
And We Meet Again

A/N: Since I haven't updated in 12331343 years, this is going to be an extra long chapter!



Beep! Beep! My phone goes off at 9 AM, and for the first time in my life, I jump out of my bed. Today’s the last day of our vacation! Make it count, Tanya! After getting washed up and dressed, I run as fast as I can downstairs to the hotel restaurant, where people are eating breakfast. I scan the area for Kevin. Where is he, where is he?

“Hey, Tanya, are you looking for me?” Chelsea says, popping up in front of me.

“Why would anyone look for you?” Eli laughs at her.

“Hey, what the heck?! Plenty of people look for me!” Chelsea yells at him angrily. I ignore their banter until I finally spot him, stepping off the elevator, hands in his pockets, looking totally cool. When he spots me looking at him, he gives me his signature glare of hatred. I return it… after 10 seconds.

What is wrong with me? Why am I acting so weird? I stare at Kevin. Should I have just accepted his apology? Is it too late for that? Why is he so cute? Did he miss me in Seoul as much as I missed him?

I don’t realize that Kevin’s been waving his hand in front of my face for the past 2 minutes. “Hello, anyone there?” he says. I refocus and say, “What?”

“In case you hadn’t noticed, you were staring at me for a looong time.” Kevin rolls his eyes. “Why, am I that attractive?”

I scoff. “What?!”

Kevin smirks. “Kidding, kidding. But I am attractive, no?” For some reason, this makes me giggle like a 7th grader. Kevin’s haughty expression turns into one of befuddlement. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing!” I laugh. “Okay, I’m going to go find Chelsea.”

“Uh, she’s right over there.” Kevin points behind me, and I notice Chelsea and Eli arguing about something while walking over to us.

“Chelsea, do you want to go scuba-diving today? Mrs. Godwin announced that she was giving out free passes to anyone who wanted to.” I ask.

“Sure! But Eli’s coming too.” Chelsea replies, and then says to Eli, “Anyway, I’m telling you strawberry jam is better than grape jam. Strawberry jam tastes so much fruitier!”

“Strawberry jam is disgusting!” Eli says. “By the way, we should go get ready to go scuba-diving.” Both of them walk off to the elevators together, bickering the whole time.

I turn to Kevin, who’s laughing at Eli and Chelsea. “Um, Kevin, do you want to come with us, too?”

“No thanks,” Kevin says, and walks away.

Okay, fine. So he doesn’t want to go scuba diving with us. Whatever. It’s not like I feel disappointed or anything. Maybe. I humph and start walking to Mrs. Godwin to collect our scuba diving passes, carefully weaving in and out of the crowds of students sitting down at tables. Suddenly, someone gets up from their chair very quickly- so quickly that I don’t even realize they stood up. I trip and literally flip over the chair. My right ankle gets caught under one of the legs and snap! “OWWWW!” I scream of agony. I collapse onto the floor.

The scene that follows is chaos. Through the blur of my tears, I can see masses of people descending on top of me. George Yakobovsky (the guy who was sitting in the chair) keeps saying, “I’m so sorry!” over and over again. All the teachers have run from their table to me, frantically trying to get everyone away from me and think of what to do. I see Ms. Rista shooing away some cameras, and I curl up into a ball. My foot feels like it’s going to snap off. The worst part is, the blisters and pain from walking barefoot everywhere last night hasn’t worn off, so the agony is multiplied by 10. Oh my god, this is the most mortifying moment of my life. I start sobbing even harder.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of comforting arms lift me up and carry me away. I have no idea who’s carrying me, but I just cry harder as I feel the person carrying me take me  on the elevator, open the door to my room, and lay me down on my bed. I rub my eyes. Whoever this is, I should really thank-

“You’re such a klutz, Tanya.”

HOLY. CRAP. CRAP. IT’S KEVIN. My face burns and I jump up from the bed.

“Kevin, what the-owww!” I cringe as I accidentally step on my twisted ankle. “Owww oww oww oww!”

Kevin rolls his eyes and pushes me back on my bed, which makes my face burn even more. “Don’t get up, stupid.”

“You carried me all the way here? Why?” I ask him. “I thought you…”

“I’m not just going to leave you on the floor. Remember that time when we were running the mile in PE and I fell down? You got me a band-aid.” he replies.

