
Coincidentally on Purpose


“We’ll wait for both of you outside.” Nana and Mochi assured their friends, Hanbyul and Eujin.


Nana, together with her friend Mochi, sat down on the bench near the elevator. Rain is pouring hard and they don’t want to go home yet. They decided to wait for their two friends since all of their classes for the day already ended. They don’t have anything to do anyway. Mochi stuck her earphones on and played emo songs by herself. Meanwhile, Nana stared at the windows thinking about… what to think.


“Nana! Nana!” Mochi taps her leg to call her attention, “It’s him…”

“Stop it Mochi,” she said still looking at the raindrops splattering by the windows. “It’s who? Your fantasy boyfriend Sehun?”

“Hi Himchan sunbae-nim!”


Nana almost jumped on her seat upon hearing the name, Himchan. She looked at him, looked at that face very carefully. The face Nana’s looking for all day, everyday.


“Good afternoon,” Himchan greeted Mochi back with a smile on his face as he stands still with the crowd in front of the elevator.


Mochi came closer to Nana and whispered to her ear, “He has a class with Hanbyul and Eujin, right? What is he doing here?”


“W-who knows…?”


The elevator opened but he didn’t ride in. Maybe he’s going down…but how about his class? Is he cutting? His bag is not with him so maybe not. Nana and Mochi eagerly waited for the elevator to open again. After a minute, the elevator opened and everyone, who was waiting for the elevator came inside, except… for Himchan. The elevator has few more spaces for less than three people to fit in but he’s still there, walking around the elevator.


“Maybe he’s waiting for someone.” Mochi teased Nana as she taps her friend with her elbow.


“O-Okay…” Nana shrugged, pretending not to care at all.


Himchan rubs the back of his head and walks to the boy’s restroom. After a while, he went to their classroom.



“Weirdo…” Nana murmured as her smiling face turns red.


An hour has passed, rain has fortunately stopped and Nana is still immersed with her overflowing heaven-like feelings. Her eyes were closed as she slaps her cheeks with her two hands, replaying in her mind what Himchan just did for the nth time. Darn why is he like that?! He’s cute. He’s too cute.


“He’s smart, confident… but really weird…”


“Yeah, yeah. But don’t forget he’s also cut— waaaaa!” Nana moved back surprised seeing Hanbyul’s face inch closer to hers, “Yah! What the hell are you doing?!”


“Just saying what’s on your mind, am I not?”


Mochi and Eujin laughed together as they teased poor Nana. Nana looked around and luckily she saw what she’s looking for, a guy who’s carrying his bag sluggishly. As she looks at his face, it seems like her feelings are going to explode from her holy heart. Oh my gosh, he’s really cute today. I can’t-- I can’t-- And if she stayed looking at that goddamn face of his, she might not be able to control herself from doing embarrassing things that she might regret in her entire life.



Kim Himchan. Why do I feel this way?


“See you tomorrow guys!” Nana bowed at her friends, leaving them with a confused look. She carried her things and rushed down the stairs quickly.


“What’s up with her?”


Nana was not used to using the stairs from the 18th floor so her legs got so tired. She stopped on the 6th floor, where the cafeteria is.


“I’m so stupid…” she buried her face on her palms and sighed heavily. “Maybe I should grab a sandwich before going home.”


She made her way to the cafeteria and looked for a seat. She put down her bag and left the books she borrowed from the library on top of the table.


“Hmm… Which one should I get?” Nana took a deep breath as she looks at the mouth watering endearing little sandwiches, “Miss, one clubhouse sandwich please.” she put her hands inside her pocket and gave the money to the lady.


“Here ma’am.”

“Thank you!”


She took her sandwich and went back to her seat. She sat down but as she was taking a bite on her sandwich, she suddenly felt something rough on her chair.


“My feels some—“


“Uhm excuse me… you’re sitting on my bag.”


Who could that idiot be—“Him-Himchan sssunbae-nim!” Nana stood up immediately and bowed thrice at the smirking guy as she says the word “So-s-s-sorry!” repeatedly.


“No, I’m sorry,” he told her while getting his bag from the chair, “I didn’t know that this table is already taken.”


