

# sobbing silently

Thanks for your support guys, I tried to update as soon as possible but the Internet connection decided to rebel against me.

Here we go, the second chapter





Onew rushed to turn off the water. He winced upon feeling the freezing water contacted with his skin.

He kneeled beside Minho’s slumped body. Worry apparent on his face when he saw the state Minho currently in. His clothes were drenched, his eyes were tightly shut, his face as pale as paper, his lips were blue, his breathing was slow and shallow, and his skin was freezing.

“Minho...” Onew tapped Minho’s cheek, trying to wake him up. Getting no response, he ran outside to get some towels. He stripped Minho’s clothing and wrapped him in layers of towels. He lifted Minho’s shivering body from the floor and dragged him to his shared bedroom. He lied him down on his bed and rummaged trough his closet to find clean and warm clothes. He helped Minho to put on his clothes. He flinched when his skin contacted with Minho’s freezing body.

“Minho, what happened to you?” He asked, voice laced in worry while he wrapped some blanket on Minho’s shivering body to keep him warm. He rubbed his palms together to warm them up before he put them on Minho’s cheeks.

 “How long have you been there? You’re freezing.” He kept talking while trying his best to keep him warm. Then he remembered that he can use his body heat. He quickly stripped himself down and get under the blanket to wrap himself around the shivering Minho. Several minutes later, Minho had stopped shivering. So Onew unlaced his embrace on Minho and changed into his pajamas to lie down on Jonghyun’s bed. He couldn’t leave Minho alone in case Minho needed something. He let exhaustion take over his body, he closed his eyes and let the darkness enveloped him.


                Onew was awoken by the sound of mumbles. He blinked and stretched his sore body, when realization hit him. His eyes shot open and his sleepiness was thrown outside the window when he realized that those mumbles belonged to Minho. He rushed to Minho’s side and kneeled on the bedside. Minho’s eyes were tightly shut, his face flushed, drops of sweat covered his forehead and his breathing was ragged. Strings of "No"s , “Stop”s , “Please”s and “Don’t”s kept flowing from Minho’s lips. Onew grew worried, he placed his palm on Minho’s forehead only to yanked it away a second later because of the intense burning of Minho’s head.

                Onew panicked, he ran outside to retrieve his phone and called Key.

“Yeoboseyo...” Key’s voice was hoarse from sleepiness

“Key! Minho’s burning! What should I do?” Onew yelled

Key groaned “Hyung! It’s three in the morning! Do you have to yell?”

“There’s no time for arguing, Key. Minho’s burning up. What should I do?”

“Minho’s ... what? Hyung, what happened to him?” Key’s surely awake now.

“He’s burning up, Key. Just tell me what should I do.” Onew grew impatient.

“Okay, go get thermometer in the aid box and a wet towel.” Key ordered. He heard some rustling sound and assumed that Onew was fetching those items.

“What’s next?” Onew asked.

“Check his temperature, Hyung. And wipe his face with the towel.”

“Okay.” Onew set the thermometer and started wiping Minho’s face. Few moments later, the device biped. Onew took the device and he gasped, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Key....” Onew whispered.

“How is it hyung?”

“102.2 F.” Onew said

“Oh ! Hyung, you had to bring him to the hospital. I’ll call manager hyung. Get everything ready.” Key ended the phone call.

                Onew rummaged trough Minho’s closet and jammed several clean clothes into Minho’s duffel bag. He set the bag in the living room and rushed back to Minho’s side. Meanwhile, after calling his manager, Key dressed himself and rushed to drive back to Seoul. He contemplated to call Jonghyun and Taemin but he decided it would be the best to tell them the next morning.


                Minho was rushed to the emergency room seconds after he arrived in the Hospital. Onew paced in front of the Emergency Room and their manager sat patiently on the waiting chair. None of them said a word. They were too busy with their own mind. Minho had been always the healthiest and the strongest among them. He rarely got sick. And when he did, it would be just slight flu and nothing serious. Minho used to be the most reliable one when one of the members got sick. He would provide his whole body and mind to take care of them and will always nagged them to take a better care for their own health. That’s why, upon having a weak and burning up Minho, they became really worried beyond anything.

                The door to the Emergency Room creaked open; a man with white uniform came from behind it.

“Choi Minho’s family?” he asked. Onew and their manager rushed to his side.

