Suspicions and Re-introductions

Reunions and Relationships

Eli's POV:

I arrived at the underground parking lot and I saw Kevin's car parked near the entrance. Hmm... He's here pretty early... He's never been this early frequently. I didn't have time to grab some Red Bull on the way here, so I decided to make myself a cup of coffee at the café. As I was inches away from grabbing the handles of the tall glass doors, I heard voices coming from the inside. "So what is it you want to talk about?" I froze. It was Kevin's voice. I quickly retracted my extended hand and softly leaned against the wall by the doors.

"It's about... Last night..." That sounded like... Rose. What is she doing here with Kevin? What happened last night? As a million thoughts ran into my head, she then said the next two words that sorta answered all my questions: "The kiss..."

THEY KISSED?! WHAT?! I know I'm being a bad person by eavesdropping, but... I can't HELP it. But on the bright side, congrats Kevin! You finally had your first kiss! Then a split second later my curiosity began to grow as I kept eavesdropping into the conversation. "I knew it. Rose, if I made you uncomfortable, I'm really sorry, I ju-"

"No, you didn't," Rose cut him off. "It was one of the sweetest nights I've ever had in years. I'd like to thank you for that." What did they do last night? Did they do... Wait NAHHH Kevin would never do THAT with her, oh my erted mind getting the best of me in these kinds of situations.

"So, does this mean we're dating now?" Kevin asked her. "We're practically two peas in a pod nowadays..." I perked my head up to hear Rose's answer. But WOW Kevin. Two peas in a pod. This is something I have to about later. Way to be original, bro.

"Yea, it's official now, I guess." I mentally fist pumped into the air in victory. Because of this new found information, I now lost my craving for coffee. Now I can't wait to tell the other members. I got off the wall, about to head in the other direction when I heard Rose say one more thing: "But we should keep this a secret from the others, shouldn't we..."

I stopped and turned around, leaning against the wall again to make sure I've heard it right. A secret relationship? This is making me more awake than usual. It's unusual to hear something like this in the company, ya know. "Yep," Kevin paused. "We should head back, the other members will be here soon." At that moment I straightened up and fixed myself so I don't look that suspicious. I can imagine the look on their faces when they find out I've been here this entire time. About a minute later, the door slowly swung open and I gave them a smirk when they saw me.

"Good morning you two," I started. "Or should I say, two peas in a pod?" I saw the new couple freeze at my appearance. Hehe, caught you now.


Rose's POV:

Crap. Crap crap crap. Just by saying that phrase and his facial expression, I know he's heard everything. EVERY. SINGLE. DETAIL. Don't get me wrong. Knowing him, he can pick up on what's going on fast in a conversation if he jumped right in. (ESPECIALLY when it comes to relationships.) Don't just think to yourself that maybe coincidentally he heard Kevin say it as he was probably passing by. He knows. That little....

"So," Eli walked over to us. "Did something happen last night? How was your first kiss?" He raised an eyebrow in suspicion. I just stood there frozen as a million thoughts were racing into my mind. "Don't lie to me Rose," he said sternly. "I've heard everything." I TOLD you!

"W-What are y-you talking a-about?" I let out a nervous laugh as I try to convince him that he heard wrong. And boy did I fail at that.

"How did your date go with Kevin?" Eli ignored my question.

"Dude, stop," Kevin stepped in. He looked at me. "We should just tell him."

Should I? I mean, Eli is one of my best friends and... I don't know, it's not like every day a regular person would have a relationship with a celebrity, yet alone a secret relationship. There was a moment of silence until I huffed out a sigh of defeat. "Okay," I hung my head. "But PROMISE not to tell anyone, okay?" I looked up to him and gave him my you-tell-you-die look on my face that he knows all too well.

"Deal." We shook hands on it. In a matter of a couple of minutes, we were able to explain to Eli about what happened last night.

"Ohhh I remember that Peniel guy, I did a show with him," he nodded. Then he looked to Kevin. "Really? Pasta?"

"What, it's the best that I can do," Kevin defended himself. Then Eli turned towards me. "Did it taste salty?"

"No," I said in all honesty. He turned back to Kevin. "Good job Kev," he patted him on the back. "You finally made it right this time."


