
My Guardian Angel


       I thought I was going crazy. "Aron! Omma! Appa! JR! Baekho! Ren! Amaya! Please answer me! I'm right here!" I yelled at them, sobbing. I needed answers. And the only one I knew who had answers was Minhyun.
       I hesitantly took out the bell from my dress pocket and looked at it. As I rang it, everyone's head turned and a doctor came in. And all of a sudden, I was back in the room where Minhyun was. I saw him with some girl. 
       "Yah!" I yelled. The girl snapped her fingers and was gone instantly. I rubbed my temples in a circle, the bell was no where to be found. This has to be some kind of a sick joke, I thought. 
       "So you saw?" he said, nonchalantly. I went and sat on the couch. "Tell me everything. From the start." I told him.
        He sat down across from me and looked me in the eyes. "Arasso."
        "Long ago," he started, "your ancestors, the Great Guardian Angels started this whole thing." 
        "Bu-" I started, but he didn't let me interrupt. 
        "Let me finish. When people died but were missing something on the past life, they wouldn't let them move on until they resolved their problem on Earth. Now, your dad used to be a Guardian Angel and help the people who would die. But the problem was, he fell in love with your mom."
        "Why is that a problem?" I asked him, trying to take everything in. 
        "Because. The Guardian Angels can be seen on Earth only if we want to. And we can only marry other Guardian Angels so we can have more Guardian Angels. It's against the rules to marry a human." 
        I was confused. Why was that so bad? 
        "But why though?" I asked him. He sighed and looked down. "Because things like you would happen." I felt offended. Highly offended.
        "What the hell is that suppose to mean?!" I said, my eyebrows furrowed. He looked up and glared at me. 
        "Your dad was next in line for the Guardian Angel throne. But when he met your mom, they secretly met up with each other. He knew the consequences for acting like that with a human, and so did your mom. 
        "When the king found out, he was furious. He banned your dad from ever coming back to our kingdom, Scepteria. And then they had you. You weren't an angel, or a human. So when your dad came back to Scepteria, our king, your grandfather, was absolutely furious. He banned anyone from going to help you with your powers." 
         "What?" I asked. "It's not my fault! Wait, I have powers? This is too much." I covered my face with my hands. 
         "I know. And I'm sorry. But I need to finish it all." Minhyun continued as I uncovered my face. "Your grandfather eventually kept going out into your world to make sure you were alright. The first Friday of every month. But since we can control who sees us in your world, he wouldn't let anyone see him. 
         "So when we were informed that you would be coming, your grandfather picked me to help you with everything. To control your powers and become a Guardian Angel."
         "But you said I wasn't an angel or human? So how could I be a Guardian Angel now? And how did you know I would come?" I asked him, more confused than ever.
         "Because, we have a profile of every single person living and we know everything about them, including when they will die. And since your dad was an angel and your mom a mere human, you had a choice. Someone could have came and trained you. Your dad could have. But his powers were taken away as soon as he choose your mom. 
         "No one could come train you because your grandfather forbid anyone to help you. But now that you're not human anymore, you have no choice but to become a Guardian Angel."
          I shook my head. "But wait, why does everyone have to listen to my grandfather?" I asked.
          "Because he's our king. You're one of the three royal grandkids he has. But your definitely not his favorite." Ouch. That one hurt a bit. 
          "So, explain the powers?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. He smiled. It was the first time today I saw him smile. 
          "Okay, you can fly, make things appear, teleport, read minds, and control who can see you, but the last one only works on Earth with humans." I smiled, then frowned, thinking about the mind reading one.
          "Have you read my mind?" I asked, a bit frantic. He laughed and looked down. "No." I sighed a breath of relief. "Not yet anyway," he continued. My head snapped up towards him. 
           Then we heard a knock. "Come in," Minhyun said. And in walked two guys with a girl struggling to get out. I gasped as I saw who the girl was. 
Author's Note;
-Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while :( I hope you like it ! 
-I might not have time to upload 'My Hijabi Love Story' bc my battery's about to die and my dongseng broke my charger so now I have to use my appa's but his computer turns off after 3 minutes of not being charged -_- So mian! Maybe tomorrow! 
-Btw I know it's way passed, but KCON, Sandy and BAP's new teaser. And tomorrow the new episode of Nu'est's LO/\E Story comes out ^.^ Epic fangirl <33 
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Chapter 6: Please update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please ^^ hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: update soon plz
FinJee #5
Chapter 5: Woah awesome! But will JR be a guardian angel too?
Chapter 4: Hi!!! I'm new readers !!! :) hmm.... Can you add Infinite or Mblaq maybe for her royal family??? Thx!! I love your story!!! Please update soon!!! ^o^
Chapter 1: Scaring the crap out of me before bed. KANKS A LOT ><