Knock-out (Final)



As if six hours of studying and four hours of working at the bistro hadn’t drained all her energy enough, Im Yoona found herself yet another job to take care of, squeezing it into her already packed daily life schedule. Babysitting shouldn’t be that difficult and really, what’s so disastrous about taking care of a six year old cousin for the whole week, right?

Except when it involved babysitting at your workplace and the boy decided to turn the whole place into his personal playground with everyone working there served as his horses to ride on around.

Broken glasses, little innocent pranks and with the head of kitchen’s beard inadvertently shaved off by that ball of fresh mischief, one ear splitting scream that shook the whole supposed-to-be calm working atmosphere of a kitchen, Yoona gave up. It was a race between life and death when Yoona ended up groping whichever part of the boy’s shirt she could reach and dragged him out fast enough before the furious head of kitchen could do something murderous with that chopping knife in his hands.

Honestly, she would really love to scold him and act like the annoyingly strict older sister here but Im Yoona wasn’t born with that quality. Besides, she never actually enjoyed scolding people maybe because she’s the youngest in her family and she knew what it felt like being pushed around and denied the rights of an active young kid who wanted nothing but innocent play time.

“Okay, look Jaemin. Let’s make a deal, okay?” Yoona proposed an idea, holding the boy tightly by his shoulders in case he’d flee away again.
“A deal?” He asked and had Yoona’s quick nod of her head as a reply, “…A deal means money, right? Are we gambling?”
“What? WHAT? Who told you that I didn’t say that word! I was trying to-“
The little boy ended up giggling adorably with his cheeks slowly blushing because Yoona was being mighty ridiculous in her own way of panicking over little things.

“…Alright, y’know what? Let’s call it a game.” Yoona decided this time, clearing off before she continued,
“…For the next 24 hours, if you, Kang Jaemin could actually behave well and cause no trouble to anyone or anything, I, Im Yoona noona shall grant you any kind of wish. Sounds fair?”
He shook his head.

“What? Why not?” Yoona frowned, her brows creased together forming a dent in between.
“You said wish. I want plural.” He crinkled his nose playfully and whispered in a slower voice this time,
“…Three wishes.” Those two words had Yoona scoffing in disbelief,
“…Because you’re a genie, noona.”

Lowering her guards down, Yoona inhaled deeply after a quick thought of her mind and agreed,
“Call.” You, greedy brat. Pinky fingers intertwined marked the start of the game.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A ball in the middle with the bright light of the Sun splashing down on them and traces of sweats over their faces, it was more like standing on a battlefield instead of on an empty grassy compound.

Luhan good-heartedly started speaking and even levelled his eyes to match the boy’s as he bent down a little, ignoring the other pair of eyes that were metaphorically shooting lasers at him by the side. The boy that had been really silent and composed all the way, the boy who didn’t even make a sound higher than 65 decibel, the boy named Kang Jaemin.

And how on Earth did he end up here? Here’s an explanation.
As per usual, the brothers walked in for a nice treat at their favourite place just to find their subject of war in the form of a lovely young waitress, currently having some personal issues regarding her babysitting job. Kai thought it was a gentlemen’s thing to actually offer himself to take over her role until she finished her job at the eatery, probably seeing Jaemin as the medium to victory. Luhan on the other hand, thought that Kai was just being obnoxiously absurd because he knew for real that this younger brother of his was pretty much allergic to kids as he was to seafood.


Are you sure you’re okay with it? I feel so sorry to have dragged you into this, Kai :(

Nah, it’s fine. He’s such a cute kid after all. Don’t worry and just go on with your work, ok?

Uhum thank you :’) I’ll pick him up after I finish my shift in two hours, promise! ^^

Alright :>


The sound of giggling of two different voices had Kai putting his head up at an instant after slipping his phone back into his pocket. The sight of Jaemin laughing alongside Luhan was supposed to be an adorable one but somehow it turned out slightly irritating to Kai without the need to mention a single reason.

