
GTOP's First Viewing


The walls were blue. Light blue. Or perhaps… sky blue.

There wasn’t much noise, just the faint sound of talking, typing on a computer, and the bland, white clock that ticked as each second passed by slowly.

The door on the left suddenly opened.

“Jeeyang? And…”

The man flipped over the top paper on the clipboard he was carrying.


Jiyong stood up abruptly, worried. Seunghyun followed, blank-faced.

“Ah, the two of you?” the man said smiling. “Right this way. I’m your doctor.”

He led them into a hallway and took the third door on the right, which brought them into a tiny room.

“Now, if you could please remove your pants and underwear and put on this gown” the man said as he fixed up a large seat in the middle of the room whilst looking at Jiyong.

“Oh… no,” Jiyong replied. “It’s not me; it’s him.”

Jiyong pointed at Seunghyun, and the doctor’s eyes followed.

“Right, well then if you’d please wear this and take a seat” the doctor said to Seunghyun.

Five minutes later, Seunghyun was plopped up on the chair, completely poker-faced.

The doctor chuckled. “Well, you look more frightened than Seenghoon!” he said upon seeing Jiyong’s expression.

Jiyong smiled. “It’s fascinating but somewhat scary” he said softly.

“I see…” the doctor replied, grinning. He turned back to Seunghyun. “Now, how far along are you?”

Seunghyun blinked twice. “About 9 weeks.”

“9 weeks? I’m assuming this was unplanned!”

“Aren’t they always?” Seunghyun said laughing.

“Right. Well, I’m going to take this wand and what’s going to happen is… I’m going to stick this into your . This is a transl ultrasound. Looking through your chart… I see you took a blood test last week, as well as a urine test, and the results came back perfectly so you’re in no need of doing anything else.”

Seunghyun gave a firm nod and leaned back, closing his eyes. Jiyong bit his lip and focused on Seunghyun’s face - even with the dim light shining on him, he looked so beautiful.

Seunghyun grimaced slightly. It was cold. But he was in the midst of thinking about other things to keep him busy. Like candles that smell like pineapple. Or red wine. Or a hot bubble bath. Ah, or maybe even a hot bubble bath whilst drinking red wine surrounded by the scent of sweet, fresh pineapples that rise from candles.

“There we go!” the doctor exclaimed excitedly. On the small screen was a a small… creature. “There’s your new baby. Congratulations, you two.”

Jiyong scooted to the edge of his seat and wipes his eyes with his pink scarf.

“See” the doctor asked both of them. “This is the head, and this is the body. Not much is too visible but… perhaps upon your next visit, things will be easier to view.”

Jiyong let out a tear-filled sigh. His eyes were watering as he got up and stood right next to Seunghyun, who was in absolute awe.

“You two will be great parents” the doctor said happily.

“I’m… I’m going to be a mother,” Jiyong let out quietly as his eyes stayed fixed on the screen and his hands held onto Seunghyun’s tightly. Then he went silent.

“This is amazing,” Seunghyun said as he grasped back onto reality. “I never would have thought something like this would ever happened. When I took the pregnancy test, I… it was hard to take in at the time. But now this is really happening. It’s finally all absorbing in”.

He was speaking fast.

“Yes, it’s a very exciting time in both of your lives. Now… let me go ahead and print some pictures out for you to show to your family and friends” the doctor kindly said. “You can go ahead and put your clothes back on. I will be just a minute”.

A while later, the doctor came back into the room with a number of little square photos, all of the baby. Jiyong’s eyes began to water again as he took the photos and placed them into his purse.

“Thank you,” Jiyong managed to say.

“No problem at all, Mr. Kwon” the doctor replied.

And with that, Jiyong and Seunghyun were both hand-in-hand making way to the exit.

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