"Eli taught me how to make the pasta a while ago," Kevin explained. But Eli can cook? Really? I need to see this for myself... "Anyways, we should all be going now, the others must be here already," he went in between me and Eli and put his arms around us and walked towards the staircase towards our practice room.


Eli's POV:

During the dance practice for our new song, I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin and Rose. I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous. I like Rose too. I mean, yeah I'm known for liking girls with an S-line, and she may look just a tiny bit curvy but... UGH I don't know I just like her. I even began forming a plan to make her my girlfriend, but surprisingly Kevin beat me to it. All of a sudden I got a pat on the back that snapped me out of my thoughts. "You okay?" It was Soohyun. "There seems to be something on your mind." Oh hyung, if only you knew... And it's not something. It's someone.

"Ani, gwenchana," I reassured him. I would love to tell you Soohyun, but I was sworn to secrecy. He walked away with a suspicious look on his face.

The day dragged on late into the night. By the end of rehearsal, I saw that Kevin dashed out of the room. "Kevin!" Hoon yelled after him. How does that skinny kid still have all that energy after all the dancing we've done today... Without thinking twice, I said that I would go after him. I was so exhausted I can barely walk.

After I got out of the room, I realized that almost every break we've had today, he ran out of the room, and one of us always had to call him back. Not just yelling out to him, legit calling him. On his phone. He possibly can't have gone to the bathroom, since it was only down the hall. It was obvious on the members' faces that there was something up with Kevin. And now... Everything makes sense. He would go visit Rose, of course.

I took the elevator to the floor above us to where the trainees were. I was too fatigued to take the stairs. I popped in and they were all ready to go home, just like us. The other trainees said that Rose left already. Just as I thought.

I finally had enough energy to walk down the stairs. The doors made a quiet sound when they opened, and I made quiet footsteps as I came down the first set of stairs. And then, from the first landing I saw Rose and Kevin on the other landing. Their arms were wrapped around each other in what seemed to be a heated make-out session. Woa, GET IT KEV! Look at you with all this boldness. Rose's back was against the wall as I can clearly see that Kevin is taking over. Niiiice brotha, you show her who's in charge. Oh WHAT am I doing, spying on them... This isn't right. I soon felt a little pain in my heart as I witnessed this. I'm jealous. But I shouldn't be that way, right? Yes, I have dated in the past, and yes it has been a while since I've been in a relationship. Maybe I should get over the fact that I like her. Let Kevin have this. After all, this is his first relationship and I don't want to be the one to blame. I'll just be there for her, to catch her when she falls. But, then again, Kevin couldn't do anything to break her heart, could he? I mean, he's just too sweet and caring towards others and he rarely gets angry at anyone. Anyways, I'll let Kevin have his chance at romance. I wish you all the best my brotha!


Kevin's POV:

Rehearsal ended late tonight and as I was the first one to leave the room. I met up with Rose on the staircase for the eighth time tonight. We agreed that whenever we have our breaks around the same time, we would meet up there and talk for a bit.

"Practice ended," I said a bit out of breath. "How about you?"

"Yep, it ended for us too." She lifted her bag slightly a bit to show that she was about to leave. "You're gonna take me home, right?"

"Definitely baby," I flashed her a smile and a wink which made her blush. How cute... "You know, I couldn't stop thinking about you during practice."

"Oh really?" She smirked and raised an eyebrow. "I couldn't stop thinking about you either."

"Really?" I played along with her. "I bet you were thinking about that kiss, weren't you. Speaking of which, how was it? Alright?" I stepped closer to her.

"Well," she began. I would really like to know what she has to say since it was her first kiss. Also, I'd like to know how I can make her even more satisfied with my future kisses with her. "On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it a 8." She playfully smirked. 8? Really? Hmmm... I've got an idea.

"8? Really?" I pouted a little. I stepped closer to her, which made her step back. I continued to walk towards her until she back stepped into a wall. I placed my hands on the wall on either side of her head. Gotcha. Trapped. I leaned in towards her til our faces were only inches apart. "Is that your final answer?" I whispered to her in a low voice that I'm sure I made her weak in the knees. I stared at her beautiful lips. I wanna kiss her so bad... And luckily I have the opportunity right now to do so. I saw her blush again and smile at me. I see that her eyes traveled down from my eyes to my lips. Yep, she definitely wants this too.