“You should have caught the ball, not avoid it, Jaemin ah.” Luhan said gently, ruffling the boy’s hair because he was being so endearing with those pair of eyesmiles. Kids weren’t the first thing topping up his list but at least Luhan knew he wasn’t doing this because of other hidden intentions, unlike that someone.

“That’s right.”
Kai’s deep voice resonated through the thin air as he stepped forward, taking the ball from his brother’s hands and looked at the little boy,
“…You should be the one taking control of the ball, not the other way round, Jaemin ah. Look, those are some mad muscles you have over there.” He glanced over to the pair of skinny little arms and had Jaemin chuckling, “…So, make full use of it, hm?”
“Okay!” The boy chirped in excitement and quickly ran towards the position Kai instructed him to.

“That’s, how you treat a boy, hyung.” Kai spoke in a whisper before he turned his back on the older guy and added,
“…Watch and learn, hyung. Watch.and.learn.”

Luhan, for once, couldn’t even begin with how much he wanted to present a knee kick over his brother’s face or maybe a headbutt for the least because from what he could see, this wasn’t just preposterous and unnecessary, but it was in fact an out of place kind of childish battle.
However, Luhan’s a patient brother and a brother never-

“Hyung! What the heck are you doing? Day dreaming?! Catch the ball when the kid throws it at you!”

Luhan wondered if it would hurt breaking an already broken thumb.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

From the very first moment she entered the dessert shop by the corner of the road, Yoona was expecting two handsome young men neatly tucked in their fashionable attires and a young toddler with a mess of melted chocolate ice cream smeared over his face. But by the time she walked in closer to that one table by the window, she completely lost her mind.

“Oh my God, what happened to you guys?!”
Gasping in terror, Yoona ran out of time to even think about her actions when she d each one of them,  inspecting every visible part of the brothers because she was pretty sure the last time she saw them earlier today, they weren’t accompanied by messes and bruises.

Luhan’s repetitive I’m fine, don’t worry was echoing all throughout the silence of the atmosphere while Kai was busy being stunned and stoned, probably squealing internally to even say a word as Yoona kept rattling like a machine gun in front of them.

“Jaemin, did you-“
“No, noona!” Jaemin quickly denied, putting up his hands innocently, “…Don’t blame me, I did nothing, really! I still followed your rules, I promise I did!”
The way he seemed so truthful and honest as he said that had Yoona turned to the other two boys this time, silently demanding for an explanation because she couldn’t think of any by herself.

Kai stood up, looking all battered and defeated as he handed Yoona something from his hand,
“Here’s something for you.” He said and didn’t wait for the girl to respond when he nudged Luhan who was still sitting on the seat, applying ices over his cheeks, “…Time to go home now, hyung.”
Yoona stepped aside to give way to the brothers, acknowledging their head nods and warm smiles before they left through the door. In her palm, she grasped the piece of paper tightly and took a quick glance of it. A ticket.

“We were playing dodge ball when Luhan hyung accidentally smack Kai hyung right on his face. The game was fun…until the hyungs started to tackle each other down onto the dirt and it wasn’t dodge ball anymore. It was a wrestling match because Kai hyung said that’s what real men do.”

Yoona’s eyes flicked from staring at the ticket to Jaemin’s innocent eyes looking at her,
“…That ticket is from Kai hyung because he won the match.”
“You mean?”
“They played a game just like we did, except with different rules and prizes.” Jaemin said,
“…Whoever won the wrestling game got the chance to take you out for a musical performance…At least that’s what I heard they said.”

She didn’t know what it was that she’s feeling right now because it was obviously wasn’t something she could easily differentiate. The title of the musical and the list of artists involved was enough to conclude that it was definitely not an inexpensive one, something that she could probably buy only after using up her whole month’s salary.

“And Yoona noona…” A slight pull over the hem of her shirt had Yoona glancing over towards Jaemin once again,
“Yes, Jaemin ah?”


“I think the hyungs like you.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Dinner was served in silence without Mom yelling at the maids or Dad arguing with the other shareholders through the phone. It wasn’t a sight normally seen but to actually experience this kind of serenity for once, it felt so surreal and calming, might as well do this every dinner time.
Except for those purplish marks on Luhan’s cheeks and thick cloth of bandaged over Kai’s left thumb, everything was nice and flawless.

