
A Toy's Story


Sungmin watched on as the kids around him fought for the chance to play with him. He was new at the kindergarten and knew no one or their personalities. He had heard many stories about kindergartens before. The boys were usually rowdy while the girls, as delicate as they may look, get angry and throw tantrums if they don't get what they want. It seemed to be true as the kids tugged on his hands and pulled at his ear, shouting at one another as they did so.


"I wanna play with him!" A little girl with pigtails pulled on his arm.


Sungmin whimpered but knew not to make any sound. Sungmin had experienced children fighting over him before, but, as much as it boosted his self-esteem, it still hurt him.


"NO! I need him to defend my empire!" Another boy hollered. This time, the boy grabbed his other arm and pulled Sungmin towards him. The boy and the girl was glaring daggers at one another, with Sungmin hanging mid air between the both of them. 


Sungmin secretly wished that someone would come save him. His hands were starting to hurt, and all he wanted to do at the moment was hide in a corner till it was lights out and the kids had to return home. Sungmin was still praying for anyone to save him when he suddenly felt a pair of arms around his waist lifting him up.  He mentally rejoiced.


"Now now kids, it isn't nice to fight with one another. Either you share or you don't play at all." The teacher in charge told them. 


After much thought, they both decided that it wasn't fun to play with the opposite gender. 


"Hmph!" They let out and with their nose in the air, stalked off to join their friends again. 


The teacher sighed and muttered, "Kids these days." 


The teacher dusted Sungmin off and placed him on a high shelf, where he could see everything that was happening in the kindergarten. He saw a group of girls playing with dolls and another group at a corner playing house. The boy from earlier was organizing toy soldiers into different formations. The toy soldiers looked pretty much the same except for one particular one that caught his eye. This toy soldier wasn't really a toy soldier. He was a spy. He was dressed mostly in black and looked really cool. His eyes was covered by a pair of sunglasses and attached near his mouth was a mic. Stunned by his handsomeness, Sungmin did not take his eyes off the little toy spy. 


And little did Sungmin know, he too caught the attention of the very same toy. 




"Aww, man! Finally! The kids left! I'm bushed." The little monkey plushie cried out, stretching his body to get rid of knots in his back. 


"I swear those kids are evil! How are they so violent?!" Another toy cried out. He flapped his fins and rolled on the floor. 


"Oh shush Hyuk!" Kangin cried out, "You too Hae!" He added when Donghae, the nemo plushie, started to laugh at his friend. 


"You aren't fit to say anything! Those devils didn't pull out the stuffings in you!" Kangin fumed. 


When Donghae and Eunhyuk took a closer look at Kangin, they realized that there was indeed a stitch running down his back. The two started to laugh again and barely gasped out, "At, haha, least, you look slimmer!" 


Kangin reached out to hit them when someone beat him to it. 


The monkey and the fish turned around and shouted in unison, "KYUHYUN!" 


Kyuhyun grinned at them and shrugged. Eunhyuk and Donghae started to advance on Kyuhyun, causing the spy the walk backwards till he bumped into the weird turtle plushie that always seemed to hang out with the friendly giraffe plushie. 


"Woah there." Yesung jested, lightly pushing Kyuhyun back onto his feet. 


"Thanks Hyung!" 


"No problem!" 


"Oh right! Where's that new toy bunny, Sungmin?" Kyuhyun inquired. He looked around him and spotted Sungmin trying to get down from the shelf that was pretty high up. He noticed Sungmin stretching his legs to try and reach the shelf filled with books that was not too far away from the shelf. Kyuhyun was still staring at Sungmin when he realized that every other toy in the room was staring at him as well. 


"What?" He asked. 


"Nothing." Ryeowook replied. 


Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrows, not believing him in the slightest. He stared at every other toy in the room and noted that each and everyone of them had resumed what they were doing, clearly trying to act as if they hadn't been staring curiously at Kyuhyun for some time. Among the toys was one that stood out the most. The angel figurine that was standing closely beside Kangin was whistling, eyes darting around the room. 


"Aha!" Kyuhyun thought. He knew that Leeteuk, the mother figure in the room of toys, was one that could not keep his mouth shut. He made his way over and poked him twice, barely registering Kangin yelling at him to not poke his teukie as he was very fragile, physically speaking. Leeteuk's gaze landed on Kyuhyun and he made an effort to hide behind the teddy bear. However, Kyuhyun was too fast and grabbed on his arm, pulling him forward. 


Leeteuk was trying to pry Kyuhyun's fingers off when he suddenly halted in his actions and gawked at the space behind Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun released his grip on Leeteuk and turned to see what was going on. His eyes automatically returned to the spot where he last saw sungmin, but lo and behold, Sungmin was gone and Kyuhyun was greeted with an empty space. His eyes than traveled down to the shelf beside and what he saw made his jaw drop. Sungmin had done an air flip and had landed gracefully on his two feet. The pile of books Sungmin was standing on started to wobble from the impact and Kyuhyun nearly dived forward to try and save the cute bunny. But, Sungmin surprised everyone yet again when he jumped and landed on the handle of an umbrella leaning against the table where the books were placed. The umbrella fell forward, together with Sungmin on it. Yet when the umbrella clattered onto the floor, Sungmin remained unscathed, if the way he was walking was any indication.  Sungmin strode confidently towards the group of toys with a grin plastered on his face. 


"HI!" The group of toys chorused awkwardly. They were still stunned by Sungmin's moves and could not, for the love of God, keep their mouths close. Especially Kyuhyun. Other than "I'm a spy and I can't do that! How the hell is an adorable cuddly bunny able to do… THAT!" nothing was processing in Kyuhyun's mind. 