Rose's POV:

"Is that your final answer?" He whispered in a low tone that almost made me fall in the cracks. This seduction... UGH  this boy wants me to give in. Just by looking in his eyes, he wants me so bad... Like as if he wants to kiss me forever. I catch him staring at my lips. I know just by this he wants to kiss me right now. But, is this appropriate? In a workplace, where anyone and possibly everyone can see what's about to go down? Even though we're on a stairwell? I was trapped. I can't get out. He was leaning closer towards me and there was a gap between us. But that gap was quickly closed by his sudden kiss. I felt his tongue glide over my lips asking for entrance. I tried to get him off me so that no one finds us like this by placing my hands on his chest and pushing him gently away from me, but that didn't work. The more I resisted, the more pushed up I was against the wall. After a minute of resisting, I caved in. I wrapped my arms around him and opened my mouth a little wider for him to... Explore my mouth. ._.

This boy... This boy can kiss... Wow... There aren't words to describe this feeling of intimacy. It felt so... Right. I never knew there was this side of you, Kev. As he was exploring my mouth, I felt his hands on my neck and waist, pulling me closer to him a deepening the kiss. My hands ended up ruffling his hair. A LOT. During this little... Make out sesh... Our tongues would fight over for dominance and most of the times I lost. Damn boy, I swear I'm a bit lightheaded because of you.

After what seemed to be about a full 10 minutes later, we pulled apart, catching our breath. That was the most amazing feeling I've ever experienced, to be honest. We let our foreheads touch and our arms wrapped around each other. "Woa," was all I could say-or whisper actually-to him.

"So," he whispered. "How was that?"

"On a scale of 1 to 10..." I began to catch my breath. "You broke that scale big time." I smiled blissfully at him. Nothing could get better than this, right?

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." He smirked as he pulled away and fixed himself. I picked up my bag and slung it around my shoulder. He held out his hand so that we can walk out of here as how a lovey-dovey couple should be --- until AJ found us.

"There you guys are," he was catching his breath as his voice echoed out into the stairwell. "Kev I've been looking for you everywhere." He leaned against the doorframe. "Why are you guys holding hands?" I realized I was still holding Kevin's hand a quickly let go.

"I'm taking her home," Kevin simply answered.

"Mhmm," AJ raised an eyebrow in suspicion. He then averted his eyes to Kevin's hair. "And why is your hair like that?" His hair was very messed up in the back from the hot make out session we just had.. But I blame him for this to happen!

"Just because," Kevin shrugged. "I felt that I should've practiced harder today, that's all." He grinned as he fixed his hair.

"Well you should have. It seemed today that something has been on your mind." AJ crossed his arms.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked.

"You seemed a bit... out of it today. Like at times your mind was in a different world. As if you're thinking of someone or something..." Gulp. The suspicions are rising.

"I'm fine AJ."

"Yeah riiiiight." Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Eli.

"Kev," Eli jumped a couple of stairs. "I've been looking for you."

"Hey Eli, didn't you think Kevin has been acting a bit odd today?" Eli knows already knows about the two of us now. He possibly can't insinuate AJ anything that will make his curiosity grow... Right?

"A bit..." He looked at me with wary eyes and then to AJ. "Why do you ask?" 

"Nothing, I just wanted to prove a point here." AJ looked at Kevin. "All of the members can see the look on your face that you're distracted. What's going on?"

"Hey, this is great and all seeing you guys again, but I really should be heading home now," I butted in to end all suspicion. I'm really tired and I just wanted to go home and sleep and I do not need any more of this. Otherwise it'll keep me awake and I won't get a peaceful slumber that I want.

"Okay," Kevin wrapped his arm around me.

"There seems to be something going on with you two..." AJ narrowed his eyes at us.

"There's nothing." I said that a bit too quickly.

"O....kay... Sure. There really is something," and he turned to Eli. "We need to practice our song for our follow-up promotions."

"Right now?" Eli groaned.

