[OS] There He Was Again...

[OS] There He Was Again...

There he was again. He looked somehow very familiar to me. I knew I had seen him somewhere but I could not recall when and where I had. Ignoring my curiosity to know who he was, I decided to go home as I knew that I might not see him again.

'I'm home, Hee Rin unnie,' I said as I closed the front door.

Hee Rin unnie came running to me from the kitchen. She was busy cooking as usual. I had once told her that she should definitely enter those cooking competitions. I can guarantee that she will bag the grand prize! I mean, she always cook really delicious, mouth-watering dishes and the best part of it is I'm always the first to taste and comment on her food! She loves to invent new food from the ones sold in the market. There was once she modified the ingredients used to make ramyeon and then *poof* a delicious food has arrived! And she even named it as Heemyeon (combination of Hee Rin and ramyeon)!

'Oh, you're home! Did you buy the stuff I had asked you to?' She asked while wiping her wet hands on her aqua blue apron.

'Ne, unnie and I have even bought you...' I paused halfway for a more dramatic effect and to have a look on how Hee Rin unnie's expression is carved on her cute, little face.

'The limited editon sea blue crystal mug you have been dying to have!' I exclaimed excitedly. Hee Rin unnie then flashes her pearly white pearls at me. Aww... She looks so cute~

'Omo, gomawo, Hae Na-ah!' Hee Rin unnie screamed in joy and the next thing I knew I was being bear-hugged by her. I let out a fake choke and she released me but with both of her hands still holding onto my shoulder.

'Cheonmaneyo, unnie,' I giggled.

'Unnie-ah, I'm going back to my room,' I said.

'Ne~ I'm gonna go prepare dinner now. Come down and have your dinner at 8,' said Hee Rin unnie.

'Araso, unnie~' I said as I escalated the stairs up to my room or more known as my lair.

I let out a loud sigh as I closed my door. It had been a very exhausting day! Hee Rin unnie had sent me around doing errands for the whole afternoon. If she kept on assigning me to do those errands, I would have to call her my umma one day!

But no matter what happens, I love her with all my heart coz she is the one that treats me very well and takes care of my well-being after my parents have went to the United States for business since I was like 13. The saddest part is that I could count how many times they actually came back to see me in all these years with my ten fingers. *Sighs*

I lie on my bed and grabbed a random magazine that was arranged in an apple pie order on a table next to my bed.

'Omo, how could these singers be so beautiful?' I talked to myself as I flipped through the pages.

*Flip, flip, flip, stop, stare at the picture on the page...*

'Omo!' I has the shock of my life when I saw that picture!

I saw him again but this time he was in the magazine with the headline 'Hottest Newcomer to the Music Industry - Lee Taemin'.

I could not believe my own eyes when I saw it. I rubbed my eyes several times and looked at the picture again and again. It was him. It was really him! Too identical!

I shook off those crazy thoughts that had eventually gone wild. It was impossible that the guy I had been eager to know was actually... a singer? If he really is Lee Taemin, why in the world would he be there making pottery? Isn't he a really busy person? Wouldn't he be off to the practice room, practising and stuff?

'Hae Na-ah, don't be michyeo. It's not him,' I thought to myself and continued to flip through the vibrant coloured pages of the magazine.

I could barely sleep that night. I kept thinking about him.

The next day...

'Today's a new day,' I muttered to myself. I decided to try my luck and go there again, the place where I saw him.

'Unnie, I'm going out for a while.'

'Yah, Hae Na-ah, where are you going?'

'I'll be back. Koktchongmaseyo (Don't worry), unnie,' I said as I headed out to the front door and off to that place.

'Omo... He was there...' I murmured to myself.

My heart beat so fast when I saw him and I don't even know why. He was there looking so sweet and pretty, making pottery. Oh wait, did I just say that he is pretty? Omo, Hae Na-ah, you have totally lost your mind! But he does have the looks and he could have passed as a girl, a pretty one, if he was to disguise as one.

I gathered all my guts and went up to him to seek the truth. I knew that time and tide waits for no man. As soon as I tried to open my mouth, my mind went totally blank, making me look like a fool standing in front of the hottie.

'May I help you?' I stuttered at the moment he asked me that, not looking away from his pottery he was busy making.

'Oh, umm... Are you... Lee Taemin? The Lee Taemin?' He stopped his work and stared at me. I was like, omo, what did I just say?

'Mianhae, I asked because you looked just like him...' My voice trailed off as I didn't know what to say. He kept on staring at me for a while which sends goosebumps down my spine.

'Ne, I am Lee Taemin but please do not expose my identity. I am trying to go back to my roots once in a while whenever I am stressed out,' he said softly while looking at me in the eyes. Aish, Lee Taemin, you have put me in a melting state!

