❝ You could've just asked. ❞

❝ I want her to be my umma! ❞
"She wants you to be her umma," Luhan had told me. My eyes widened at what he had said. "What?!" He looked at me with much seriousness visible in his eyes. "Does it seem like I want to be with an obnoxious woman like you, Im Yoona?" Luhan spat out. I shook my head. I ruffled my hair in a stressed manner. "Aish! Fine fine, I'll do it. But understand, it's only for Yiahn, okay? I don't want to be with an idiot by the likes of you either, Xi Luhan."
And that's how I got stuck here. Living inside of Xi household.
"If you are going to be my umma," Yiahn confided. "You have to live and sleep and eat with appa and I!"
I'll admit, Yiahn has to be one of my most favourite children at Byeol Daycare. But the idea of me sleeping with Xi Luhan? Um, no thanks.
"Umma!" I looked up from my book I was reading. "What is it, Yiyi?" I asked. "Umma has to wake up appa now- so we can eat breakfast as one family!" she explained. I smiled at the fact Yiahn seemed happier nowadays. "Okay then. Wait here for umma and appa, arasseo?" Yiahn nodded her head, unable to contain her happiness about the situation. I then stood up before making my way to Luhan's- or should I now say- our bedroom to wake him up.
However, the second I opened the door, I was greeted with the most embarrassing thing ever.
A shirtless Xi Luhan, dripping wet from his shower. He looked up once he noticed cold air coming from the outside, and smirked when he saw me.
"Yah- you!" I yelled, flustered at the fact he knows I'm in the room as well and he wasn't going to bother to put on a shirt. "Put a shirt on!" I heard him chuckle to himself before slipping on a plain, white shirt. "It's rude to stare, Im Yoona," the male teased and flicked my forehead. I rolled my eyes at his teasing. "At least I got abs," I playfully retorted. However, I never expected Luhan to ask what he did next.
"Can I see them?" "Y-yah, you ert!" I exclaimed, slapping his shoulder. Luhan smirked as a reply before brushing past me to go downstairs. "I'll be down with Yiahn," he stated before leaving the bedroom, shutting the door behind him gently. "What a conceited jerk!" I scoffed as I sat down on the bed. "Why did I agree to this stupid thing again?" 
"It's only for Yiahn, okay? I don't want to be with an idiot by the likes of you either, Xi Luhan," I said while glaring at him. "If it isn't obvious already," Luhan responded, a smirk planted on his lips. 
"The only reason I'm in here is for Yiahn," I muttered to myself. "But why does that stupid Xi Luhan have to have such a hot body-" I covered my mouth when I realised what I was about to say. "Aish!" I slapped my cheek softly before hearing the door open. I whirled around and saw Yiahn standing there, playing with her fingers nervously. "Yiyi!" I called, spreading my arms. She broke into a smile when she noticed me and jumped into my arms excitedly. "Unnie- I mean, umma!" she spoke and hugged me. I couldn't help but smile as she did that.
"Let's go for a walk, umma! Appa is being lazy!" Yiahn pouted, making me giggle. "How can someone with a nice body be so lazy?" Whoops, did I just say that aloud? I hit my head with a pillow to get myself to stop thinking about Luhan. Yiahn innocently stared at me, tilting her head. "What did umma say?" "N-nothing! Let's go!" I hopped off the bed and used one hand to take Yiahn's while the other was busy tying up my hair. Once I finished doing so, I led her out of the bedroom and down the stairs, where I spotted Luhan busy eating his breakfast.
"Luhan, we're going for a walk!" I announced as he just nodded his head. "Umma," Yiahn whispered in an urgent tone. I looked down at her. "What is it, Yiyi?" "If you and appa are meant to be Yiahn's parents, you need to act like it!" I let out a sigh before clearing my throat. I gave Luhan a sign about what Yiahn had told me that second, and he managed to understand what I was trying to tell him (gratefully). "Yeobo~ Yiyi and I will be going for a walk~ Don't miss us too much!" I said in the sweetest voice I could muster. "Alright, yeobo..." Luhan awkwardly replied. "I'll be here all day, all night, waiting for you..."
I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic statement but I could hear a slight bit of sincerity as well, which made me feel a bit weird inside. Could I be falling for Luhan already?
"Umma!" I heard Yiahn calling. I smiled and made my way over to the small girl. We were at the park near the house since Yiahn wanted to play for a little while there. Being the persistent child she is, I had no choice but to allow her to play there for a while before we continued our walk around the neighbourhood. "Look at this ducky!" she giggled and pointed to a small duck swimming around in the pond. "It's cute," I remarked as I watched it swimming. Yiahn giggled once again before beginning to splash water around the duck as it swam around.
