My New Royal Family

My Guardian Angel

     I gulped, not knowing what to expect. When everyone left and it was just me and the king- er.... I mean my grandpa... I gulped and turned to him. 

     "Do you hate me?" I said. My eyes widened at how my voice came out: small, shaky and high. He chuckled and got up. 

     "Dear child, you are my blood. No matter how much I wanted to dislike you, I couldn't. You are a remarkable young girl. I've seen you are amazing in many things, and you're very kindhearted and sweet. Just because of your fathers mistake, I didn't allow myself to give up on you." 

      I was shocked, speechless. Then I heard a knock on the door and I braced myself for the worst. Two preppy princesses that were spoiled and snobby. That's what I expected. I didn't expect to see two very attractive guys come in. And well mannered too. Ew HanNa, they're your blood, don't think stuff. I striaghtened out and cleared my throat.

       The taller one came up and bowed, taking my hand and kissing it. "Annyong hasseyo. Jung Byung Hee imnida. But you can call me G.O. Everyone else does." I curtsied. "Kim HanNa imnida," I introduced myself. He smiled and the other, more younger boy, took his place.

       "Annyong hasseyo, Kim Myungsoo imnida." He smiled, bowed and kissed my hand. I felt weirded out that they did that. I curtsied and introduced myself again. 

       "So HanNa," my grandfather started, "the boys will be giving you a tour. Would you like that?" he asked. I hesitated. I really just wanted to grasp what I learned today and go to sleep and escape this craziness.

        "Ah," my grandfather said. "I understand." 

        I was confused. "Bo?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. He put his pointer finger to his head and I knew he had just read my mind. I gasped. I'll need to learn how to control that.

        He laughed and snapped his fingers, and 2 seconds later Minhyun appeared. "Take her to the room," he told him. Minhyun nodded and motioned for me to get closer to him. I walked over and curtsied to my cousins and grandfather. They bowed and then Minhyun snapped his fingers and we were gone and into the room I first walked into. 

       "This will be your room for tonight," Minhyun said. "Tomorrow you'll be at the castle all day learning about your responsibilities and etcetra. You'll be going back and forth from staying with Mihee in the real world and staying at the castle." I nodded. 

        "Do you have any more questions?" he asked. I looked in the mirror. "I have two questions," I told him, touching the scars on my cheek. He nodded.

        "Why are my eyes white? And will these scars always be here?" I asked. Minhyun cleared his throat.

        "Your eyes aren't white. They are more like silver-ish. They're like that because that's all the angels eye colors," he calmly said. "As for the scratches, they might, they might not. Some angels have extra powers, so if you have them, you could make them leave. But in this kingdom, we don't know anyone who can."

        I just nodded. "Anything else?" I shook my head. "Alright, sleep well," was the last thing he said before he snappeed and left. I rubbed my temple and opened the closet, putting on white tights and a cotton tunic. I turned off the lights and hopped into bed. Please let me wake up and this is all a nightmare.. Please... Aron I miss you. Mom and dad, please don't let this be true. If it is, I'll never forgive you.


Author's Note; 

Hola ! :D Uploaded early since I finished my hw ! :D Once in a blue moon that this will happen but hahahah yeah ! enjoy ^.^

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Chapter 6: Please update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please ^^ hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: update soon plz
FinJee #5
Chapter 5: Woah awesome! But will JR be a guardian angel too?
Chapter 4: Hi!!! I'm new readers !!! :) hmm.... Can you add Infinite or Mblaq maybe for her royal family??? Thx!! I love your story!!! Please update soon!!! ^o^
Chapter 1: Scaring the crap out of me before bed. KANKS A LOT ><