Will I or Won't I?

Only Yours

You drummed your fingers against the desk as you gazed around the office. Once you'd arrived your boss had told you that today was just an observing day and to run errands for any of the other staff members and so far all you'd been asked to do was make coffee. You withheld a sigh and glanced around the office and watched everyone working hard. So much for a dream job. You thought as you sat back in your chair and crossed your arms.
You couldn't help but let your mind drift to the mysterious man. You felt your cheeks heat and a smile stretch across your face as you recalled how your lunch date was in just half an hour. He was such a smooth talker, how could I have agreed to go out to lunch with him without knowing his name!
Looking up you saw one of the women from the office looking at you strangely.  Realizing you'd just been sitting there for 10 minutes with a dopey expression on your face you quickly straightened up and smiled apologetically to the lady. "Is there anything I can help you with?" You asked politely, hoping you might be given something exciting to do.

“Could you maybe get me some more coffee?”

It’s going to be a long half an hour.


“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... Lunch time.” You muttered under your breath as you jumped out of your seat. You weren’t sure why you were so excited and anxious. It had been a long time since you’d been asked out on a date, and never with someone as handsome as this guy.

Walking down the corridors you came across your boss and told her that you would be back in an hour after you’d had something to eat.

She nodded her head. “Of course. It must be tiring with all the errands you’ve had to do so far.” She said cheerily and began walking in the opposite direction as you. Shaking your head you started to walk back to the entrance. Tiring errands indeed.


You stood out the front of the building and looked around to see if he was waiting. What am I doing!? You thought. Getting all excited for this random guy? He could be a complete creep! You shook your head and made up your mind then and there, you decided to just go out and buy some take-away lunch and go back to the office. As you began walking down the streets you tried your best to cast away any thoughts on the handsome stranger.

“WAIT!!” It was him, you could tell by the sound of his voice. You began to walk faster and kept your gaze straight ahead, not daring to look behind. His footsteps could be heard running after you and so you began to walk faster but to no avail. He caught up to you and began walking alongside you keeping up with your pace easily.

“Where are you going?” He asked, but you refused to answer and just shook your head slightly. “I thought we agreed to a lunch date?”

“I didn’t agree.” You muttered. “You stunned me and didn’t let me think about it.”

He chuckled lightly and slipped his hands into his pockets. You turned to glance at him and saw that he was looking at you with amusement sparkling in his eyes. “I stunned you, did I?” He asked, smirking at you. “And how exactly did I stun you?”

You blushed as you realised you’d basically revealed that you found his appearance ‘stun-worthy’ but you refused to tell him that. “Maybe because you poured a hot drink down my shirt.” You answered. “The heat made me have a momentary lapse of judgement thank you very much.” Saying this was you trying to convince yourself rather than him.

He laughed out loud and shook his head. “And here I am trying to make it up to you and take you out for a nice lunch but you insisted on walking away and making me chase after you.”

“I didn’t ask you to chase me.” You told him and stopped walking to glare at him. This guy is really frustrating. He stopped walking and turned to look at you too. You could tell from the small smile upon his face that he found your annoyance amusing.

“Ah, but I couldn’t just let you leave without apologising properly over this little incident now could I?” He said cheekily.

“Well apologise then and I’ll be on my way.” You said smirking at him, thinking you’d won this little game, but he just smiled even wider.

“I will apologise... While we are eating lunch.” He said and laughed again as he watched your smirk drop. “Come on! All I’m asking is for a measly hour of your time.” Suddenly he looked upset and pouted. He looked down at the ground and said quietly, “It would make me feel much better about this if you came to lunch with me and let me apologise.”

You couldn’t help but want to make him smile again. What harm could come from just going out for lunch with him? Just as you were about to say yes there was suddenly a mass of squeals.

“OPPA~” You could hear some girls squeal, so you turned around and saw a few girls walking in your direction. You turned around puzzled and looked behind Mr Handsome Stranger to see who the girls were squealing for, maybe there were idols around. There were many people walking around but you couldn’t be sure. You shook your head and turned to continue your conversation with him but stopped and saw he looked a bit frightened.

“Are you alright?” You asked worriedly, but suddenly he grabbed your wrist and started running to the left, dodging through all the people. What is going on? You thought as he continued to run in all different directions. Just as suddenly as it began it stopped and you saw that you were already on the other side of town.

“What was that all about!?” You yelled looking up at him and feeling slightly scared. What was this guy’s problem?

“Mianhe.” He muttered and looked away from you. “I....... I-I thought I saw someone I knew.”

“And you ran away from them and dragged me with you!?” You yelled, still not understanding what exactly had just happened.

“Mianhe.” He said again and sighed. “I just didn’t want to see them. I didn’t want you to get involved with all of this.” He said cryptically throwing his hands up in the air.

You furrowed your brow and crossed your arms trying to figure out where exactly you were. The least he could have done was run back to my work, now I’m going to be late. You told him exactly this and he sighed and nodded his head in defeat.

“I guess we won’t be going out for lunch.” He said sadly, using that same ‘crushed puppy dog’ expression. You shook your head with a smile on your face. Sure this guy is a bit strange, but he seems nice enough. Also he’s incredibly handsome. You fished out a small piece of paper and pen and proceeded to write down your number.

“Here is my number, we can go to lunch some other time.”

“Jinja!?” He said excitedly, beaming at you and reaching for the piece of paper when suddenly you pulled it just out of his reach.

“Firstly, my name is Choi Hana.... What is yours?” You questioned. After all you didn’t want to go out with a complete stranger.

He gulped and looked down at his feet. What has he forgotten his name or something? You thought as you watched him still standing there in silence. It was if he was contemplating what he was going to tell you.

“My name is Woohy-“ He cut himself off and shook his head, you were about to question what he was doing when he quickly raised his head and smiled at you. “My name is Jung-Su.”

You smiled and nodded your head while handing him your number. “Well Jung-Su, I have to get to work now, but I expect a call soon.” You said giving him a small smile.

He laughed. “I hope it doesn’t take me this long to get you to agree on our second date.”

Your cheeks heated up, but you ignored his comment and began walking back to work feeling like the happiest girl in the world.

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Chapter 2: Oh pooey. Stupid fans.... Oh wells. I guess woohyun did have to lie...
minyoungunnie #2
Chapter 2: Jung-Su??
Why did woohyun lie??