Their father thought this could probably be the least head-aching problem the brothers had ever gotten their hands into because he hadn’t received any calls or warnings from anyone yet as of now so whatever mess they had created this time, most likely didn’t involve other innocent souls.

When Kai left his room to sneak into the kitchen for midnight snacks later that night, his steps stopped right in front of Luhan’s room and behind the opened door, he could clearly see how the older brother was struggling to put medicated patch over his back. Kai hardly ignored what he saw.

When Luhan descended the stairs to grab a glass of plain water on the kitchen counter, his eyes spotted how Kai was difficultly trying to open the jar of peanut butter with one thumb handicapped and it meant the collapsed of the whole world for him. Luhan barely turned his back on Kai.

The wrestling match wasn’t really the end of everything, to be honest. These days, even choosing over the menu could be catastrophic. Breakfast wouldn’t be complete without Kai pouring salt into Luhan’s apple juice and the day would be a total waste if Luhan didn’t arrange dead bugs over Kai’s pillows. From pulling pranks on other people, the brothers ended up causing chaos towards each other, spilling hot milks and cracking eggs over their foreheads and thoroughly ruined Mom’s effort to bake Grandma her 75th birthday cake.

Luhan wouldn’t let Kai drove his car anymore, unless the younger one agreed to apply bacteriostatic sanitizer beforehand. Kai kept his cool but he got his epic revenge after he sold Luhan out on that day they came across a former girlfriend of his older brother’s, wondering how a ‘cancer patient’ could end up in a karaoke room instead of in an overseas’ hospital.
Luhan was lucky enough that he escaped with just minor scratches and ear-splitting screams because honestly within that kind of situation with a psychopathic clingy ex-girlfriend, so much more could have happened.

The glares and foot-kicking battle under the table used to be negligible before but maybe tonight, not anymore because it was getting slightly out of control. Just when Luhan’s water spurt reached Kai’s face and three pieces of cream puffs tossed over to him as an exchange, one loud roar from Grandma had the two brothers scrambling away, running from the traumatizing ancient cursing words from the annoyed old woman.

The so called war lasted longer than they ever thought it would. Both weren’t giving hints of backing off and Kai was getting much aggressive and tiny-hearted as time passed. The pair of brothers who used to share everything and do all the things they could together stopped doing that these days.
They weren’t being the usual LuKai brothers anymore, more like being the typical cat and dog siblings nowadays.

And Yoona might seem naïve but she wasn’t really that insensible to not notice the awkward rivalry between those two especially the times when she started a topic of conversation and they’d both barge in, turning it into a heated debate instead of a casual chat. Also, she couldn’t even begin with those times they argued about white sauce and red sauce spaghettis or even short neck clams and long neck clams until at one point, Yoona started to become their referee instead of a part time hired waitress.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There came a night when Kai got up from his bed because sleep wasn’t soothing his hungry stomach and he found himself stopping in front of the door to Luhan’s bedroom. Peeking his head inside, Kai noticed his brother was doing some self-service, massaging his whole aching body because despite being twenty two years old, Luhan owned a sixty years old body. Barely ignoring him again, Kai rushed over downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

Dragging his legs along as he descended the stairs, Luhan heard the noises from the kitchen and he instantly knew of Kai’s presence. The younger brother who kept sneaking in during midnights because he’s a big eater and Luhan found it amusing just standing on the last step and watched over Kai doing things on his own, shrieking in pain whenever he accidentally used strength over his previously broken thumb just to open the jar. Hardly enough, Luhan turned to walk back up again and decided to neglect his brother’s misery.

Kai pushed the jar aside, growling not because he failed to open it, more of because he couldn’t forget the image of seeing Luhan playing doctor on his own just now and those bruises (because Luhan’s a loser when it came to playing dodge ball so he hurt himself) were still clear and visible.
His grunt became more evident as he exasperatingly left the kitchen and headed to the stairs, grabbing anything useful he could get from the aid kit.