I decided to leave her alone until she was ready to leave, so I went over to sit down at one of the benches and just watch over her as she played around. Just then, a female awkwardly approached the same bench I was sitting on, causing me to abruptly stand up and bow. "Mian, were you sitting here?" I questioned. "Nope, feel free to sit down as well..." she assured and sat on the right side of the bench while I slowly sat back down. 
"So what's your name?" I asked, trying to be friendly with her. "Seo Joo- I mean... just call me Seohyun..." she hesitantly replied. "And you are?" "Im Yoona imnida," I greeted, a smile spreading across my face. "I'm guessing that you're younger than I?" I added. She nodded her head in a slow manner.
I noticed how Seohyun's shoulders deflated slightly when I had introduced myself, so I questioned her, "Is there something wrong?" Seohyun blinked rapidly and looked at me with her head slightly tilted. "No, no!" she spoke, shaking her head at the same time. "It's nothing!" Observing Seohyun's features and actions, I noticed how alike Yiahn and her seemed.
It was amazing how when Seohyun had tilted her head, I saw her as Yiahn. Could she be...? No, what am I thinking? That's like, a 0000.1% out of 100% chance that the girl sitting right next to me is Luhan's ex and Yiahn's birth mother. My head was being filled with so much assumptions that I felt as if it were going to burst right open. Wait- did she almost introduce herself as 'Xi'? My eyes widened at the thought of Seohyun being the mother of Yiahn.
What am I saying? It could be right- right? I mean, both are very alike and all, Yiahn and Seohyun.
"Aigo!" I cried aloud, ruffling my hair out of the stress. Seohyun flinched at my sudden outburst but then asked, "Are you alright, Yoona unnie?" I gasped when I noticed I had said that out load. "Yes, I'm sorry. Just a bit stressed..." "You can just tell me if something is bothering you," Seohyun told me. "Even though we just met, I feel like we have a big connection to one another."
Yeah, we have a big connection. One you aren't probably aware of, Yiahn's birth mother. Crap, I should stop acting like that. It seems like I'm jealous of the fact that she is probably Yiahn's real mother and was maybe married to Luhan. Well, truth to be told, I am.
"If you say so," I awkwardly laughed. Seohyun just smiled slightly as a reply. "Well... I just wanted to know, Seohyun-ssi-" "Just call me Seohyun," she interrupted softly. "Okay, Seohyun..." I corrected myself. "Seohyun, do you happen to know a Xi Luhan?" I tapped my foot as I waited for her reply. I looked up at her, seeing her open and close it again. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," I quickly said, noticing how awkward the topic of Luhan was when I had mentioned it to her.
"No, it's alright," Seohyun said. "I do know Xi Luhan. T-the... The very same one you do, actually." I blinked in confusion at her statement. "You do?" she nodded, her eyes shining with tears. "We... he... Ugh. Who cares?" she bitterly said, laughing despite how sad she was feeling. I stared at her in a concerned manner as she wiped her watering eyes. "He moved on," Seohyun spoke in a much more gentle voice. "He's with a better person now, Yoona unnie. It's you that he loves now."
I couldn't help it.
I felt so guilty.
I felt like I was the one who had come between Seohyun and Luhan's relationship.
What was I thinking, being selfish like this?
"I'm sorry," I croaked out, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "I'm so so so sorry, Seohyun..." Seohyun shook her head, a sad smile visible on her face. "It's not your fault, Yoona unnie. It's mine. I was the one who left him, four years ago."
"When I found out that I was pregnant with our child- our daughter- I couldn't take it. I just couldn't. Luhan promised that he wouldn't get me pregnant until we married- and that was only our tenth month as a couple when the doctors informed me about my pregnancy. That, too, was my fault as well. I brought Luhan to the club, because I thought that if we were gonna get married soon, we should have a little freedom before we did so. But it didn't turn out as expected. Sometime during the night, Luhan and I both got drunk. Then the following weeks after that, I began vomiting and feeling nausetic often. Luhan, being the busy man he was, never noticed my condition and thus, I went to the doctors and then found I was pregnant for the first time. I was shocked, unnie. I really was. I was only... only..." She stopped for a moment, wiping the tears away from her eyes. My gaze softened and I patted her shoulder in reassurance.
"I was only seventeen when I was pregnant with our first child. If my parents- or Luhan- were to find out about it, they would flip. So in the end, I decided that the best thing to do was leave. My parents didn't even know were I was for that time being- until I came back. Nine months after, the baby was born. Knowing I wouldn't be able to manage on my own, I decided the best thing to do was to hand her over to Luhan. I left her inside a baby blue basket at his front door. From behind the big tree in his frontyard, I watched as he opened the door, looked around before finally seeing the basket on the floor. He curiously picked up the basket from its handle, observed it a bit before walking back inside. A few minutes later, he walked back out and drove off in his car. I assumed that he hadn't noticed our daughter was inside of that basket at that time, until much later."
