Chapter 4

The Day We Fell In Love [HIATAS]

             Ottoke?? You thought in your mind.

            Then you decided to reach for your phone. You pretended to dial someone's number in so the person won't know that no one's coming to pick you up.

             " Oppa! Um...When are you coming to pick me up?"

             " Jjinja! Right now?! Okay, um...I'll be right there."

          You put your phone back in your purse and turned the road, but unfortunately, you hit a dead end. As you look for ways to get out you saw a man walking toward you slowly. As he stepped out and came into the light you could see his face clearly. He was about 5'7'' tall and was wearing a tan trench coat. You looked around trying to find a weapon but there was nothing. You looked back at the man.

         He had a weird grin on his face. You looked at him scared. But removed that face and pretened to look strong. But inside, your dying. He started walking toward you, pushed you roughly to the wall. It hurts since the wall was brick. You stiffed up because he started to wispher in your ear.

           " Hey there, young lady, want to help me out tonight, and come to the motel with me."

        You were disgusted since you could smell alcohol in his breath.

        "Um, Sir? Can you let me go?"

       " Why would I do that? I haven't had any fun, since my girlfriend left me, so why don't we do something tonight."

    You were about to scream since you knew what he was talking about.




      On the other hand.......

    Myungsoo was walking to his red mustang and was about to reach for his keys. He searched everywhere but couldn't find it.

      " Damn it! I forgot it in the practice room again." he said to himself.

   So he began walking back to the dance studio. He looked around to see if anyone was there. Luckily there wasn't anyone. So he decided to break out into this weird dance. But suddenly he heard someone screaming. He ignored it and began walking back to the studio.

     You tried you scream more, but the man put his hand in front of your mouth. You bit and hand and got loose for a while. But he caught you in just a few seconds. you tried to get out of his grip but he was strong. You suddening heard someone whistling. 

      Please help me!

  The man pushed you against the wall again and began to unbotton your blouse. You started to yell for help. But no one came. Little did you know, Myungsoo heard it and began running. Then he found you. He went up to the guy and punched him in the stomach. You didn't know what was going on since your eyes were closed. All you heard were 'Ouch' 'Aish'.

   You began to open your eyes and saw the man laying down on the concrete. You searched the area for the guy that saved you. Then you found him. 

    " Myungsoo-ssi?" you said in suprised. Then you notice this face had a bruise in it. Also a cut on his lip.

      " Are you o-okay?" he asked trying to catch his breath. "Ne. But are YOU okay?" you asked trying to help him up.

     " Ya! What do you think your doing walking around at night, alone?" He screamed at you

      "Um, I didn't have money for the bus." You said embarressed.

      " Aish! I'll just give you a ride home. But just today. Don't tell anyone! "

     "Ne." you said as you helped him to the studio to get his keys.

  After he got them he and you walked to his mustang. He looked at you to see if you were fasinated by his car like others. But you weren't since you have a white one at home. But people didn't know you were rich. He was confused.

     How is she not suprised to see this amazing car?

   You got in the the car and put your seatbelt on. You told him your address. He was really suprised since the address is really close to where he lived. The rest of the ride was in silence.



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Chapter 13: hmmmmm i think she likes ljoe more tho and i ship them kekekeke~~~!!
Kairi_91 #2
Chapter 13: Please update!! :))
Chapter 12: i always here that line 'dont fall inlove with me' :p
updtae soon :)
Chapter 9: can't wait for next chapter ..
Chapter 8: update sooooooooooon ~
_-Sumin #6
Chapter 7: plzzzz update soon!!!~
please and thank q ^^