
Love Letters to No One


Wahhh I can't believe it's over so fast! My first fic has already come and gone. But thank you so much to everyone who has read, and subscribed and commented! You all totally surpassed any and all my expectations. I hope you find this ending satisfying!

I'll be sure to start something new soon. I have a couple ideas bouncing in my head, but if you have like a suggestion or request or something let me know! I'd love to whip something up.

Thank you all again for reading, you make me melt! 'u'


Seunghyun rested his back against his worn leather chair, arms stretched high, relieving the ache in his shoulders. Carefully, making sure the ink that carried his memories was dry, folded the last letter into it’s dusty brown envelope. The bitterness of the glue lingered on the tip of his tongue as he set the final letter with the rest on his empty desktop.


For what felt like the first time in days he looked up from his seat. He sat in an empty room in an empty house, spare the boxes with hastily scribbled ‘office’ ‘kitchen’ ‘fragile’ that were stacked high in their respective places. The house lay cold, still devoid of the life, the memories, the boxes possessed. It left Seunghyun a bit uneasy, but still didn’t help him will himself to begin the unpacking he knew would be an arduous undertaking.


Despite the back pain, headaches, and lack of sleep he knew would ensue, he welcomed the idea of a fresh start. His heart raced at the thought. A new house, a new job, a new life. Well, mostly. Certain things never really leave you. The things nestled safely away in their boxes with all the memories they held were testament to that. The small things nestled in one's heart were much the same. Seunghyun looked at the little stack of letters on his desk for a long while, their memories warmly washing over him, leaving his lips to curl upward. He took the letters from his desk, heart beating against it’s cage of bone, and headed for the door.


The knot in his spine and the street light's glow that newly entered the windows told him time was up. He was no where near done, but it was enough. It was a quarter past nine and he couldn’t wait much longer. He had barely fastened the last button of his shirt when it came. Rapid pounding came from the large oak door, it's hurried pace resonated through the empty house. It’s pulse nearly echoing the quickened beat of his heart. The lump in his throat grew with each step towards the door.


The oak frame gave way to Jiyong’s frail one. Hair once again dyed black was messily swept back. His dark, wet lashes framed warm earthen eyes stained red from the tears that threatened to escape once again. Long delicate fingers steadily held Seunghyun's stack of envelopes and their contents. The flips and twists that exploded in Seunghyun’s stomach would make you think he hadn’t laid eyes on the beautiful boy for an eternity. For Seunghyun it felt as though it had been. That same small frame easily made his way past Seunghyun’s and into the house. Seunghyun turned to follow, his eyes meeting with Jiyong’s as a silk sleeve quickly made work of the few rogue tears that remained tangled in his eyelashes.


“Seunghyun!” Even with a voice cracked by tears, his name still never sounded sweeter than when on Jiyong’s tongue. 

“You idiot! You know what a fool I looked in front of everyone when I opened that first letter? I felt like I was going to die!” Ji pouted, punching Seunghyun’s shoulder, unsuccessfully trying to contain the smile that played at his lips. Seunghyun just matched it, and he continued.

“How’d you sneak into the concert hall anyway? And my coat, and car, my mailbox, my wine glasses…” his rambling was voluntarily halted as he planted kisses on the older’s lips, leaning onto his toes to reach. Seunghyun pulled away, and Jiyong returned fully planted to the ground.

“I have my ways.” He smirked, the dimples deep in his cheeks revealed.

"I love you." Jiyong stated simply before trying to kiss the wry smirk from Seunghyun's face. Reluctantly Seunghyun drew back.

“You have one more,” he began, reaching into the chest pocket of his blazer. “But I’ll make this one easy for you.” It took everything in Seunghyun’s power to still his voice from shaking.


That warm beautiful smile split Ji’s face, before he carefully opened the letter, bitting his rosy bottom lip. Those graceful fingers began to shake as he read the words scrawled in fresh ebony ink.


‘A lot has changed since then. You graduated, with honors no less, and aren’t working in that hole in the wall anymore. (My barstool still hasn’t changed, but you now have the one next to it.) I finally was picked up by that publishing house as an editor, so that old degree of mine won’t be gathering dust much longer. Little Gaho is hanging around your place now, and your hair color has changed so many times I’ve lost count. (I still keep that pink haired picture in my wallet.)’


‘But at the heart of it nothing has really changed at all. We still drink too much wine. We laugh too loud and speak in whispers. Your fingers still map my lullabies onto worn ivory keys. I still stay awake at night at times, and there are still nights you stay out late. You talk too much and I speak too little. We fight and misunderstand, and we’re still very different people, but we’re still here. The world can crumble and fade, but the sun and moon will still remain.’


‘And I want you to stay by my side, whatever it takes. I’ll whisper it in stolen moments under hushed breaths. I’ll shout it to the world from the rooftop until my lungs give way. I’ll fill novels with the words I can never quite seem to convey. I’ll do it all if you just say you’ll stay.’


Jiyong’s tears fell anew, this time swept away by those familiar calloused fingers. Seunghyun rested his forehead against Jiyong’s, steadying the palpitations of his heart. He took Jiyong’s hands, still tightly grasping the letters, in his and began to speak. The words that escaped his lips were quiet, but strong. They needed to carry the weight of their message.


“There’s not much I can give to show you what you mean to me. Papers inked in our memories. A house to build into a home. A ring of platinum that will never tarnish. But I will give you it all, because my heart beats in your chest. My soul has been laid bare. Your sunlight has left no room for shadow, and I’m now afraid of the dark. So please, just say you’ll stay.”


‘The ring fit perfectly on your finger, much the way you fit in my heart.’

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Danees #1
Chapter 8: This is beautifully written. Thank you (:
Chapter 8: This is amazingly beautiful. You're great.
Chapter 8: Wow I can't even with this fic, it is so wonderful >__< I really love it and enjoyed reading it a lot :3
Chapter 8: This was beautiful. I enjoyed reading this thoroughly. You are blessed with a wonderful gift to have a way with words which makes our hearts sway.
Chapter 8: I discovered you with the Obsidiansaphire gtop writing fest (btw I hope you'll participate to the second one) & I always want to read more of your work!!!! The only regret is to not have done that before!!! Your writing is more than good & the story is too touching. ... (my heartbeatstill erratic after reading this one. ...) so thank for writing, sharing & still writing. ....
yuki_no_ #6
Chapter 8: I have wanted to comment on this fic for a while but I figured "wabfheoihfoajf" wouldn't be considered a proper comment for a fic as wonderfully written as this.

This is just too beautiful. I want a Seunghyun-Jiyong relationship for myself too. >.< LOL Anyway, thank you. This fic just gave me so much feels. <3
LockSTARx #7
Chapter 8: This is so beautiful!! Thank you!! (':
Jojokawaii #8
Chapter 8: My eyes are watering from sheer feeling.

This is so beautiful. So, so beautiful. Thank you for writing it.
i haven't read this yet but here i am subscribing it~~ kekeke^^ seeing all those lovely comments below made me interested to read this fics... so,,, here i go ---> to read the story.. :)))
Airen-Murasaki #10