Can’t he tell by looking at my things on the table? Can I shout how idiooooooooooot and blind you are? “My things are actually on—“


“I didn’t saw that your things were there! Sorry!” he smiled and waved goodbye.


“What a coincidence…”




“It happened…uhh… three years ago. I-I-I…” Nana looked stressed, trying to memorize her lines for a monologue they are presenting later. She banged her forehead on the armchair, “I give up! I can’t do this!”

“Nana, never give up! You don’t have to memorize it word by word. All you need to do is understand who the character is and you won’t have any problem.” Eujin advised her sounding like an annoying mother.

“Ok master…” she read her lines over again and again but it just made her more nervous.


“Never give up~ I’m back in the school back back in the school! Clap your hands everybody, everybody clap your hands! Left left to right, right right to left…”



Everyone clapped their hands for the short intermission number by Eujin rapping one of her favorite songs. (Never Give Up by Bang and Zelo)


“My friends are really special…” Nana whispered to herself.


Just before Nana was about to bang her head again on her chair, “Group 3?” their professor called out their group number.


Nana, Eujin, Hanbyul and Mochi, together with their other four group members stood up infront of the class. All of them were nervous but actually confident that they would be able to present properly. Well, everyone except for Nana. She was more beyond nervous. Her hands were shaking and her legs were trembling as well. Meanwhile, it’s now her turn to speak.


“I-It ha-happened uhmm three… years ago and I… s-still love you,” she paused for a while then shut her eyes. As soon as she felt relaxed, she slowly opened her eyes.


Everyone’s attention was on Nana. Silence surrounded the classroom while they wait for Nana’s next words.


“Excuse me miss, can we take a few minutes of your time—“


Nana started to open , looked at him straight in the eyes and said,



I love you.



Himchan step out of the room not knowing why he did such thing.



He turned his head and was shocked to see her, “Y-you’re the one who said I love—“

“Don’t say it! I didn’t know you were there so I-I…that was just a coincidence! No meaning!” she explained herself as her face turns bright red, “M-Miss is waiting for you inside. She wants to know why you came to… d-disturb our class.”

Himchan twisted the doorknob, “You’re right, a coincidence… Tss. I never expected a coincidence like that.” then he slammed the door.



Classes were now suspended due to heavy ‘rains’ (though raindrops aren’t visible anywhere) and everyone was pretty much hype about it. And because there were no raindrops splashing by the windows, this simply means that…


“Oh god I’m so hungry,” Hanbyul grumbled while rubbing her tummy with her two hands, “Let’s eat lunch!”

“Yeah me too! Where do you guys wanna eat?” Eujin asked, imitating Hanbyul’s earsplitting voice.

“Shut up!” Hanbyul pouted.

“I’m fine with anywhere.” Nana sighed as she was packing up her things lazily.

Hanbyul and Eujin pointed out poor Mochi, “Ok Mochi, you decide!”

“I wanna have some…sushi!”

“Nice idea, Mochiiii~” Eujin said while forming her thumb an okay sign.


The four of them headed to the sushi restaurant right away. It took fifteen minutes for them to walk the short distance from their school because of too much chatting while laughing noisily—well, girl problems.

Nana hugged the books she was carrying on her arms. She was far behind the three energetic girls, spacing out by herself, thinking deeply about someone.


Kim Himchan. She was used to seeing that derpy face everyday. But why is he acting so weird lately? He smiles then after a while he’s angry. What is he angry about? He has never been like that before. These thoughts keep running on her mind.


“Aaaaaah~” Mochi moaned as she covers with her hands, “I bit my tongue! Number?!”

“Eight.” the word came out of Nana’s mouth just before Eujin and Hanbyul are about to answer.

“Ehem… Eight…” Hanbyul smirked right away.


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H…H… Mochi, Eujin and Hanbyul gave each other a meaningful look.


“Guys, do you know that Himchan sunbae-nim loves sushi?” Eujin grinned and emphasizes the name of their senior.

“Really?!” Nana’s eyes widen and became excited upon hearing a familiar name, “Are you guys serious?!”

Mochi laughed together with the other two, “We’re just joking. So that’s why you were spacing out! Thinking about him?”