"Have fun with that," I smirked at the two of them. "Good night, you two." Kevin and I turned around and headed downstairs to the lot. I can hear them muttering some things about the two of us, but I didn't care. I'm glad AJ didn't find out about us. But now he's on to something. Great.



The rest of the members have already gone home and it was just me, Eli and some backup dancers for our follow-up promotions.mAfter about 3 hours of rehearsing, it was time for us to go home. Finally. Eli and I were the only ones left in the room packing our stuff and head home for the day. But I still think there is something up with Kevin and Rose. I know it. "Hey Eli," I started. He looked up at me while shoving something into his bag. "Don't you think there's something up with Kev and Rose?"

He stopped to think about it. "They're just friends. They're like that maybe because he hasn't seen her in a while, like me." He returned to his packing.

"I know that you three have been friends back in the States and all, but why does there seem to be more... Skinship involved between Kev and Rose... Than between you and her..." I tried looking for the right words to put this, hopefully I'll get my answer.

He froze. His shifty eyes were moving side to side a bit. That's... Something. I must be on to something here, or I didn't make any sense... "Eli..." I tilted my head a bit. "Everything okay?"

"Um yea everything's fine," he nodded at me and quickly continued packing.

"So..." I began. "Do you know anything about the two of them?" Hoping he would answer this time.

"Nope," he grabbed his bag and half-hurriedly walked towards the door.

"Eli wait!" Now there's something going on with him. I know it. I ran to him and stopped him by placing my hand firmly on his shoulder. He turned around to face me and he was a bit annoyed.

"THERE'S NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN THEM ALRIGHT?!" He practically yelled in my face.

"Yes. There IS." I said angrily. I am going to get things my way here. It will take me all night if I have to. Everything started to click in my head. I slowly drew in a breath and exhaled and popped the question. "Kevin and Rose are dating, right?"


Eli's POV:

"Kevin and Rose are dating, right?"

CRAP. I am SCREWED. Thanks AJ for putting me into a spot where my friendship with Kev and Rose will be possibly be shattered if I told you the truth.

"Answer me." AJ demanded, still firmly holding my shoulder to prevent me from going anywhere.

"You might be over thinking a bit too much, don't you think?" I said defending myself.

"What do you mean?" He let go of my shoulder.

"They're acting like this because they have a brother/sister friendship!" I yelled at him, acting to lower the suspicions. He was silent for a few seconds, which to me I think he's buying it. So I continued. "Look, they're not dating alright? I even asked them myself. Let it go." I walked away leaving dumbfounded AJ in the practice room.

As soon as I arrived at my apartment, I texted Kevin and Rose to call me as soon as they wake up. Since they're probably sleeping. Ironically, Kev texted back saying that she's at her place right now. A few seconds later, my phone rang and it was Kevin. I took a deep breath and answered the call.


Rose's POV:

After arriving home I plopped onto my couch in exhaustion. Kevin was standing at the doorway chuckling at the way I fell onto the couch. after i fixed my sitting position, I looked over at the doorway and saw another pair of shoes. Black, bigger-sized shoes. My dad is home earlier than usual. Which, I have to remind myself to introduce (or re-introduce) Kevin to him. And tell him that we're dating. Great. I can't lie to him. Plus, him asking me if I have a boyfriend and having that kind of conversation just makes me go into an awkward state. I hope he remembers Kevin, but I doubt it since he is preoccupied in work.

"Dad I'm hoooome~~~~" my voice echoed through the small apartment. I invited Kevin inside. Dad came out of his room. "Oh hey hun," he kissed the top of my head. He looked at Kevin. "Who's he?" Dad furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "He looks familiar....."

Kevin nervously walked towards him and held out his hand. "It's been a while, Mr. _____" Kevin smiled. "I'm Kevin. Kevin Woo. Do you remember me?"

My dad paused for a second to try and remember. I nervously glanced between him and Kevin, who also exchanged nervous glances at me a couple times. Then a smile formed on his face. "OHHH, KEVIN!" He shook his hand. "It's so good to see you again! How are things?"

"Things are fine, Mr. _____," Kevin smiled of relief.

