Chapter 01: I

Hello Stranger, Goodbye Love

He'd recognize those eyes anywhere; a delicious swirl of dark chocolate with glimmers of light reflecting off those huge marbles of his.


Kim Jongin hesitated for a moment when a tiny voice in his head suggested that he go over and say hello to the small figure who was seated at a cozy corner of the cafe which he often frequented. He would have listened to the voice back then, when he was still a boy of 18 years though. However, Jongin felt so strongly about approaching the person that his heart ached every time thoughts of "I shouldn't." and "Just forget it." washed over his entire being.


It was only when his order of Cafe Caramel (Brewed coffee with a touch of French vanilla, creamy caramel, steamed non-fat milk and foam.) was up for collection that Jongin decided with slightly trembling hands that he had to go over and see him for one last time. He collected his drink from the counter, paying the exact amount with a crumpled bill and a few coins which he swiftly fished out from his pants pocket, before directing himself towards the person he once shared fond memories with.


The 26-year-old carefully approached his target, making sure that his feet was not stomping the floor unconsciously as he glided his way past a group of teenagers looking for vacant seats and a waitress settling a plate of sandwich on a table occupied by an old couple.


There he was... A book resting on his denim-clad lap. He occasionally looked up from whatever it was that he was reading and stared out the clear glass window, into a distance. His milky white skin matched the dark green button-up shirt that clung onto his arms and chest a little. His hair dark and clean cut with a slight ruffle. Jongin had always liked this style on Kyungsoo even though people tend to make fun of the latter for looking like a mama's boy. It's clean and refreshing. Plus, it makes the person look younger than his actual age.




Jongin could feel his heart pounding against his chest and the sweat forming on his palms. He was confused as to why he was so nervous.


It's just Do Kyungsoo.


The 27-year-old looked up from his book, eyes big enough for everyone to see and his upper set of pearly whites biting on his lower lip.


This is the thing with Do Kyungsoo - He always made eye contact. It doesn't matter if you have a coffee stain on your shirt or a piece of green vegetable stuck in your teeth; He will look you deep in the eye. Any deeper and it feels like he's staring right at your tainted soul.


He looked at the man that stood before him who had a steaming cup of coffee in one hand; Tall and well-built with an even tan to his skin which complimented his well sculpted facial features and his slicked back dark hair. His jaw was defined and his lips were full and kissable. Kyungsoo was sure that he had seen this person before. But where?


It only took him three seconds to have the realization hit him in the face and it definitely hurt. His eyes grew even wider than before as he struggled to form words.


"It's me-"




Kyungsoo swallowed hard. It's been 6 years since he last said that name, but the feelings from back then still remained the same. His tummy tickled and warmth rushed through his cheeks, coloring them a faint hue of pink that can only be seen if one took a closer look.


"Hyung... Kyungsoo-hyung..."


How easy it was for Jongin to form those words, setting them free from the deep depths of his heart.


A little smile tugged at the corner of the younger person's lips.


Kyungsoo's surprised expression burst out into that of genuine happiness; His eyes formed crescent moons and his cheeks held high by a huge heart-shaped smile with all his teeth showing.


“It’s been so long.”

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