My Happiness

My Happiness


My Happiness

By: theninjaghost

“Will you marry me?” as he showed me the box with a ring on it. I stared at him for a long minute as a tear escaped to my eyes. I was shocked, we never really talk about getting married at all, and we are already in our 5th year anniversary, as we celebrating it today. I wipe my tears and look at the ring slowly then to him. I couldn’t say a word as I tried saying ‘Yes’. Another tear escaped in my eyes as I nod and accept the ring. He hugged me and told me that he loves me, “I love you too” I said to him. He slowly puts the ring on my ring finger. I am now engaged with the man that I love, I am so excited to tell it to my family and friends, and he accompanied me to my condo. As I opened the lights, it surprised me that my family and friends we’re there, they give me a surprised party “You already know it?” I asked them, they all nod, I look at him but he is looking away from me while smiling “Ya!” I pout to result of laughter’s.

The night was amazing, my family and friends we’re here almost like giving me an engagement party. “Hey?” I slowly open my eyes and see my fiancé “Hey…” as I yawn. I sit up and look at him “What are you doing here?” I ask as I rub my eyes. He smiles at me “I just want to see my fiancé” he said “Breakfast is almost ready! Go take a shower now we will go somewhere after we ate” he walks away and when he is near at the door, he turn around “I love you” he said. It snapped me back at the reality when my alarm rings.

I got out to my bedroom; there he is, waiting for me. He smiles at me as soon as he sees me coming near at him “Good morning!” He said nonchalantly. I take my seat and look at the foods “Kyaaa” as I got excited to eat all of the foods. “What time did you came here?” I asked him, I took a bite on my toasted bread and wait for him to answer “Around 5am” he answered; I put down my toasted bread and look at him with disbelief. I look at my watch and it’s already 8 o’clock in the morning, “Ya! That’s so early! You we’re here for about 3 hours now! Did you even sleep? It’s not like you we’re here last night! As far as I remember you went home” I said to him, he just laughed at me “I was taking a jogging and I just decided to come here and prepare some breakfast” he explained but I’m not buying, I looked at him, he looks like he didn’t came from some jogging “I have my spare clothes here, remember?” he sensed.

After we ate, we go outside and walk at the park; he holds my hand and gave me a peck in my cheek. I look at him and gave him a contented smile. He begun to ask me “What do you want in our wedding?” I look at him and blushed “I-I just want a simple yet memorable wedding” I said to him “I want that in a garden though” I continued “Wedding in the garden?” he said “It’s okay if it’s not in the garden” I said immediately. “What else?” he asked. “I want that our reception will be held in a vacation house” I said as I started to elaborate it all, he laughed at me and gave me another peck in my cheek.

We sit to an available bench in the park, viewing the manmade lake. It is the most relaxing time for me, I lean my head to his shoulder while our hands we’re intertwined to each other. “I love you…” he whispers to my ears “I love you too” I said as I close my eyes slowly. Then I heard some children’s laughter and voices, I open my eyes “Did I slept for a long time?” I asked, he smiles at me “nope!” We are still in the park, same position as I fell asleep; it was late for lunch time as I checked my watch “OMO! It’s already 1:30 in the afternoon!” I pout at him then I heard him chuckles “Let’s go and grab something to eat”

We we’re eating at the restaurant as a one lady approach us, no him “Hey! Long time no see!” she greeted him, I look at the lady then to him, then the lady look at me “I’m Park Bom” she said as she offers me a handshake. I suddenly remember that Bom was his former girlfriend’s name, which he really loves and almost got married too but she left him without notice. “Bom this is Dara my fiancé” he said, she gave me a smile “I see. Congratulation Dara, Seunghyun is such a great boyfriend… do you agree?” I answer her with my fake smile. “So when it is?” she asked him “After 6 months” he said, still looking at her like he don’t want to end the conversation.

It was never been like this, him looking at her like he really miss her and forgot about his fiancé, me. I look at him again, but he is busy looking at her, “So anyway, I have to go, I’m going to meet up with my boyfriend!” she said. As she left, I glared at him “Ya!” I caught his attention; he almost jumps off from his chair and “Waae?” he said like nothing happened. I hissed and looked away from his stare, “Let’s go and prepare for our wedding” I coldly said as I got up and get my bag.

