD
OMFG, LOOOOOOOOL!! XD What the heck did I write in mu application form for this?? BECAUSE I LOOOOOOOVE MY OUTFIT FULLSTOP. OMG...tge ugh boots and the long top and the leggings and SJHDICJWIDB!! >.<

Nom. EGGS. 8D Keep it up!! It's gooood~
hyemicloud #5
Pairing session~ kkk
wow... the guys are coming :D
this is gonna be really interesting XD
thanks for the update and i'll wait for the next~ kkk
omo the boys are gonna appear!!
wonder how they are gonna handle each other!
no worries nin and junhee!
i'll still be here patiently waiting for you guys!
ACVJASCDY JQS AWESOME~ Finally we get matched...LOLOLOL!! XD

Whoa...I'm with Hyun Joong? B-b-but wasn't he the creepy doctor from chapter 4? XD Anyway...THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!! <3
Oh wow! You're back? AHHAHA.
Aw, all the clothes are adorable. (:
I don't trust either of the sisters. LOL.
Take your time dears (:
hyemicloud #9
I understand you~ I'm having stacks of homework too TT_TT
homework ~
just take your time~~ :DD

This chapter~ aigoo.. sekyung is here~ WITCh alert~! XD
but still excited for the boys to come~ :D
and your breakfast is making me HUNGRY T_T
take your time updating girls!
we'll wait... if not...
<3 hwaiting dongsaengs!