"Do you have to go somewhere? Sit down and let's talk. It's been a while talking to you and it's relaxing to just talk anything non-work related." He sat down on the couch and patted a spot next to him. My dad sure seems happy seeing him again. When we were back in San Fransisco, our parents got along with each other really well. We would have weekly barbecues with other close friends and co-workers to mingle and other things while Kevin and I would just play around either in the backyard or at the park nearby his house. Kevin also got along with him when my dad had weekends off in the summertime. Guy to guy bonding. You could say that there was a father-to-son kind of relationship they had. To him, Kevin is like the son he never had. No wait scratch that. Pretty much all of the guy friends I've made are the sons he never have. They all got along with my dad really well. Sometimes my parents would tell me that they're happy I made friends with them, and I'm happy that they became part of my life.

As they were catching up, I made them tea. Who wouldn't want a cup of tea after a hard-working stressful day? After setting the cups down on the small living room table, my dad insisted to stay and join the conversation. After what seemed a while, he got up and stretched, which meant that he is about to go to bed. It seemed that they have been talking for a while. But WAIT! Kevin and I have to let my dad know... We're dating. *gulp*

"Wait, Mr. ______, there's something you have to know before you go to sleep," Kevin stopped him and looked over at me with a subtle pleading look on his face. He seemed to have read my mind. I nodded and he continued. "I've missed your daughter a lot when she moved away. To be honest, when we were little, I had a little crush on her. But as I have spent time with her, that little crush I had sort of... Escalated. In other words, I developed feelings for your daughter and I love her dearly." He stopped as my dad looked at me and back at Kevin. Kevin walked over to me, took my hand and walked me over with him back to my dad.