“Um, a band-aid’s kinda different from carrying me up to my room.” I scratch my ear. “But… uhh… thanks, though.”

“Hmph. Let me go get you an ice pack.” Kevin walks out the door.

Oh wow. Although Kevin carrying me up to my room was embarrassing, it was still a sweet thing to do. A really sweet thing to do. I smile and bury my face in my pillow. My heart feels all antsy and jumpy, for some reason. I hear the door open, and an ice pack falls on my head. “Take it,” Kevin mutters, and opens the door again to leave.

“Wait!” I exclaim. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Rest,” Kevin replies monotonously.

“But that’s boring!” I moan. Kevin rolls his eyes and plops down in a chair next to me.

“Fine, I’ll stay here. But only for a few minutes.” Kevin says, and I smile widely.

“Thanks,” I tell him, my voice muffled by my pillow. I reposition the ice pack on my ankle, and I cringe as I realize my ankle looks 3 times bigger than it usually does. Right now, I could’ve been snorkeling… but at the same time, I’m…. just a bit happy that Kevin’s with me. I turn and look at Kevin, and it’s obvious that he doesn’t feel the same.

“So… how’s life?” I ask him tentatively, trying to break the tension.

                “Hmph.” Kevin scratches his head. “Uh… do you... still watch anime?”

                “Of course! You still watch too?” I ask. Kevin and I love anime. We used to have anime watching marathons every week at his place, pigging out on pizza and store-bought cupcakes. I thought Kevin had given up anime, but I guess I was wrong.

                “Do you want to rewatch Death Note or something? I can pull up the episodes on my phone.” Kevin says.

                “YES!” I shriek with excitement. Kevin moves his chair next to my bed, and pulls up episode 1 on Youtube. A wave of nostalgia washes over me as I listen to the familiar notes of the opening theme song. Kevin and I spend the next 20 minutes enjoying Death Note, making idiotic comments and laughing our heads off.

                “I WANT MISA-MISA!” Kevin yells.

                “Misa doesn’t even show up in episode 1, you loser,” I say, hitting him with my pillow. Kevin retaliates by grabbing another pillow from my bed and whacking me on the back with it.

                “Pillow fight!” I screech.

                “Bring it on!” Kevin exclaims, and we attack each other with our pillows, and then fall into uncontrollable laughter. I haven’t done this with Kevin in years.

                “Tanya?” I hear Kevin say next to me.

                “Mhm?” I turn to look at him.

                “I… I missed you,” Kevin says, looking down at the floor. I feel a smile spread on my face, and I scoff. “It took you that long to say that, Kevin?” I say teasingly. “Well, I missed you, too.”

                “Are we good? Friends again? Amigos?” Kevin asks me. I pause and stare at my bed. Although I’m still a bit annoyed at Kevin, I really want to be friends with him again.

                “Friends.” I smile.  



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dinadee #1
Well, its kinda late for me. No, its very very very late. What? This fic was from 3 years ago? And i just find out now!? Oh, God.
I love your story very much. A really sweet ending. This Kevin is really makes my heart fluttering ><
Good story and good job! XD
Chapter 22: Loved it! But could you maybe write a short sequel about chelsea and eli? Since they're not really together still
bean98 #3
Chapter 22: Awwwww!!! Too cute! :)
erialc #4
Chapter 22: That was a sweet ending! :D Awww, and I know how it feels to mark a story complete, sad and happy at the same time, haha :D
Chapter 21: Oh my lord my feels!!!!
Such a big twist :(
Thanks for the updates :)
erialc #6
Chapter 21: OOOH M rated stuff :D By the way I love your background!
erialc #7
Chapter 20: My goodness..... That was so.. Ugh just when things were getting all nice and wonderful! Sigh. Thanks for the updates though :D
ukiss_charm #8
Chapter 18: pls update it soon
erialc #9
Chapter 18: That was the best chapter ever! :D Oh my god, but poor Tanya and Kevin. :( Am i the only one who imagines Kevin in his Dora Dora hairstyle? :P
Chapter 18: OMG Love this chapter!!!!!!! ^-^ <3