Chapter 2

Dongwoon Forever


You pat Dongwoon's shaky hand as both of you walk hand in hand to the departure gate. You feel the stinging of tears at the corners of your eyes. You control the tears from falling because you know it's for the best if he goes back to Korea to practice for Beast's comeback in December.

When both of you come to an abrupt stop, he let's go of your hand and instead hugs you. He clearly doesn't want to let go of your embrace. You couldn't believe it! BEAST'S DONGWOON IS HUGGING YOU! You were the one who let go first because you couldn't breathe.

"Oppa, I ...can't...BREATHE!" Those were the only words you could muster.

He let's go and flashes you he's sheepish but absolutely adorable smile. Then he does the sorry sorry dance just for you. You were definitely on cloud nine. Happiness was only for a moment because 2 minutes later, Dongwoon had to go to the boarding room. You felt empty again. Dongwoon hugged you again but this time he kneeled to your height. He let's go of you and takes a small pretty box.

"Aly-ya, think of me every time you wear this," he says as he opens up the mysterious box for you... A necklace with his initials on it embedded with diamonds," Would you be my girl? I don't care about your age. You're the only one for me Alyssa.."

You feel your cheeks burn with pure shyness but you nod your head. You thought your heart was about to beat through your chest . He puts the necklace around you and kisses you forehead gently...

"Aly-ya, 사랑해<3"  he says as walks off.

You've definitely gotten what you wanted and you were going to wait for him, even if it meant forever...


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