Art of the Stars


ohoho the summary
HwaSung had always know her life was one big mess with her being a weird kid, her family being rather too happy for their own good and her social life always down the drain. Thinking about more things that could get her life more off the cliff of reality is just as possible as getting a potato to talk. But of course, there's always the tip of the ice berg or in this case the Titanic crashing into it and knocking both of the over and that is no other than Kris Wu, the hot, new, foreign student that tends to bring HwaSung on the edge.



your beloved new writer
oh yes yes, hello readers
finally! the day has come for this woman
to start her own fic cause omg she's 
been to too many apply fics for her own
good. hope you all enjoy reading and 
i hope you can stand my ugly sense of
humor. enjoy!


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n_faqihi #1
OOO lala nice first chapter :D