Luhan was definitely lying to himself even if he kept making believe that seeing Kai in pain ease his heart because it definitely didn’t. Who on Earth could cook using one hand and as far as he’s concerned, Kai’s a fail cook who couldn’t even light the stove without burning his own fingers.
Luhan stopped his steps midway on the stairs, leaning against the railing with a heavy sigh because he had enough of sleepless nights worrying over Kai’s broken thumb, so how would he even tolerate another round of being insomniac if his brother really happened to burn his fingers this time?

Luhan turned back to where he came from.
Kai climbed up to where he climbed down from minutes ago.
The brothers met at different poles of the stairs, both looking at each other without the need to say a word. Luhan noticed the medications in Kai’s hands and the latter also seemed to understand those look in his older brother’s eyes that just screamed let’s stop this all over.

“Hyung.” Kai got up one step.
“What?” Luhan got up one step too, except that he did it backwards.

“Does your back still hurt?”
Luhan hummed once as an answer before he returned a question, “How about your thumb?”

Kai nodded, “I thought I’m dying.”
The brothers flashed a genuine smile towards each other this time, both started to slowly climbed the stairs again until Kai finally spoke the first apology that had Luhan swallowing difficultly because he knew his younger brother more than anyone. Kai never apologized and the fact that he did, it warmed his heart.

“But you’re still ugly, hyung.”

Kai failed to duck when Luhan caught him in a strong headlock, shouting their way up until he was finally slammed onto Luhan’s bed and decided, he had enough time until dawn to beat Luhan in rounds of Wii games.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It was a Tuesday evening and just like any other day after hanging up on Mom’s call for dinner, the boys headed to their usual place downtown. They pictured Yoona being all surprised and pleased to see them finally making peace with each other and the thought of that alone was enough to get them all giddy and weird.

“We should apologize firsthand.” Luhan said and got Kai’s quick nod as an agreeing response.
“…and then we’ll drag her out and sing Happy Birthday to her, okay?”
“Whaddafff- why would we do that for? It’s not her birthday!”
“Just shut up and do as I say.” Luhan said, “…I got this. I read it somewhere that girls like surprises.”

Kai snickered, clamping a hand over his forehead, “Hyung, tell me you’re not born stupid or anything because excuse me, Sir but yeah you’re right about that part that girls love surprises but real ones, mind you.” Kai sighed, shaking his head because Luhan would forever be a dumbo mumbo when it came to courting.

“Know what, hyung? Let’s just get inside and apologize for being crazy jerks all over the weekend.”
“And abandon the Happy Birthday song thingy. That idea .” Kai light-heartedly cut off his brother’s reply, pushing him towards the door forcefully to get him entering and just stopped blabbering nonsense now.

“No, Kai wait!”
“Just get inside hyung, we don’t have much-“
“No, no, seriously. There! Look, look!” Luhan already had his right leg stepping inside the eatery when he turned his head and puckered his lips towards a direction outside, “…Isn’t that Yoona?”
Kai finally stopped pushing and had his head turning to where Luhan was pointing at and he quickly loosened his grip over his brother’s shoulder all so suddenly it almost got Luhan stumbling backwards if only Kai wasn’t fast enough to catch him again.

“That is Yoona.” Kai said, his legs were already stepping forward thoughtlessly with Luhan following behind and when he was ready to raise his hand up and called out for her, the sight of her being pulled into a hug by some guy had both brothers gasped radically, headaches came out of nowhere particularly at that time.

“What the heck?!”  Luhan nearly fell backwards, grabbing the back of his neck.
“Yoona sshi!” Kai cupped his lips, his brows creased together and what a strong pang over his face he could feel as he could just watched her in the arms of someone else.

 When Yoona pulled back a little from the hug because of some noisy screams behind him, her eyes almost popped out prospective to seeing overly severe devastated look on their faces.
“Guys!” She gasped, her hands letting go of the other guy’s arm.
“Who are they?” The man asked and had his hand grasping Yoona’s wrist firmly, “…Are they-“

“Wait, my prince! I can explain!” She gulped.

