The Scientist.


Your Life? Its spyraling Out Of Controll. Nothing To Stop It.

Park Minhee: 19: DOB: November 5, 1992

Looks: Looks Like A Normal Girl

Secret's: She hides everything from everyone. Even the people she trusts.

She has a rare skin disease. Her hands are pitch black.

Wishe's: To Live A NORMAL LIFE!

What She Get's: Far From It.

Parent's: No dad, He died when she was young. Mother was a dead beat druggie so she lives with her grandmother. She supports them both.

Job: Whatever mony she can get

Waitress by Day, Dancer by night.

That all changes.



Kim Jong Dae: 20: DOB: September 21, 1992.

Look's: Normal enough. Cute and Sweet.

Secret's: Can be cold so he tends to keep to his few friends. They know the secrets.

Wishe's: To find the one right puzzle eice to his life.

Weather that be carrear or Girl, hes detirmend.

What He Get's: The peice.

Parent's: There for Him.

Job: Sings himself to sucess.

In EXO-M. Loves It.

That stays the same.

Untill he find's the peice he has been looking for.



Kim Min Seok: 22: DOB: March 26, 1990

Look's: He is cute and Looks kind form the start:

Secret's: None to hid. Is an open book.

Wishe's: To be happy in life and to find his kitten.

What He Get's: What he wants, and his kitten!

Parent's: ?

Job: Exo-m.. Singer. He loves it..

He doesent want to leave any time soon,

but has been thinking about the future.

What willl he do?



Chen's House:

(Living Room)

(Chen's Bedroom)



(Min Seok's Room)

(Minhee''s Bedroom)



(Minhee's Apartment:)


;The Living Room/Her Bedroom;

;Ren's Room;

;The Kitchen;

;The Bathroom;







I stood there in front of the large appartment building. I was breathing heavily as I walked in, not from the recent excersize but from the nerveousness.

I walked up 3 flights of stairs and down the hall a way's.

I stopped in front of the door I had been searching for.

*Knock, Knock, Knock* I knocked on the door.

The door was opened and there stood a taller male, he seemed too young to be owning his own appartment.

"Hello?" He said and confusion.

Being the shy mute I was, I held up the flyer that was asking for a made.

"Come in." He said and walked inot the apartment. i followed after taking off my shoes and putting on the slippers I alwas carried around with me.

"Whats your name?" He asked and smiled. It was a warm sweet smile so I decided to speak to him.

"Im Minhee. Whats your name?" I asked and showed a gummy smile.

"Im Jong Dae, but you can just call me Chen." He said and kept the warm smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you Chen, As you know, Im here for the live in maid position." I decided to get down to the buisness.

"Good. You look like an okay cannidate so I guess you have the job!" He stuck out his hand for me to shake and without taking off my white gloves I shook his hand.

"So when do I move in?" I asked. I was proud I had gotten the job so easily, not thinking about the what if's, like what if hes a creeper or ast. What if hes a killer. I didnt care. I just needed the money.


(Just an Idea. Idk when updates will come...)


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