Nana nodded and her face blushed. She felt really uncomfortable and don’t know what to say anymore. “You guys are lucky to be his classmate. Seeing him everyday is really—What am I saying?! Sorry guys for saying ridiculous things.”

“Nana is soooo cute when she’s embarrassed~”

Hanbyul and Mochi nodded in agreement to what Eujin said.

“So Nana, do you want us to introduce you to him?” Hanbyul asked excitedly.

Eujin agreed, “Yeah yeah! He’s a nice person, you know.”

“No no no way!” Nana shook her head while moving her arms from side to side repeatedly, “You three are not going to do that. He might assume that I’m too forward… that I-I like him.”

Mochi looked at her straight in the eyes, “Don’t you like him?”

“I-I-I… don’t!” Nana blinked, trying to avoid her stare, “Is that what you call ‘like’ already?”

“You think about him everyday. Your day is not complete without seeing him…” Eujin explained while Nana nods hear head slowly, “That’s not only ‘like’…That thing is called…”



“Himchan sunbae-nim!” Hanbyul waved at the blonde tall guy wearing a plain blue shirt and loose jeans, “Going to eat?”


“Yup! I’m going to try sushi for today.” Himchan replied with a smiling face.

“Their sushi is the best here! Right, Nana?” Mochi smirked at blushing Nana.

“I-I think so…”


The atmosphere became a little awkward. Nana was looking on the floor, trying to escape the situation while the three other girls were observing the two of them carefully.


“U-uhm… R-right! I have to o-order!” Himchan tried his best to brighten up the mood, “Nice seeing you guys here.” then he headed to the counter to fall in line.


“I-I have to go home!” Nana doesn’t want to be buried with her friends’ nosy questions and teases so she stood up shyly. “Bye guys!”


The rain started pouring really hard as soon as Nana got out of the restaurant. She looked over her bag but unfortunately her umbrella was not there. She felt guilty leaving her friends with such goodbye but she’s now more worried about going home without an umbrella. She took a step away from the restaurant but suddenly, she felt a grasp on her right arm, stopping her to move. She turned around and a guy holding a pink umbrella was pulling her.


“I can share this umbrella with you.” he smiled, “You don’t want to get sick, do you?”

Even though deep inside she really dreams and wants to, Nana pulled away her hand, “N-no thanks! I don’t want to be a bother to you, sunbae-nim. Goodbye—”

“It’s okay, I’ll drop you home. I was about to go home and it just happened that I saw that you were about to run with that heavy rain.” Himchan explained trying to catch raindrops on his palms.

“Aren’t you going to eat first?”

“I guess I’ll be eating home.”

She turned her back to him and said, “I can manage to go home! Take care!”

Himchan turned his head down, “Would you please stop turning me down?”

Nana stopped walking and listened to his voice.

“I just accidentally saw you and I wanted to help.” he continued, “This is just a coincidence… a mere act of kindness, that’s all. Nothing else.”





Awkward state of calamity is now surrounding two people under one umbrella located in fifth street— OH GOD! Why is this happening? First, I was thinking about him and wishing to see him just once for today. Second, he was there, during our monologue, staring at me when I said the words I lo…That’s so embarrassing! I can’t even think about it anymore… Then third, he was in the same restaurant where we hangout. And now… Kim Himchan, the Himchan, is beside me sharing his cute pink umbrella to me. Yeah, why is it pink?! Hell do I care, that makes him cuter. The weird guy I’ve been waiting to notice my very existence is now… dropping me… home.


“This is a little bit uneasy for me.” Himchan chuckled as he rubs the back of his head.

“Me too—I’m so s-sorry!” I stopped and bowed at him.

“Get up, you’ll get wet.” he laughed louder, “Actually, I really want to do this.”

“What did you say?”

“N-no, I mean it’s been a while since I’ve done a good deed.”

“Ahh….” this is really awkward. I can’t even look at him. Wait a sec, “Oh crap.” I looked at my skeletal-looking arms. Where are the books I borrowed from the library?!


“Nothing. You go ahead! Thank you so much!” I bowed and run back to the restaurant as fast as I could.