“How is he, doctor?” Onew asked, voice laced in worry.

“We’d better talk in my room. Minho had been moved to the patient room in the third floor.” The doctor informed.

“I’ll go. Onew, go accompany Minho.” Their manager averted his eyes from the doctor to Onew.

 “Can we go now?” the doctor asked the manager who nodded his head and followed him.

                Onew ran to the elevator. He cursed for the slow movement of the device. To his displeasure, his sloppiness kicked in; he pressed the 5th floor button instead of the 3rd floor. He cursed for the second time that morning and pressed the 3rd floor button way too hard as the release of his frustrate mind. When he reached the 3rd floor, he rushed to the information desk to ask the room Minho is in.


                Onew opened the door to Minho’s room slowly, afraid if he might wake him up. Onew smiled when he saw Minho still sleeping peacefully. But soon the smile replaced by frown when he noticed the oxygen mask covering Minho’s face and the IV attached to his hand. Onew closed the door and took a seat next to Minho’s bed. He observed Minho’s pale face; he couldn’t help to think how innocent Minho looks like when he’s sleeping. He raised his hand and carefully put his palm on Minho’s forehead. He heaved a sigh of relieve when feel Minho’s temperature has died down. He retrieved his hand when his phone rang. He glanced at the name and answered it.

“How is he?” Key asked from the other line.

“He’s sleeping now. His fever also has died down. Go back to sleep, Key.” Onew answered.

“What floor he’s in?” Key asked.

“Third floor, room 129. Visit as soon as you can, Okay.” Onew said.

“I’m already here, hyung. I’ll be there in 5 minutes, need anything?” Onew was taken aback upon hearing that Key’s already there. He smiled to himself knowing how s really care to each other.

“Bring me a cup of hot coffee and a bucket of chicken if you can.” Onew answered playfully.

“Whatever, hyung.” Onew swore he could see Key rolling his eyes. “I’ll just get you a cup of coffee.”

“Hey, Kibum.” Key was about to end the call when Onew called his name.

“Ne hyung?”


Key smiled and answered “No problem, hyung.”


                The door to Minho’s room creaked open. Onew lifted his head and looked to the door; he smiled when Key entered the room with a cup of hot coffee in each hand. Key put down the cups on the bedside table and turned to check on Minho’s sleeping figure. He frowned seeing Minho’s pale face and the oxygen mask on it.

“What happened to him?” he removed his eyes from Minho to Onew.

When Onew was about to answer, their manager entered the room, a frown plastered on his face. Onew instantly forget what he was about say and asked his manager instead.

“What did the doctor say?”Onew asked him.

“He said that Minho was in the verge of hypothermia before his body temperature rose up. His brain was overacted to the freezing surrounding and commanded the body temperature to rise so that his organs weren’t freezing. This isn’t even winter, how the hell he almost get hypothermia? Tell me what actually happened, Onew.” Their manager demanded.

“I don’t know exactly. I went home yesterday, but my parents weren’t home so I decided to go back to the dorm. It was around 7 PM when I arrived, I went to my room because I thought Minho was still sleeping since the lamps were off.” He looked at Minho and run his finger to Minho’s soft locks.

 “But the food Key prepared was gone and the bowls were already washed, when I passed the bathroom I heard the shower running. I called for him but he didn’t answer, so I get inside.” Onew took a deep breath and continued. “I found him there, fully clothed, drenched, and unconscious. His skin was freezing and his lips had turned blue. I have no idea how long he had been there.” Onew ended with a shrug, but the worry still apparent on his face.

Key flopped down on the sofa in the corner of the room and massaged his temples. “We’d better wait him ‘till he wakes up. I’m sure he’ll tell us what’s going on.” Key said with closed eyes, he tried to rest his tired mind.

Their manager left about an hour later, saying that he had to deal with the company while Onew and Key managed to continue their sleep after the nurse came to check on Minho and removed the oxygen mask. Key slept on the sofa and Onew who sat on the chair rested his head on his folded arms on Minho’s bed.


                  Minho’s eyes fluttered open, he blinked several times to make his sight clear and once it happened, he was greeted with the unfamiliar white ceiling. He tried to sit up but his head was pounding and it made him flopped back with a groan. Onew was awoken by that, he lifted his head and couldn’t hide his excitement upon seeing Minho had wake up.