I was in awe and I wished that there was a good Samaritan that could come up to me and pinch me to tell me that I was not dreaming.

'What's your name?' Taemin asked.

'I'm Hae Na.'

'Hmm... Hae Na...' He smiled at the mere mention of my name.

'Waeyo, Taemin?'

'Nothing... Would you like some hot coffee since I can see that your face and your lips are turning blue?' He chuckled. I nodded.

'Yogiyo,' he handed me a cup of hot coffee.

'Ahh... Gomawo,' I thanked him.

I felt a little bit uneasy as I kept feeling that someone is watching me as I drink the coffee. Not to mention it's good! I took a little peek and saw Taemin staring at me, smiling. He looks so angelic! I can't help but smiled back at him.

We then talked to each other as if we have been friends for a long time after that. It was the first time I felt so close and comfortable with a guy that appeared as a famous peron to the world. Maybe to him, I was just a fangirl he has to treat but somehow, I have kinda fallen in love with him coz he is an affable guy despite his famous personality and that had made me like him even more albeit some were as proud as Lucifer.

It was nearly eight at night

'Omo, it's getting late now. I... have to go...' My voice trailed off again as I don't wanna go home yet. I wanna stay with him for just a little longer. Even for a minute, I don't wanna lose that time.

'Don't go yet. How 'bout we go for dinner first. Then, I'll send you home. Is it okay?' He asked while looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. Awww.... he looked so cute! I mean who could resist his puppy dog eyes? I nodded my head like a kid and followed him. All I could say now is that Lady Luck had indeed been by my side all along.

Taemin walked me home after we went for dinner at Seoul Garden. The weather was very cold on that particular night and I felt an instant cold surrounding my body.

'You are cold. Here,' he took off the scarf he had around his neck and wrap it around mine. It felt so warm.

'Gomawo, Taemin-ah~' He smiled when I said that. I love to see him smile! His smile is so sweet. I felt like I was melting at that time. No, evaporating into thin air is the phrase.

'Taemin-ah,' I said.


'Will you forget me once you are up on stage and after tonight? I mean, will we still be chingu?' He stopped walking and look at me. He then placed his hands on my shoulder. All of a sudden, his face was so near to mine that I nearly got a heart attack, looking at his pretty, angelic baby face...

'No, I will never forget you... Coz you are somehow special to me,' he smiled and he walked off leaving me staying at that position alone.

My heart beat extremely fast the moment he said that. I turned my head around and saw him walking off.

'Yah, Taemin! Wait for me!' I ran towards him and I gave him a slight punch on his arm.

'Ouch!' Taemin rubbed his arm and pretended as if I had punched him that hard. He flashed his pearls again. He looks charming when he smiles. I melted. Again. We continued walking till I reach my house.

'Taemin,I have reached my house. Gomawo for today,' I said as he had just made that day the best day of my life. Taemin just smiled.

'Cheonmaneyo, Hae Na,' he said.

It was indeed hard for me when I had to bid goodbye to him. Before he left, he whispered something to me while inserting a piece of paper into my jacket and landed a kiss on my forehead.

A year has passed...

Taemin and I are still contacting each other. He will text and call me everyday whenever he is free. Ohh did I mention how I got his contact number? No? Well, actually he had scribbled down his number on the piece of paper that he put into my jacket a year ago. Now, Taemin is selling billions of records while here I am, still running errands for Hee Rin umma. I mean, Hee Rin unnie. She is like a mom, I tell you!

Taemin and I do meet up once in a while, making pottery and hang out together. I still and will always remember what he had whispered to me a year ago.

'Joowaheh, Hae Na. I promise you I will come back and find you whenever I can once I have scaled the heights. And... I will make time for the both of us eventhough I will be very busy later on.'       

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Thanks for reading~ :D
And am very glad you like it ;)
Joyvin #2
Nice story :)
Joyvin #3
Nice story :)
@Iheartlife:<br />
keke gomawo unnie for reading~ :D<br />
gomawo gomawo gomawoooooooo~ ^^
Iheartlife #5
This is beautiful <3
@NappeunYeoja:<br />
gomawo for reading this story^^<br />
hehe glad you like it :)<br />
ohh, do check out my other SHINee one-shots too yeah~<br />
keke thanx again^^
NappeunYeoja #7
Nice ^^
@iea_ime:<br />
gomawo for reading this story too^^<br />
hehe yeaahhh~ cute promise ;)<br />
aww... thanx again^^
iea_ime #9
ooohh.. Little taemin made a promise with his girlfriend. Nice one :)
@eightrialovetaemin :<br />
aww... gomawo for reading~^^<br />
hehe and thanx for loving it ;)