
You Had Me At... Diesel?


It happened on the first day of summer 2010.
I was reading the first book of Hunger Games Trilogy when my parents called me down at the living room.
"What is it, Mom, Dad?" I asked them as I plopped myself to the couch across them.
"I'm free today, want to learn how to drive?" Dad said as he threw me our car keys.
As soon as I caught it, I stood up and started dragging my Dad out of the house.
"We're going home late, Mom!"
"Che-- what? Why do I need money?"
"Your gas is running low, after we do a few rounds we'll drive to the nearest gas station.  I didn't bring money." Dad said as he buckled his own seatbelt.
"Fine." I muttered as I check my wallet. 50 bucks will do.
"Let's start. Make sure you're stepping on the brake before you release the handbrake. Don't get nervous."
Dad, you look more nervous than I am.
"Yosh, here we go." I did what I was told, and I was off to a good start.
Thankfully our car has automatic transmission so I didn't have to worry about the clutch  and the gear stick. After we went around our village, we finally headed to the gas station.
"Good job, Rin. Make sure to load 'diesel' or else our car will explode. I'll just go to the restroom." Dad said as he quickly went out of our car. He must be that nervous.
As I was getting my money from my wallet, I heard a tap on my window.
I slowly lowered my window and in return it slowly revealed the cutest gas boy I've ever seen.
"Hi, welcome to the South Station! My name is Kai, how may I help you?" 
Thump thump. Thump thump.
Even with his cap, I know he's doing an eye smile.
"I.. please fill up my car with diesel w-worth 50 bucks." I'm sure I looked pretty stupid because I said it while staring at him with mouth agape.
"Diesel worth 50 bucks it is, kindly open the fuel door please." He said in a sing song voice. Sweet mother of pearl.
"A-ah yeah." I frantically looked for the fuel door button on my dashboard but I couldn't find it.
"Where is that freaking button?" I didn't open the lights as cutie gas boy will see me  looking for the button like a freaking cave woman. I started to look under the dashboard when I heard a voice.
"Do you need help, miss?" 
Boom. I hit the steering wheel with my head. Hard.
"Oof." I groaned in pain.
"A-are you alright?" He asked as he gently open my door to help.
"Yes, yes I am. It's just.." Should I say it?
"Yes?" He's still looking at me while his mouth twitches in concern.
"I don't remember where the fuel door button is." There I said it.
He gave me a small smile before slightly bending his body and reached fot the left side of my chair.
"The fuel door, trunk lid, and chair buttons are all here at the left."
"Oh." was all that I said. Dummy.
"I'll go fill up your car now." His smile got bigger as he strode to the back of my car.
Great, just great. I thought I'm a pro-driver in less than a day, only to embarass myself in front of a gas boy, a really cute one at that.
"Jaerin, are we loaded?" Dad said as he finally returns from the rest room.
"Not yet, I forgot to ask you where the fuel door button is." I scratched the back of my neck.
"It's just there beside your chair." Dad said as he points to the location.
"All filled up, miss! That would be 50 bucks." The cute gas boy is back, asking me for the my money payment. 
I gave him the money without looking him in the eye. I feel like ejecting my seat from this car.
"Thank you for giving me the exact amount! Have a nice drive!" He saluted before walking away from my window.
I heaved a sigh of relief before turning on the engine and drove home.
Even though I embarassed myself from the first encounter, it didn't stop me from coming back.
When Dad and I had our second practice, I made sure that I'll use all of the gas so that I may see the cute gas boy refill my gas at my favorite station
Sure enough, he was still there, looking as cute as ever. 
It was quite the same, although now I'm a bit relaxed (so I've learned that his name is Kai) and I also know where the buttons are positioned.
Dad said he was going to pay this time so he decided to have a full tank.
I was fiddling with my phone when he appeared beside my window.
"Hello, would you like to get your windshield cleaned?" He said again in a sing song voice. Darn.
"No thank you, we just had our car washed a while ago." I smiled apologetically.
"Ahh, alright then miss." He leaves and comes back with our receipt. Dad gave me the credit card and I carelessly passed it to him, making our hands touch.
"Thank you, I'll be right back." He bows and went to the cashier.
Wow, his hands are quite... manly. Slightly rough and calloused. I wonder what it feels like to have his fingers laced with mine. I smiled inwardly at the thought.
"Here's your card and receipt, have a safe drive!" Again, he gave that cute salute and turned to the next customer.
"See you again," I whispered to myself. Little did I know Dad was already shaking his head at his too obvious daughter.
Since then, I've made my Dad promise to bring me with him whenever he needed gas. And I mean WHENEVER.
"Why? What's in the gas station?" He asked me, obviously knowing the answer.
"Well, I- I-" I tried to come up with good antics.
"AH! If you collect receipts and they total to a certain amount, you'll get a prize." smiled, hoping that they wouldn't see through my big fat lie.
"Oh really..." my Dad trailed off. "Oh well, just don't forget to share us your 'prize'"
"Thanks Dad." Assa!
It's been two weeks since I last drove and went to the gas station. 
Unfortunately, Dad had a business trip at some faraway town and so he had to bring the car.
Ugh, I'm so bored and I badly miss Kai driving.
As I bury my face in my pillow, my brain suddenly had an idea.
I don't have a car, yes... but I have my bicycle.