“Oh, Minho! Thank God you’re awake!” Onew said loudly, and it succeeded in worsening Minho’s headache. And apparently, awoke the sleeping Key.

“Hyung, please don’t yell. My head hurts.” Minho said trough the gritted teeth.

“Oh, I’m sorry Minho. Where does it hurt? Do you want something to drink? Should I call the doctor? Should I-”

“Hyung, stop it. You’re worsening his headache.” Key cut him off after seeing Minho shut his eyes tightly and bit his lower lip.

“Oh,” Onew blinked, “Oh...” He finally realized what have he done “I’m sorry, Minho.” Onew said softly, guilt gracing his face.

“It’s okay hyung. Just... give me a second.” Minho said with closed eyes. He breathed trough his nose, hoping it would ease the pounding in his head. Key rose from the sofa and approached Minho’s bedside, he massaged Minho’s temples softly, putting enough pressure to help the slightly younger rapper relax. And it worked, Minho’s body slowly relaxed, he leaned his head to Key’s hand.

“Is it better?” Key asked while massaging Minho’s temples.

“Mhm...” Minho hummed in approval; slowly, his headache was lessened up, but until the time Key removed his hand, it still remained as a dull throb in his head. Minho slowly reopened his eyes and scanned his surrounding.

“Where am I? And why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to look up your family?” He asked.

“You’re in the hospital, Minho. You were burning up. I went back to the dorm since my parents weren’t home and Key rushed here after I told him about your condition.” Onew explained.

“What happened to you exactly?” Key asked, folding his hands on his chest.

“I don’t know...” Minho answered honestly, his mind was still hazy and his throbbing head didn’t help at all.

“I found you in unconscious the bathroom, Minho. Fully clothed and drenched, your skin was freezing and your lips were turning blue. How long have you been there?” Onew asked.

“I don’t know...” Minho answered softly. Great! Now, how do you explain to them? Minho scolded himself mentally.

“Minho, what were you doing fully dressed under the running shower?” Key asked suspiciously.

“I... I was... planning to have a shower, yeah. But then I slipped and... and I guess I grabbed the shower tap when I fell and... hit my head on the wall, yeah.” Minho lied, his words jumbled and a slight panic lacing his voice.

Key thought it was because Minho felt ashamed with his stupid action. “When did you get so sloppy? Does Onew hyung’s sangtae start infecting you?” Key chuckled, obviously misunderstanding the situation.

“Ye... Yeah, I guess so... You know how sloppy I am when I just woke up.” Minho forced a smile. Key laughed, totally buying Minho’s lies.

But Onew sense it. He knew that something was wrong. Absolutely wrong. But he didn’t want to press Minho; Minho’s health is his priority right now.



Comment please, critical is absolutely welcomed.

I need to improve my writing, though.



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Chapter 7: Update soon:)))
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 7: Aw poor Minho :( The grammar in this chapter seems improved from the last few. Keep up the good work.
kpopoppa #3
Chapter 7: omg no help. MINHO YOU'RE PERFECT!!!!Holy shut tho, (yes I spelt that shut on purpose) its just getting really good. I have a feeling the next chapter will probably kill me!!
kpopoppa #4
kpopoppa #5
Chapter 6: yayyaya I cant wait for the update!!
Chapter 4: can you continue this fanfict, plaese? i like the storyline~
Chapter 6: Good luck Hana! I hope that everything will turn out well for you and your family ^^ Fighting~
Chapter 5: Its true that minho doesn't have a particularly big talent that could help shinee other than his looks . But he's not insignificant or talentless . It's just that the other members are SO GOOD at what they do and have something they've been interested at since kids whether its dancing or singing.

He's actually pretty good at singing . His rapping is average but not horrible. I actually think he's the third best in dancing after key.

Minho actually never wanted to be an idol in the first place. But I love him for trying and working so hard to fit in with his super talented members. He keeps up with their intense choreography and he's actually wrote and co write a lot of their raps and parts of songs.

Overall, he's not the most talented but he's not useless like the antis and people who doesn't know him like to exaggerate
Chapter 5: YAY~ update~. Curious to see what will happen next. Poor Minho... It's sorta true though.. <3
hopegrl18 #10
Chapter 5: no you are not insignificant Minho!!!!!!! You are so important to everyone who knows you and you will hopefully see that soon and ignore those wannabe haters!!!!