Touch Me With Words.

Touch Me With Words.

You didn't know for how long you've had sleepin, but felt like days, long days. 
Last time you saw him, was a few weeks ago, and you didn't liked the way he was reacting towards you. LuHan, your LuHan, was being a jerk. 

"Is he cheating on me?." You asked to one, looking at the ceiling of your room. "If he is, I swear I will kill the world."
Your mood was changing constantly, and you could say that LuHan have the fault.
Dressing a simple shirt and a pair of sport jeans, you did your way towards SM building. Training. You needed to train.
Still, you left your hands grab the phone, wanting more than never to call him. 
"No, you're not going to do anything. You don't need to miss someone that doesn't feel the same about you." You said to yourself, creating a note in your head, remembering to don't act stupid for him.
Dropping your bag on the floor, your fingertips moved to the stereo, turning the music to the maxim volume. It was late, so no one was around for sure, you had all the building for you. 
Slowly, the music started to take control of your body, your movements were slim and beautiful, making you and the music, become one.
But even if you tried to concentrate, you couldn't because LuHan was playing with your mind in such way, that you felt the urge to scream from the top of your lungs, and you did it. 
You began to dance faster, the movements becoming rude and needed. You began to dance faster, the movements becoming rude and needed, playing harshly with the space around you, making the air scary with your crazy breaths.
Falling on your knees, the sweat running down your forehead and the heat of your body rising more and more. You were mad. Enough of pretending that everything was fine. It wasn't. You lifted up your head, and looked at the mirror, seeing how miserable you looked, with the tears running down your face, and the mascara following your tears, you looked completely empty. 
Slowly, you felt a pair of familiar hands making pressure on your shoulders, you didn't even needed to look to the mirror to see how it was, because his scent made everything clear. The soft touch and the cold skin, made everything even more noticable. 
"Let go of me." You spoke coldly jerking his hands away. You meant it, you meant your attitude.
LuHan didn't seemed shocked. He knows you too well, and he knew that you were mad at him.
"Hug me." He spoke calmly like nothing happened. His voice was soft, exactly like he used to talk to you.
You placed a hand above your forehead and laughed sarcastically. How can he act so normal towards you? How can he act so ing normal, after ignoring you for weeks. 
"Hug you? How can you ask me that LuHan?." You asked turning to look at him, with tears running down your cheeks. "How can you ask me that, in such a normal tone, after ignoring me? Do you know how bad I was feeling? Do you? I ing lost 3 pounds because I was waiting for you like crazy. I was calling you and you never called me back. I was thinking that you didn't wanted me anymore LuHan. I saw you everyday on the television, I saw you doing interviews and playing around with your fans. How about me? What am I to you? you LuHan." You yelled pushing him away from you, picking up your things from the floor heading to the door.
"Don't you dare leaving the room." He said firmly turning his hands into fists, biting his bottom lip harshly. "If you leave the room, I swear we're done."
You stopped and gripped the hem of your shirt, squeezing your eyes shut, before placing your hand on the door's knob, opening the door, ready to leave.
LuHan wasn't feeling satisfied. He eyed you and waited for your actions, feeling more and more broken inside. "I ing love you." He said with tears running down his cheeks. And in that moment, you felt your world collapsing. LuHan never cried, never.
His hand made her way to the door, closing it harshly, pushing you against the mirrored wall. Seeing your face, LuHan knew right away that was hurting you, but in that moment, the only thing he wanted was you! You to listen what he wanted to say.
"You always were so stubborn." He said with a small chuckle, making sure to never leave your eyes, not even for a second. "Yell at me, slap me, push me away, call me whatever you want, but nothing will change that fact that I love you. I ing love you damnit." LuHan yelled gripping your shoulders harshly. "I ignored you. I did, and I regret nothing. Want to know why?." From your mouth, not even a single noise escaped. You were too shocked for words, so he continued.
"I received an email. In that email, was there a picture of you. Your smile was so beautiful, your skin so flawless and your long hair swaying. I felt myself smiling, and touching the screen, dying to have you in my arms, but then, you know what had more? A message! A ing message saying that if you keep closer to me, they would kill you." Your eyes widened pushing him away, looking at the floor. He was protecting you?
"LuHan." You whispered his name, hugging yourself. You were so scared. Someone wanted to kill you? Your boyfriend protected you and you were being a to him. "I didn't knew."
His gaze fell and he messed with his hair, angrily. "I can't lose you. I'd rather stay away from you and see you safe, than be closer to you and find you dead." He said stepping closer to you, placing an hand at the back of your neck. 
"No LuHan, I can't stay away from you, and you can't stay away from me. We need each other we-" His lips pressed against yours made you shut your mouth. His lips moving in sync with yours, while his hands were cupping your face. "Promise me, you will be careful."
"What are you talking about LuHan?." You asked cleaning your tears. "Please, don't ask me to stay away from you, I won't do it."
LuHan smiled and caressed your cheek with your thumb. "No, I won't ask you that." He said in a whisper. "I just need you to promise me, that you will be careful. You will call me everytime you see something suspect, and more than that, don't talk with strangers."
You smiled and hugged him closer, resting your head on his shoulder. "Promise." You whispered, sighing deeply, shaking slightly. His arms around you gave you the best feeling ever, making you feel safe and protected. 
"Gomawo." LuHan said eyeing every single inch of your face. 
"For what?." You asked with an eyebrow raised.
"For waiting for me." He said leaning down, kissing you deeply, passionately, sending to you, his sweet taste.
LuHan sat you down and placed his hands on your thighs, looking at you with love in his eyes, like you were the only girl in the world. He opened his mouth to talk, but looked down, biting his lip. "I want to tell you something, hear me out."
" I want to rip off your logic and make passionate sense to you. I want to ride in the swing of your hips. My fingers will dig in you like quotation marks, blazing your limbs into parts of speed. My heart will call out to yours and then we'll be joined as one. The palms of our hands embracing each others bodies, rising the heat of our skins. Together, we'll be invencible, we'll wake the universe. We'll defy gravity."
You smiled softly, hearing his words, looking down at your hands, interwined with his. "What did you just said?." You asked caressing his lips.
"A big way to say that I will always love you."



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arjoe333 #1
Chapter 1: haha....Luhan is a poet xD
Chapter 1: wow...Should I says.....SEQUEL please???no..SEQUEL PLEASE!!!!!hahaha
Chapter 1: Quotation marks.... Dang does he have a way with words.