The Beginning

Only Yours

“Choi Hana, You’re Hired! Welcome to the team!”

“Jinja!? Kamsahamnida. This is a dream come true.” You told the lady as you began to rise from your seat and bow profusely.

You’d arrived in Seoul only two days ago and already you’d found an internship that would help further your career in journalism. This is the best day ever! You thought to yourself while smiling at your interviewer.

The woman smiled back humbly at you and began rummaging through the drawers of her desk before pulling out what looked like an incredibly heavy stack of forms. She walked around the desk and pushed the large stack of paper into your hands, causing you to fumble with the heavy load.

“These are just a few sheets we’ll need you to read through before you begin your internship here at ‘The Jumble’ magazine.” She said, laughing slightly at the sight of you trying to balance the pile.

A few sheets! This lady is crazy! You thought, but still so grateful for the internship you continued to smile.

“Your first day will be tomorrow Hana! Dress in suitable attire and come straight to this office at 8am sharp.” The lady said signalling for you to leave the office.

“Of course! You won’t regret giving me this internship!” You said, gathering up the papers. You began to retreat from the office and walk away from the headquarters of ‘The Jumble’ magazine, one of the most highly read magazines of Seoul.

This is so amazing. You thought as you walked down the streets towards your newly purchased apartment, courtesy of your loving (and very rich) parents. Fishing out your keys from your bag you slowly opened the door and admired your new apartment. Boxes were piled up everywhere and nothing was set up. Sigh, better get started now. You thought and began to take all your boxes of clothes towards the bedroom.




After a long day of preparing your new apartment you decided it was finally time for sleep and so you began your night time ritual of enjoying a shower, washing and moisturising your face while enjoying a warm drink. It was hard to be comfortable in this new apartment though. You’d just turned 20 only a few weeks ago and decided it’d be best to move away from home and pursue your own life. You were an only child and had been babied your whole life by your parents so on your 20th birthday you’d decided it was enough and had moved to the big city. Wiping your eyes, you began to feel drowsy and so with one final thought going through your head, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

I wonder how tomorrow will go.





Slamming your hand down on the alarm clock you drowsily lifted your head up off of the soft comfortable pillows. Ah, it’s time to get up already!?

Suddenly you remembered today was the first day of your internship at ‘The Jumble’ and you shot out of bed and rushed towards the boxes of clothes, flinging through everything to try and find a smart yet y outfit that would be perfect for your first day. I want to give a spectacular first impression, you thought.

Settling on a dark blue blouse with a curved neck line and a grey knee-length pencil skirt you ran towards the bathroom to prepare your hair into soft curls and natural looking make up. You weren’t even late, but that didn’t stop you from rushing around the apartment like a mad woman. At 7:30am sharp, you gathered all the things you needed for work and rushed out the door without breakfast.

Once the door was locked you walked out onto the busy streets and headed towards the headquarters, which to your calculations should only take 20 minutes to get to. Not paying attention to where you were going you walked forward, looking up into the air and admiring the blue sky when suddenly you collided into someone and scalding hot liquid was tipped onto you.

“AAAAAHH!” You couldn’t help but yell, causing people to stare at the commotion. The hot liquid was irritating your skin and was causing you to redden. “What have you done you idio-“

Looking up at the stranger standing in front of you caused you to trail off and forget about your surroundings. He was tall and dressed casually in jeans and a buttoned up shirt, but that wasn’t what had caused you to stop talking. He may have possibly been the most handsome guy you’d ever seen. His eyes burned into yours and you couldn’t help but admire his striking and handsome features. Yours eyes lowered as you admired his lean muscle.

“Are you finished?” Your head snapped up as you watched the guy smirk down at you. Your mouth fell open as you stared at this guy with disbelief. Who does he think he is? Is he not going to apologise!?

Excuse me!” You shouted at him, temporarily snapping out of your dreamy haze. “You just poured coffee all over me!” You said, stamping your foot to the ground in annoyance and glared at him. Just because he’s handsome does not mean he can get away with this!

He continued to smirk and looked over your dampened shirt appreciatively. “I can see that.” He said smugly, taking a step closer to you. Your heart to began to speed up. No Hana! Forget about this and go to work!

You took a step back and continued to glare at the rude, handsome stranger. “I have somewhere to be and I can’t deal with your rudeness now.” You said prissily and began to turn and walk towards the headquarters.

“Wait!” He yelped and jogged to your side and kept up with your pace. “Mianhe! I’m terribly sorry about that.” He said sincerely. You looked at him out of the corner of your eye and saw that his previous smug expression was gone and he looked apologetic.

You sighed and continued walking towards the headquarters. Turning your head you saw that the mysterious handsome stranger was still following you.

“It’s fine.” You told him, hoping he would walk away as he was making you flustered.

“It’s not ok!” He said, shaking his head adamantly and having a troubled expression making him look super adorable, in your opinion. “I can’t believe I did that to you, and you looked so gorgeous in that outfit. Not that you don’t still look gorgeous, because trust me. You do.” He told you honestly, giving you a crooked smile.

You could feel your cheeks heat up from the compliment and looking at his smile made your heart melt. I only just met this guy! How can I already feel this way towards him?

Not having anything to say you walked around the corner and arrived at the headquarters. “It’s fine.” You repeated and began to walk up the steps towards the door. Turning around you saw the handsome guy looking up at you from the bottom step and not leaving. He had a determined look in his eye.

“Is there anything you ne-“

“Let me take you out for lunch!” He said, smiling up at you. “As an apology for spilling my drink on you.”

Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. This was the last thing you expected him to say. Sure he was handsome, but he seemed a little cocky at first and he spilt a drink all over you. You looked at him and saw he was still giving you that heart-warming smile that sent butterflies fluttering in your tummy.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know you.” You said unsurely, pausing on the steps of your new workplace that you should have been in five minutes ago.

He walked up the first few steps so your eyes were even with his and only a few inches were between you. “We can get to know each other over lunch.” He said softly, tilting his head slightly to look into your eyes.


He chuckled at your flustered expression and leant closer to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, causing you to lose all coherent thought. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

All you could do was nod. He grinned at you and began to walk away. “I’ll be here at 12:30!” He called over his shoulder and began walking away.

You turned around and hastily began walking towards the office where you were to begin your internship.


Wow, he was so handsome and now we’re going to lunch. But I didn’t even catch his name. Smooth talker. He seemed slightly familiar though.

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Chapter 2: Oh pooey. Stupid fans.... Oh wells. I guess woohyun did have to lie...
minyoungunnie #2
Chapter 2: Jung-Su??
Why did woohyun lie??