"Really, what the heck am I doing?" 
I am now in the same gas station after gathering a lot of courage, but I forgot to bring a 
plan with me. I look like an idiot in here.
I was still reprimanding myself in my head when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hi Miss, how may I help you?" Oh, it's him.
Yes, please help me. I missed you a lot that I can't get you off of my mind. 
"Ahh, I- I-" Come on, think of something, Jaerin.
He just tilted his head, waiting for an answer.
DAMN CUTE. $@#%#$^#^$%&^$%&%^
"I'd like to buy gas... uhm diesel." I finally said.
He looked at me from my head down to the bicycle I'm riding. He must be thinking why I need a gas when what my ride needs is man pow--
"How many liters?" He asked while still smiling.
"Uhm, uhm, five?" Good heavens I hope that won't be a burden to carry back home.
"Alright, please wait here." He walked off to the convenience store. What, why is he going there?
After a few seconds, he came back with this large heck of a gas can. How am I supposed to carry that back home?!
"Here we go, five liters of diesel." He put the can beside my bicycle.
I muttered a thanks and stared at the can. Really, how am I bringing that home?
I heard someone clear his throat, and when I looked up he's still there.
"Yes?" I politely asked.
"That will be 15 bucks, miss." He smiled. 
Good job, Jaerin. Good job.
I reached for my wallet and gave him my payment.
"Thanks...." I was about to get off of my bicycle to carry the can when he put a hand on one of my handlebars.
"Do you need help with that?" He asked.
"Uhh, yeah. I didn't know... it would be this big." I scratched the back of my neck.
He flashed me a big smile before responding, "I'll help you. Please wait for me here."
I just nodded. Dear heavens, please help me, my heart is about to get out of my chest!
Silence, creepy and awkward silence.
I was walking side to side with gas boy, I mean Kai, carrying the gas can and me walking 
my bicycle. 
I couldn't help but feel stupid and embarassed.
As I was waiting for gas boy, a god goodlooking guy in white v-neck shirt stood in front of me, smiling. If it wasn't for his face I would have called him creepy.
"Y-yes, may I help you?" I asked as I gave him an awkward smile.
"It's me, Kai. The gas boy." He introduced himself.
"Oh. my. gas......"
He looked way better than I expected, damn without his cap he looked like someone that attracts women with his eyes only. I felt myself melting but of course I need to compose myself.
"Sorry?" He asked in confusion.
"O-oh, sorry I didn't recognize you." I bowed.
"It's okay." He gave out a sheepish grin. CUT THAT OUT. "I'm finished with my shift so I'll help you bring your gas can home, I hope it's okay." OF COURSE IT'S OKAY!
"I'm sorry though I took long, I needed to change because I smelled like diesel." He scrunched his nose up. 
"I like the smell of diesel though." I absent mindedly said out loud.
"Really?" He chuckled. 
I was about to dig a hole on this gas station's cemented floor when he took the gas can.
"Let's go?"
"So...." I said, clearing my throat before I continue, "is it fun? Working at the gas station I mean." I have bad choices for topics, obviously.
"Hmm, it's nice. Although the gas can really be suffocating sometimes."
"I see..." Okay now I'm ending the conversation in a snap. Tsk.
"How about you? Is it fun, you know, to drive?" He asked.
"Yeah, I feel free. I've been wanting to drive since I was like... 14?"
"Oh, good thing you get to drive now."
"How about you? Do you drive?" I asked him in return, yes our conversation's finally going somewhere!
"Not yet," he said, "but after a certain time of working at the gas station I finally will. This is some kind of 'hands on' training, I suppose."
"Wow, that's pretty neat."
"Is it?" He just gave me that smile of his.
I wonder why but when I looked ahead we're only a few meters away from my house.
"We're here, thanks for bringing this for me, Kai." I bowed.
"No problem, and thanks for remembering my name, though I really don't know yours." He gave out an embarassed smile.
"I'm sorry, my name is Jaerin. It's nice to meet you, Kai."
"See you later!" I waved my friend Jihyun goodbye as I dropped her off at her condominium.
Two years later, at the present time, I already have my own car. 
I've already shown to my parents my prize from my frequent visits and here I am, about to visit him, my lovely fiance.
I looked at my gas meter and the pointer was almost at the line E, which means empty.
I drove faster and went to my favorite gas station.
"Hey there lovely, what can I get you?" A lovely man in a crisp suit rests his arm on my side mirror and gave me a wink.
"Diesel, full tank please, sir." We both laughed at our gestures. He personally filled up my car with gas though he is the vice president of the corporation. 
"Anything else that you need, lovely?" He took my hands and laced his fingers with mine. It felt amazing, of course.
"Nothing else, but you, Kai." I pulled him in through the car window for a kiss.
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Chapter 1: Wkkwkk...Kai as gas station boy, really?! You're totally funny chingu \(^▽^)/ !!
Chapter 1: :OOO THIS IS SO CUTE OMG! All the gas station people in my town are just... But I loved this!!!
Chapter 1: ;3
nizzyool #4
Chapter 1: oooh this is sooo fluffy and sweet!! :3
Chapter 1: Kai, the gas boy. LOL. I love the name xDDD
Chapter 1: This is funny yet adorable. Love it!
icecreamcake-xo #7
Well,I guess this stiry is really cute ^///^ great job! ;)