My clothes are now dripping wet. Good thing the guard found and returned to me the books I borrowed. I would die if I lost those three damn expensive books. That would cost two weeks of my cute little baby allowance. Sigh. My friends are really useless but I have to say, thank you so much oh Lord. Thank you so much!


 “Nana-ah!” I looked around. Where were those voices coming from? I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Suyeon!!! Hannah!!!” I really missed this two. We don’t have the same schedules for today so I’m really happy to see them.

“We were about to go home when we saw you. Wait, what happened to you?!” Hannah asked worriedly.

Suyeon turned me around, “You’re so wet! Come on, I’ll drop you home.”

I’ll drop you home… What was I thinking? “Thank you so much, Suyeon…”

“Guys, I’ll go ahead. My house is just nearby. Take care~”

“Take care, Hannah!” Suyeon and I said while waving her goodbye.



Himchan stayed where Nana left her. I knew it, she left something. What a forgetful girl. He had to wait for her or else she’ll get sick with this irritating rain. His mere act of kindness would not be successful if she got sick. He would terribly blame himself if that happens.


“Her house might be somewhere near.” he thought, “Maybe I could check it out for awhile.”

Just about a minute later, a luxurious looking car stopped near him. “What a freaking expensive car!” He hid behind the walls and peep his head, “I need to check this out first.”

“Bye-bye! Thank you so much! You take care!” she shouted as she got out of the car.

“Is that Nana?” he whispered to himself.

“I’ll just text you, okay? Love youuu!!!” she had a big smile on her face while she waves goodbye with that who-the-hell-is.


“So she already got home safely. I should go home now.”



I’ll just text you, okay? Love youuu!!!


Himchan stomps his feet angrily as he walks away. He felt really stupid waiting for her for about twenty minutes with this kind of weather, but causing his anger was not only because of that. He paused for a while and asked himself, “Why would she say ‘love you’ to that someone? I have to know who the hell that is… even… . I don’t even understand why I want to.” he sighed and continued walking. “I’m a warrior! Hoo!”



I’ve always wanted to approach her everytime I see her, but I just can’t do it. She’s always acting weird when I greet her friends, especially when I look at her eyes. Those eyes that tells you something. Starring at those eyes makes me curious about that girl… Yoon Nana. No matter I convince myself to stop thinking about her, I cannot. Well, she’s not pretty. She never stands out with that simple shirt and jeans, that boyish look. And most importantly, I don’t even know her personally so there should be no reason why I should be this curious about her.


“I want you to dye my hair with black and change my hairstyle.”


I’ll just text you, okay? Love youuu!!!

Why those words are bothering me? And why would I suddenly feel like changing my hairstyle?


I love you.

“Make sure I would look like a prince with my haircut, okay?” I reminded the stylist. My lips formed a slight smile. Yeah, a prince. That would make me look better than anyone else.




The loud alarm rings, which made sleepy head Nana, wake up. She reached and turned off her phone groggily.

“What the hell Nana? Who would alarm her phone in school?” Hanbyul asked with hands on her waist.

“Only Nana…” Nana yawned and stretched her arms up.

“Only Nana likes sunbae—“ Eujin continued but she was interrupted.

Nana pushed Hanbyul and Eujin away from the bench, “You’ll be late~”

“Okaaaay fine!” Hanbyul and Eujin said harmoniously, “Speaking of the…



What the f-- is that him?!”


Himchan walked passed to them swinging his arms confidently with an extremely different hairstyle.


Nana was electrified in her seat as she followed him with her stares, “He looks cute in blonde but his spiky black hair… his spiky black hair… is just toooooo cute…”


Mochi nods in agreement, “This is the first time I agreed with you.”


Hanbyul and Eujin tried to hold their laugh, “Okay guys, we’ll go ahead! So lucky~” they both said excitedly.


“Hey Nana, I think they also like pink boy.” Mochi whispered to her friend.



Nana breathed some air and shouted, “DON’T YOU EVER THINK ABOUT IT BTCHES!”



“Nana sounds jealous.” Eujin said as they giggled while opening the door, “We should sit there.”

“You mean there?” Hanbyul pointed to where a guy with spiky black hair is sitting.

“Yup, I mean there,” Eujin pulled her arm as both of them sat down beside him.