"You're not asking me to give you permission to marry her so soon, now are you young man?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No sir! Not so soon," he dropped my hand and reassured him. Oh dad, always jumping to conclusions as usual. "We... Started to date yesterday... And I just wanted to know if that was alright with you..." He trailed off and took my hand again and I felt a little squeeze.
"I knew this was going to happen, you two always seemed to be together a lot back home." He smiled and shook his head a bit. "Alright, I give you my permission. But hurt her and--"
"I know, I know," Kevin reassured him. Of course he knew the consequences. But, I don't think he'll ever hurt me, right? C'mon it's Kevin we're talking about here. He's one of the nicest guys I've ever known. Oh who am I kidding, all of the guy friends I've made have all been nice to me. "I'll take good care of her, Mr. _____."
"Atta boy," my dad smiled and gave him a hearty pat on the back. "I'll head to my room now, I'm a bit tired."
"I guess I should go too," Kevin pouted a bit.
"No it's okay, you can stay as long as you want," my dad insisted. He came up to me. "I'll let you have your moment and get your first kiss," he whispered in a half-audible voice and winked at me before heading to his room.
"DAD!" My face started to turn into a deep shade of red as Kevin stifled a snicker.
"Good night Rose," he stopped by his bedroom door and heaved a sigh. "My little girl is growing up now..." He quietly said to himself and closed the door, leaving the two of us alone again in the living room of the apartment. I look at Kevin and began to burst into laughter.
"If it makes you feel better, I'll pretend I didn't hear what he just said to you right now," he said between laughing as he sat down on the couch.
"How embarrassing," I sat next to him with my face buried in my hands. "UGH!" I tried to shake it off.
"It's okay," he wrapped his arm around me. "Besides, he doesn't know that we already kissed." I looked up to look at him and he smirked. He seemed to be onto something. The next thing I knew he kissed me on the lips. His lips were really sweet as he softly nibbled my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I slightly opened my mouth and his tongue quickly came inside to explore my mouth. Somehow I ended up lying down on the couch and he was on top of me. A few minutes later as we were in the midst of our fourth tongue battle Kevin's phone began to beep. We pulled apart and Kevin dug into his pocket to get his phone out. "It's Eli," he gasped for air.
Then my phone began to beep as well and it was... Eli? "That's odd, Eli texted me too..." We both checked our phones.
"Call me as soon as you wake up." We both read out loud in unison. Coincidence much? We laughed it off as Kevin texted back that he's with me. Then he called him. I'm really curious with what he has to say... It probably must be serious, but then again, it's Eli, he might be trolling. As soon as Eli picked up Kevin put the call on speakerphone and placed the phone on the table. "Hello?" Eli responded.
"Hey, you texted?" I asked. I'm still a little bit out of breath from that... Heated make out session.
"Yea, there's something that both of you need to know," his concerned voice echoed throughout the apartment. "Wait, why do you sound a bit out of breath?"
"Oh just, you know, exercising," I lied.
"At this time? Why would you exercise when you already exerted a lot of work today? Unless..." There was a long silence as Kevin and I exchanged glances. "You and Kevin were making out, weren't you..."
"....Helloooo?" Eli checked to see if we were still there.
"Yes we were okay," Kevin confessed.
"I knew it. Oh you lovebirds... Way to go Kevin," he chuckled.
"How did you know I... initiated this?!" Kevin began to yell, but I placed my finger close to my lips, indicating to be quiet since my dad was sleeping. He got my message. "Sorry," he mouthed towards me.
"I just do. It's just an instinct. Anyways, back to what I need to tell you guys. I need to warn you. AJ is starting to get suspicious of the two of you. He thinks you guys are dating."
We looked up from the phone and exchanged worried expressions. I slowly turned my head towards the phone. "You didn't tell him, did you?"
"Of course I didn't. Why would I want to do that? Anyway, he asked me if you two are dating. He said that there's a lot of skinship involved between the two of you."
"What did you say?" Kevin asked nervously.
"I just told him that you guys have a brother and sister friendship and that there's nothing going on between the two of you."
I heaved a sigh of relief. "Thanks for letting us know Eli."
"No problem. Just be careful if he ever talks to you guys about it, alright?"
"Got it. We'll see you tomorrow," Kevin replied.
"See you both tomorrow!" Eli concluded. "I'll go now and let you two continue your make-out session." I sensed him smirking on the other side of the phone as I began to blush.
"Eli, really?" I slumped down on the couch.
"Yes really. Good niiiiight lovebirds," he cooed.
"Good night Eli," we both said as we hung up.
"I knew AJ was on our trail," I groaned.
"It's okay, everything will be alright. I mean, they have to find out eventually, right?" He wrapped his arm around me.
"Yeah, I guess so," I sighed. "It's getting late, you should really head home," I stood up and Kevin followed in pursuit.
"Yea, I'll see you tomorrow okay babe?" He kissed my forehead before bending down to put on his shoes. Aww, he called me babe...
"See you tomorrow babe," I said with a cheesy smile on my face. He turned around and noticed my cheesy smiling and pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a minute or so before I went passed him to open the door. He stepped out into the hallway.
"Don't let AJ's suspicions stress you out so much okay? Eventually all of the members will know," he caressed my cheek.
"Okay," I nodded. "Good night, drive home safely," I gave him a small wave.
"Good night," he pulled me in for a quick kiss. As soon as we parted, I watched him walk towards the elevator and saw him disappear as the elevator doors closed. I locked the door and sleepily dragged myself to my room and plopped down onto my bed. I quickly fell asleep and headed off to dreamland. I won't let AJ's suspicions get the best of me.
it's been a while, hasn't it :p
sorry I have to say this, but I will be going on a small hiatus. I need to prepare for my finals at the end of the month and other big exams I have to take in June, so I won't be updating that much, but I hope this chapter will make up the long wait!
and a shoutout to all the new subscribers! Thank you for subscribing to this story (and I know some of you subscribed to my other story as well so thank you for that ^-^) so how do you guys like the story so far? Is it good? Would it be bad to ask if I can get some feedback please? If you want a good story, I'll try to do my best for you all!
stay tuned~~~~ :D
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Chapter 8: Dammit!! whats with the cliffhangers!! Hope you update soon!:)
Chapter 7: This story is getting good, update soon!!!:)
jeli0199 #4
Chapter 2: Update plz!!!! I really want to read the whole thing together!:)
KISSmeBecca #5
Chapter 3: Who's gonna b next? UKISS or C-Clown?? :3
stephanieasianlover #6
This story is so good! please keep going. update soon.
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 2: ok. i like it. xD it seems EPIC!!! when will she see eli and kevin and rome again? :3