"Then from that day on, knowing that Luhan would be furious to see me turning up at such a belated time, kept my distance and watched him and our daughter from afar," Seohyun explained, another tear slipping from her eyes. I was the one to wipe it off this time, seeing as I couldn't stand seeing her crying.
"Yoona unnie... w-what's her name?" Seohyun whispered shakily. "Yiahn. Xi Yiahn," I answered as I looked toward Yiahn, who had managed to find another child to play with. "The very same name I wanted her to be called," she remarked. I smiled at her statement. "Is that so?" If Yiahn was the name that Seohyun wanted for Luhan and her daughter to be named, did that mean Luhan had never forgotten about her in the first place?
"I'm sorry again, Seohyun," I apologised. She shook her head, in a much happier manner this time. "Don't be, unnie. Luhan really does deserve an amazing person like you..." I leaned in and hugged Seohyun. "Thanks so much... Seohyun," I muttered and pulled away. Seohyun nodded without a word. "Can I just tell you something, unnie?" I glanced over at her before nodding. "Anything."
"Don't tell Luhan that 'Joohyun' is here- that's my real name. And the name Luhan knows me by. I don't mind you telling him about a 'Seohyun', that's for sure," she said as I nodded in reply. "Of course, Seohyun," I spoke while taking in all of the things she was telling me. "Oh, and also, unnie, please take care of Luhan. He deserves someone like you- and you deserve someone like him. He hates being woken up in the morning; he'll kick you away. He can be cocky and awkward at times; but that's how he shows his love for you. Don't ever make the same mistake I did, unnie. Don't leave Luhan. He's one of those guys that are hard to catch, you know?" I nodded my head, feeling tears clouding my vision again.
Seohyun gave me another hug before standing up. "I'll be taking my leave now, Yoona unnie. Thank you for all you've done," she smiled before walking off into the distance. Wiping the tears that were falling from my eyes, I stood up and walked over toward Yiahn. "Yiyi, it's time to go," I spoke and took her hand. Yiahn pouted. "But umma! I was having fun!" "Of course you were, but appa is waiting for you now," I scolded in a gentle manner. She continued to pout, but eventually stopped as she waved at her new friend when we left the park.
"Is that your boyfriend, Yiyi?" I playfully said as she blushed furiously.
"You're back," Luhan exclaimed as Yiahn and I entered the house. Yiahn had run straight into the kitchen, hungry from the long walk.
"Waeyo?" I asked. "Did you miss me that much, yeobo?" Luhan shook his head, his face turning a bright red. "What makes you think that?!" I chuckled at his cute reaction and stepped forward, accidentally stumbling and landing into his arms.
"You clumsy idiot," Luhan smirked as I tilted my head to look up at him. I could feel my cheeks burning furiously.
"Aish, If you wanted a kiss, you could've just asked."

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 yeah, it's me !
   that marshmallow.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
— finally completed the twoshot! o u o
to begin this short a/n, i'm sorry if the
story doesn't make sense to you ; A ;
i tried my best to make this up to the
expectations of all you fawns so yeah,
i'm planning to make a lot more luyoon
fanfics in the future, so please watch
over me! c8 ppyong! hope you liked it!


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❝ IWHTBMU! ❞ ( hope you enjoyed the twoshot just as much as i enjoyed writing it! c: ♡ )


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Chapter 2: Yoong i miss your exoyoong moment alot hhah how i wish SM let yoona be in one of exo album in the mv !! it just a wish
Chapter 2: ahaha this story was made me laugh for a little, but i think the part of yoona knew that seohyun was yiahn's biological mother is rather too fast. after all, this story is cute, great :)
by the way, there's little mistake you made. not 'more happier' but just 'happier' :)
Chapter 2: so cute. seriously. i wuv this <3
hanagoun #4
Chapter 2: Lol the teasing couple. Seohyun seemed... Mature
Chapter 2: omg that was sweet. ;A; <3
lmfao i love a teasing luhan. xD
callumhood #6
Chapter 2: omg. so fuqin qt
loved luyoon ♡
so heartbreaking at the end... ; u ;
Chapter 1: omg...why so cuteee.?? hehe.. update soon.
callumhood #8
Chapter 1: YIAHN OMFG. just died of fluff.
; u ; /squeals.
so adorbs~
this story is so adorable; i cant wait till the next chapter! c:
codewhiteee #10
Chapter 1: YAY! awww. but, how about Seohyun, is she going to be happy?