Chapter Two

All I Need


"Joongie!" Jaejoong heard a voice filled of what he imagened full of sweet honey. Jaejoong always liked his voice and, always loved to hear him talk. Yunho was his first love and he never realized it until the day that they were at the park together, alone. 

Jaejoong was sitting on the swing like he usually does, when his friend Yunho came walking towards him. Hearing footstep Jaejoong naturally looks up from the ground and smiles at the other. "Hey Jae!" Yunho said sitting on the swing next to Jaejoong. They began talking about things that happened over their short break from school. Later on, they go to the picnick benches to sit down and have some icecream. When Yunho leaves to get the icecream Jaejoong sits on a bench his back facing the table looking forward into space. The next thing Jaejoong knew was Yunho was ontop of him hands on the table and the icecream was gone. Jaejoong looked at Yunho's face, and noticed how perfect it was. Jaejoong kissed Yunho on the lips with a slight peck and quickly looked away. "Sorry." He said putting his head down, afraid of what his  friend would say. 

"Jae. This can't continue." Yunho said staring into Jaejoongs eyes. Jaejoong looked at him confused, afer being cut off from his flashback.

"What do you mean?" Jaejoong asked beginning to fiddle with the seam of his shirt. 

"I hate you. Changmin hates you. Everyone does." Yunho replied, a tone full of seriousness.

"Y-yunho." Was the only word that came out of Jaejoong's mouth as tears began to fill his eyes. 


Jaejoong looked around to realize everything that had happened was just a mere dream. Instictively he looked at the alarmclock that read 4:05 a.m. What am I doing awake? Jaejoong thought to himself. He got up and decided to get ready knowing that he wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep. Though he kept being bothered of his dream. Even though he knows that Yunho and him have done something so totally wrong that costed their friendship, he knows that Yunho would never say the he hates him. Jaejoong just keept thinking, what if he did though. 

Jaejoong looked into the mirror, with noticable tear stains on his face, he just blankly stared. Yunho would never do this to you Jae. You know he wouldn't.  Jaejoong kept telling himself. What if he does. What if he really hates you for everything that you have done to him. You know everything is YOUR fault. The voice in his head kept telling him. Yunho loves me. He may not forgive me for what I have done, but he will never hate me for anything. That's not who Yunho is. Jaejoong kept trying to think on the more positive side. Are you sure you know him? Remember those things that he told you? Explain that then. 

"Aaaaah!" Jaejoong scream, as he began to sit on the bathroom floor. He had only an hour left before he had to go to school with nothing to do. He began to look around for something. Unsure of what he decided that he would go to the park. 

Jaejoong sat on the swings, and stared at his phone hoping the time would pass by quickly today. Unfortunately for him it seemed like hours before 6:00 a.m. came. 

"Joong!" Jaejoong turned around to see Yuchun walking towards him. "What are you doing here?" Jaejoong asked, looking at Yuchun.

"Was headed to school and thought I saw a familiar figure sitting on the swings." Yuchun replied, to only recieve a nod from Jaejoong. Jaejoong stood up and the two began to walk to school together. 

"So have you decided to apologize yet?" Yuchun asked, trying to break the silence between the two. 

"No. I don't think he would forgive me." Jaejoong said looking at the ground.

"Jae. You know that Yunho is very forgiving, not to just anyone. But you. I'm sure that if you apologized, he would understand." Yuchun tried to reason with Jaejoong only to recieve silence from the other. 

"I'm going to skip school today. After school would you mind coming over to my house?" Jaejoong asked looking at Yuchun.

"I don't mind. Think about apologizing." Yuchun said, and with that Jaejoong went on home. Yuchun stared into the distance and waited until Jaejoong got out of sight to leave. 

"Chun!" Yuchun got attacked by a shorter person. Yuchun looked behind him only to see Junsu smiling at him.

"Hey Junsu." Yuchun smiled at the younger.

"Where did Jaejoong go?" Junsu said looking into the direction that Jaejoong was.

"He decided not to go to school today. I think he needs time to think about everything." Yuchun said as he continued walking to school with Junsu by his side. 

"Well, since he is gone, and we don't have to worry about him. Here!" Junsu said handing a folded up piece of paper to Yuchun. "Read it!" He continued. 

Yuchun unfolded the piece of paper, and read what it had said: 

Dear Chunnie! 

I know that this is already completely obvious to everyone..but I had nothing else to do and I was finished with my homework! Without the help of Changmin! Suprising right? Well back to my point, I just wanted to say that I love you! I know you know! Though.... there is one thing that I don't know...if you return my feelings. x_x So please don't hurt me. 

Love, Junsu <3

Yuchunnie laughed at the note and folded it up and put in his pocket and looked at the younger, who was staring at the ground fiddiling with his thumbs. Yuchun laughed at the youngers cuteness. "Junsu." Yuchun said in a serious tone, trying to mess with the younger. Junsu looked up with nervousness written all over his face. "I have a girlfriend." Yuchun tried not to laugh at that statement. 