Sungmin, having seen their reaction, smiled shyly at them and uttered a soft "hi" back at them. The moment he did that, everyone came out of their reverie. Ryeowook and Leeteuk started gushing over his cute voice while the rest started to rave about his "awesome moves". Sungmin giggled, which caused almost everyone to go "awwww….". Yeah, everyone but Kyuhyun. 


Kyuhyun was jealous. He saw Sungmin first, and Sungmin saw him as well, so technically Sungmin belonged to Kyuhyun. Right? 




Once all the big hooha over Sungmin was over  (which Kyuhyun didn't take part in), Leeteuk brought Sungmin over to a sulking Kyuhyun, leaving after he did so. Kyuhyun looked up in shock when his vision of the floor was blocked by a pair of pink paws. 


"Hi! I'm Sungmin." The pink toy introduced himself shyly. 


"Uhm, hi. I'm Kyuhyun." The toy spy replied, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 


"Uh… Can I sit with you?" 




After that, no more conversation was made and an uncomfortable silence fell upon them. Both of them paid no heed to the awkwardness but was instead nervous about the presence of the opposite. 


"Omigosh… This guy is hot." 


"Damn. He's cuter up close." 


Thoughts were reeling in both their minds and when Kyuhyun finally noticed the atmosphere around them, he tried to start up a conversation. 


"Pink looks good on you." He abruptly said.


Sungmin started and smiled sheepishly, "Thanks. I like your sunglasses."


"Thanks. I like them too, but they're stuck onto my face and it gets horribly dark at night." 


"Oh. Isn't that scary?"


"Yeah, I used to be scared all the time!" Kyuhyun chuckled at the memory, "But then I found something and now it isn't so bad." 


Sungmin cocked his head to the side, wondering what it was that made Kyuhyun's fear disappear. 


"Come! I'll show you!" Kyuhyun offered his hand to Sungmin. Sungmin grabbed it and allowed Kyuhyun to pull him to his feet. 


They walked behind a house made of legos and towards a secluded area in the kindergarten. There, a squarish machine stood with a wire attached to it and winding up to a power socket. Below was a few blocks in the shape of a stairs and lying on the floor was soft looking blankets. Kyuhyun walked to the blankets and gestured for Sungmin to sit down on it. Sungmin did as he was told, unsure of the machine staring right back at him. Kyuhyun then flick on a stitch and suddenly, the screen that was once blank lighted up, illuminating the dark area. As figures run across the screen, Kyuhyun made himself comfortable on the blanket. the smile on Kyuhyun's face as he introduced the weird object was as bright as the light from the screen, Sungmin concluded. 


"Here, Sungmin, we have a GameBoy!" Kyuhyun said excitedly. 




Throughout the course of the whole night, Kyuhyun taught Sungmin how to play the game within the machine. He also made the bunny swear to secrecy and told him of the story on how he obtained such a "wonderful creation". 


"So, there was a day when a little boy brought this game to kindergarten. He said that his mum bought it for him. So, anyway, that day, he had carried me in his lap and allowed me to see how the game was played. Of course, he didn't know that toys come alive at night. I just saw how he clicked the buttons and kind of registered it into my mind. So, he played on it for the entire day and wouldn't let anyone else play with it. Naturally, the battery ran out and he had to charge it. That's why, you see the charger here in the socket. I was with the boy the whole time, so only I know the game's here.


"When it was charging, the little boy had nothing to do and decided to play with his friends. But because he was selfish and refused to share his gameboy, everyone shunned him. He cried and was taken to the office where he had a nap time, I think. The boy never did come back though. I'm not too sure, but I think it was because his parents took him away when he was sleeping and they migrated to America that day." 


Kyuhyun concluded his explanation with a clap of his hands. He noticed the clock ticking towards six in the morning and started panicking. 


"Hurry min! We need to hurry! The teacher comes in at 6 sharp everyday!!" He scrambled from his seat and grabbed Sungmin's arm. He climbed the table and shelf with Sungmin, helping said bunny go back to his original position. Unfortunately for them, the clock started beeping, which meant that it was already 6. Kyuhyun quickly sat in Sungmin's lap, with Sungmin arms wrapped around him and his bunny ears drooping down, covering the small smile visible on both their faces. And since they were perched on the most visible location in the room, all the toys cooed at the newly created the couple. They had begun to chatter when the sounds of keys jingling sounded throughout the room. They lowered the cover of the box they were in and decided that the interrogation could wait till tonight. 


The door to the room swung open and the teacher trudged in tiredly. However, the sight of the cuddling toy bunny and plastic toy spy caused her to do a double take.


"Huh, I don't remember placing the spy toy and bunny together!" She mused. 


And she swore she heard a few snickers come from somewhere within the room.




A/N: I finally wrote more than 2000 words :D I'm so proud of myself right now!! Enjoy :) 

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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: Ohhh my gosshh its sooo cutee that i think i will melting because of them....
Chapter 1: Aaahhh...... So cute!!!!!!! Kyaaa~ I can't imagine min with his bunny body with kyu together.. Lolol.. Must be hilarious.. More please~ this is just so great >.<
Yuui_nyan #3
This was really cute!! *__*
It's different to other stories and imagining them as toys was fun (even though I didn't realize it at first when the kids argued over Ming :'D) :D
I enjoyed reading it and keep up with the good work! ♥
Hwaiting! :)
Oh, and I really like your style of writing :33
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww that was so cute! I didn't realise Sungmin was a toy at first...... The gameboy part was funny. So even in toy form Kyuhyun is a gamer!
Chapter 1: Cute!~~~~^^
Keep it up! ^^