I felt something unusual to the two girls beside me. I glance at them but it seems that as I turn my head, they would stop murmuring at each other. They would also sit up straight and would look at our professor very intently. Are they whispering about me? I knew it, black hair really doesn’t suit me. Will sue that gay hairstylist asap.


“Is that clear, Mister… Mr, Himchan?” our professor asked me.


I was not listening but I have to pretend I did, “Yes sir. Very clear.”


“Good. By the way, nice hair.”


“Thanks sir.”



At least now, two persons like my hairstyle—my mom and sir. Sigh. What is clear anyway?


I moved my chair closer to them, “Hey guys. Can I ask you something?”


They moved back surprised, “Sunbae-nim! What is it?”


“I was actually not paying attention earlier,” I whispered softly, “Did sir said anything important… like any announcements?”


They looked at each other then grinned at me like crazy. I must say, they are creepy. Eujin scribbled something on her notebook. She ripped the paper and gave it to me with a big smile on her face, “Here, sunbae.”


“Thanks.” I slightly bowed at them.

“Don’t forget to make a reflection paper after~” Hanbyul added.



Jeez. Too much paper work will definitely kill you.




I’ve been standing here for twenty long minutes! I know I’m always late but they don’t have to take revenge on me like this. They should even reply to my text messages at least once to let me know if they’re coming or not. Ugh. Maybe I should just go home.


“You’re Na…na, right?”


I turned around and saw a guy wearing a pink hat, simple white shirt and fitted faded jeans, “Hi-Himchan… s-sunbae-nim!”


“Small world!” He smiled awkwardly, “Are you going to watch the movie too?”


What movie? “Uhh I’m actually waiting for my friends. They told me that we have something to talk about which is really important.”


“How long you’ve been waiting?” he asked me while fixing his pink bonnet.

“About twenty minutes? Why?” What if he removed that bonnet? I think it looks better.

“Tss…those two… They are not coming.”

“What? How did you know?”

“They told me to watch that movie today and it was a requirement.”

“Ahh that? They already watched that yesterday after class. And it was really a requirement.”


“Yup.” I replied.



Awkward silence surrounds us until he finally spoke up.


“Would you mind if you accompany me to watch the movie?” he rubs his head again, which I noticed he’s been doing frequently, “I mean, you’re here and we coincidentally met each other and you haven’t watched the movie, right?” I nodded, “Don’t worry, it’s my treat.”


“Are you sure you want it to watch with me?”


“Yes? If that’s okay with you since we coincidentally met each other here?”


“Sure. A coincidence it is then.”




This is purely coincidental! Just a coincidence…


That’s what I keep tolding myself while buying our popcorn. I don’t know if those two squeaky girls planned this but I want to believe this is a coincidence. An unforgettable coincidence of my life.


I gave her the other one I bought, “This is yours.”

“No, no. I can buy for myself!” she said while looking for her wallet inside her small bag.

“It’s okay. I coincidentally bought two.” this coincidence thing is actually fun.

Her lips… form a slight smile, “Thank you.”

“No prob. Let’s go?” I held out my hand.

But she just looked at me awkwardly and said, “O-okay!” so I had to put down my busted hand.


It’s very easy to say, she’s a very shy person. I could feel it and her face shows it obviously. But she seems really cheerful when she’s with her friends. I started walking inside the movie house and she quickly followed me from behind.


“Ooops…sorry!” those three girls were running really fast without saying excuse me. Fck, I had to walk backwards. Wait, those girls looks familiar… I felt a sudden bump behind my shoulders.




“Nana?!” I turned around, “I’m so sorry…” I leaned down and reached her face. She lifted her chin up with sparkle on her eyes staring at me. “Darn it.” I pulled her closer to me and slowly pressed a kiss on her wide forehead.


“W-Why did you do that?”


I pushed her arms lightly and smiled like nothing happened, “Coincidence…” I turned back to her and started heading inside.


I stopped walking and she bumped again behind my shoulders, “Coincidentally on purpose…”



oh yeah, the end :)

hope you enjoyed it!

babyeee :))))))) have a nice day! ^^

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Chapter 1: Yehey nag update kana aksdjlasdkadsla