I know I am jealous but to fact that he can’t just take his eyes on her. After that day, I didn’t budge to call him or give him a sms. My sister is with me, confused on what is going on “Ya unnie, what’s the problem?” she asked me, I shook my head and answer her “Nothing” coldly, I heard her hissed “Definitely, You and Seunghyun oppa have a problem unnie, you wouldn’t act like that” she said. I feel defeated, my sister is scolding me like she is my unnie, I bowed my head down “I know I shouldn’t be jealous over his ex-girlfriend but I couldn’t control it, his eyes is like wishing her to be in his arms again” I said, I walk back and forth “and, and I’m mad at him, he never talked to me after that meeting, Incident meeting with his ex girlfriend” I continued. I stopped and slump my body to our couch, I looked at my sister “What should I do now?” I asked her. I heard her sigh “Unnie let it pass”

“Yobo-seyo? Young bae-ah, do you know where Seunghyun at?” I called him,  “It’s so noisy Young Bae-ah, I can’t hear you” I continued, but he cut off my call, I looked at my phone, wondering why “Wae?” I sighed and but before I put my phone back to my bag, it rings, I looked at it, Young Bae texted me “Mianhae Noona, We’re in the club, and Hyung? I don’t where he is, I haven’t seen her since yesterday” I sigh again and feeling defeated “where the hell is he?” I said.

It was already 2 weeks has passed Seunghyun didn’t contacted me, his friends we’re saying that they didn’t know where is he. I’m worried that something might happen to Seunghyun. I’m going to the place that is possible for him to go, but I didn’t see him. I was at the park, our favorite place, sitting on the bench, wanting to cry, but I control it. As I looked up, someone we’re standing infront of me offering his hanky to me. I looked at the person, he is smiling at me, “go on, you’re such a beautiful lady, tears doesn’t suit you at all” he said.

A blonde, fair complexion, got a sweet smile, angel came for me to save me from this miseries. “Komawo” as I return his hanky, but he refuses to take it back “Ani that would be my gift for you” he said. I’m a little bit caught off guard; he’s acting like we’ve known each other for a long time.

An awkward silence fills us, I looked at him, he was smiling, then he suddenly looked at me, I looked away immediately, I heard him chuckles, “Don’t worry, I just want to accompany you” he said, I looked at him again “W-wae?” I asked, I didn’t expect him to say that, it got me curious, then he laughs “Don’t get me wrong, I just saw you searching for someone, then you sit here and controlling your tears that’s why I came and offer my hanky to you” he explained “We’re you looking for someone?” he asked, I nod and sigh “Do you want me to—o sorry, I’m Ji Yong” he suddenly introduces himself. Smiled at him “Dara” I introduced myself.

“unnie, are you okay?” my sister we’re worried about me, “Ne” I answered, I looked at the window “are you still worried about him unnie? It’s almost 2 months now unnie, he haven’t contacted you and even showing himself to you!” she said, obviously in her voice, he is getting mad about me and especially to Seunghyun. “And to the fact that Ji Yong oppa we’re there. Always here, worried about you” she said, I stood up then I feel dizzy, “Doo—“then everything seems to be black “Unnie!” the last word I heard from her.

I slowly open my eyes, I looked around and I saw my sister sleeping beside me, “Oh.. unnie… are you okay?” he yawns as she rubs her eyes “Wh-what happened to me?” I asked, “You collapsed unnie, you’re about to call me, thank God, Ji oppa came” she said, I looked for Ji Yong but I see no shadows of Ji Yong “He’s buying some foods unnie” she noticed it, she giggled, I looked at her “Wae?” I asked her, “You see unnie, you never wear the engagement ring, and Ji Yong oppa we’re always there beside you, I can sense something on it unnie” she teased, I blushed “A-ani, don’t get me wrong doorami” I said, “Don’t joke with me unnie, remember when I’m supposed to borrow one of your hanky that I didn’t know that was a gift from oppa” she laughs.

The teasing moment of my sister ended when Ji Yong came, “Are you okay now?” he asked me putting the foods he bought “Oh, Unnie, Omma and Appa will visit you later” she informed me. “Here” he gave me a chocolate drink, “Komawo” I said to him, I heard Doorami giggle, “Ya! Why are you giggling there?” Ji Yong looked at us and laugh, I pouted because I’m like a child in the room. Then the doctor came, “Goodeveni ng Dara-ssi” the doctor says “Annyeong” I bowed down, “I need to talk to you in private” the  he looks at them “Can you spare us a time?” he asked, then they all nodded and left the doctor and me. “Dara-ssi, I want you to know that…”

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Maria0801 #1
Chapter 2: Dara is only sleeping right? Make a sequel pls I believe in miracle
waah...soo sad...
sujukat #3
oh my gosh...i thought dara has aids...wah....pardon me for thinking that...wah....but she died...oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!
what can i expect from my favorite angsty tragedic writer???than want to go at her place and paluin siya over and over again?????????????? wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huhuhuhuhuhu.but still thumbs up!!!!!! i want to strangle w you are planning anoter onesht right>>>>HAPPINESS???? hhahhaha...thank you!love you!
xolurbdaragon #5
awww...<br />
the ending is very painful<br />
yet, im still happy that they did accept that dara will be leaving them...<br />
tragedy...<br />
but, nice story...
kyaaa!!! more update please!kekeke<br />
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