"Oh." Junsu's arms fell to his side, and he continued looking at the ground. "I feel dumb." He mumbled.

"You must be to think that I really have a girlfriend." Yuchun busted out laughing. 

"Wait what?!" Junsu looked at Yuchun who was sitting on the ground laughing. 

"Junsu... a guy like me,,, with a girlfriend. You got to be kidding!" Yuchun continued laughing. 

"So you really don't have a girlfriend?" Junsu asked.

"No Junsu." Yuchun said finally standing up. "Plus, why would I have a girlfriend, when my heart was stolen from somebody else." Yuchun said staring at the younger.

"Who?" Junsu asked clueless.

"You..." Yuchun held out the 'You'. 

"Oh!" Junsu laughed. 

"So. Would you be my boyfriend Junsu?" Yuchun asked, looking at the younger, only to recieve a smile and a nod from him. 


Jaejoong was in his bathroom with a pen and a notebook, trying to figue out how he would apologize to Yunho. It was already 2:50 p.m and Yuchun would be over any minute. He wanted his plan to go as he expects it to be. 

Jaejoong put two notes on the counter of the bathroom one reading Yuchun and the other reading Yunho. He grabbed the knife that he got from the kitchen and stared at it for a while. Slowly he took the knife and slid it across his wrist, causing blood to ooze out from the slit. He did the samething with the other wrist and sat in the bathroom floor. After a minute or two everything became a big blur to him. 

Yuchun walked into Jaejoongs house without knocking, since his friend had invited him over, and was told countless times to just walk in. Walking up the stairs to Jaejoongs bedroom he silently looked in, and noticed that he wasn't in there and decided to check the bathroom just in case he might be in there. When he got to the bathroom the door was wide open with Jaejoong lying there with blood on the floor next to him. Instictively he looked around and noticed the two papers on the counter he grabbed the one on with his name first. 

Yuchun, I know that by time you get here, I would have tried to kill myself. I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do, and the voices in my head were telling me otherwise. Please give that other note to Yunho for me.

Yuchun put the note down grabbed the note to Yunho and lifted Jaejoong up from the bathroom floor. He quickly went to grab the keys to Jaejoongs car and put him in the passenger seat. As fast as possible he drove to the nearest hospital, and brought him to the emergancy room. 

After Jaejoong was brought into the emergency room Yuchun went outside and dialed a number. 

"Hello?" The other person asked. 

"Come to the hospital RIGHT NOW." Yuchun yelled in the phone. 

"Why?! What happened?" The other person asked. 

"Jaejoongs in the hospital. Because of you." Yuchun emphasized on the words Because of you.

"I'll be there in a minute." The other person hung up the phone, and Yuchun waited outside impatiently, for the other person to come. 

A while later a black car pulled up and Yunho got out of the car, with Changmin shortly following him. The car drove away and Yuchun walked up to the two. 

"Why is he here?" Changmin asked worringly. 

"He didn't know what else to do. He wanted me to give this to you." Yuchun said handing the note to Yunho. Yunho slowly unfolded the note with his hands shaking at every fold he undone. 

Yunho. I'm sorry for everything that happened. It was all my fault, and I really hope that you would forgive me. I may or may not survive, but please, if I do survive make no sign that you where there if you do read this that is. All I want is a note saying "I love you" and I'll understand that you would forgive me. If not forget that you read this, and walk away. I wouldn't know otherwise. 

"I-i" Yunho said and just looked up at Yuchun. 

"You what?" Yuchun said with a harsh tone. 

"I'm sorry." Yunho said and walked away. Changmin and Yuchun just stared at his figure as it slowly faded away. 

"So he's not going to forgive him?" Changmin asked with a crack in his voice. 

"That's up to him. If not, then he didn't deserve Jaejoong anyways. I know you will." Yuchun said looking hopefull at the younger. 

"Of course!" Changmin smiled, "So will Yunho..Even if we have to make him." Changmin stated.

"What is wrong with him, do you know?" Yuchun asked looking at Changmin.

"No, He has been acting different ever since everything started between him and Jaejoong." Changmin stated. 

"Right. How different?" Yuchun asked.

"Cockier." Changmin stated.

"So Yunho becomes cockier, and Jaejoong becomes depressed and tries to commit suicide. Does Yunho realize how bad this means to him? Just those three words written down on a piece of paper, beside him when he awakes." Yuchun said looking back at the hospital. 

"We will never know." Changmin said walking into the hospital, with Yuchun shortly following him. 

"Are you Park Yuchun?" A doctor asked on of the two. 

" I am." Yuchun stepped forward. 

"Okay, can I talk to you over here for a second?" The doctor said walking over by a corner, Yuchun following.

"What is it?" Yuchun said scared of the news, that he was going to recieve. 


A/N: Hello! Here is the second chapter! I decided to leave it at a cliff hanger! Sorry! >.< But if I continued typing I swear there would be no end to this chapter. So I had to end it there. I think I may update once more, today! If you like my story please comment and subscribe. 



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