“My prince?!” Kai yapped horrendously.
“MY PRINCE?!” Luhan echoed the same exact manner, apart from the way he was holding on to his neck made him looked a little more dramatic than Kai was.

Torn in between, Yoona didn’t know which side required explanations more but then again, she supposed Eunhyuk could understand if she postponed the clarifications for him and proceeded with the boys first.
“Guys, seriously. I –“

“You gotta be kidding me!” Kai butted in, scoffing and had Yoona silenced before she could actually start speaking,
“…this kind of dude?? Really??”
“What? What’s wrong with me? What kind of dude are you talking about??” Eunhyuk rebutted, his head was jerking upwards each time he finished his sentences.

“Your face.” Luhan replied nonchalantly, crossing his arms.
Mouth gaping and wide eyes, Yoona barely got a grip of Eunhyuk’s arm, enough to hold him back from doing anything ‘unpretty’ to those brothers.

“I can’t believe this.” Yoona shook her head, gawking at them because disrespecting people wasn’t what she had ever expected from these boys.
“You know, I should be the one saying that.” Luhan replied.
“What? Why?? WHAT?” She retorted, “…What’s not to believ-“
“Areyoukiddingme HE’S AN ANCHOVY!” Kai bluntly remarked, two octaves higher than his usual voice.

Yoona took out her Chinese fan which she had always placed inside her pocket and whacked both brothers once on their heads, angry words spilling over from her lips she finally took Eunhyuk’s hand and stomped her way off that place furiously. It wasn’t easy to annoy Yoona actually, let alone angering her up but these boys made history, really.

“No, Yoona sshi! Waittt!” Kai called out miserably and dramatically clasped a hand over his chest as he fell leaning against his brother, “…Hyung, I need my mushrooms now.”
Luhan heaved a deep sigh, his eyes helplessly looking up at Kai and patted the dropped shoulders of the younger brother,
“In the end…it’s just you and me, Kai.” He hooked an arm around Kai’s neck and walked over towards the subway because the shock of what happened had them forgotten about the existence of their car.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This whole week was an unpredictable one because winter’s coming and the weather seemed as if it’s suffering from PMS. It rained when it didn’t suppose to, got colder one day and warmer the other day.

Yoona just got back from work and was on her way home, walking under the lights when she came across two guys and her heart leaped a little but the excitement instantly died down as fast as it appeared because the tall tan guy wasn’t Kai and the shorter one with warmer smile wasn’t Luhan.
She might seem calm and cool during the day, entertaining the customers and serving them with all her might but nobody else except Im Yoona herself who knew exactly how many times she actually glanced over to that table nearby the entrance where two familiar figures she had came to warm up to used to sit at every lunch time.

Maybe the smack on their heads was too much, she thought but then again, it was merely out of reflex and she really didn’t intend of getting angry at them. They were seriously being too nice all the time Yoona came to have higher expectations on them so she never could have imagined that sort of attitude from those brothers.  

Today marked the thirteenth day since she last saw them and honestly, it didn’t feel good at all.
She could just be missing them like how she would be missing a friend. She could just be waiting from 3pm every day up to 9 o’clock every night just to silently be hoping they would pop out behind the door and appeared at the table again.
But they didn’t.

Yoona stopped by at a stall, her favourite stall and caught the smell of ddeokboki she had grown up loving. It was getting late and she got an early class tomorrow but Yoona thought it wouldn’t hurt to just stay here for a while and let food heal her heart.
The moment Yoona stepped into the stall, she was glad that at least her usual place wasn’t occupied and she didn’t wait another second to go straight and take a seat.
By the time she placed her orders, she was interrupted by male voices talking behind her, it had her turning around because listening to other people’s argument about which sauce tasted better wasn’t really something flattering at all.

Yoona was all ready to speak a piece of her mind towards those noisy men behind her and she didn’t care even if her cheeks looked bloated because of full mouth right now. “Excuse me.”
Yoona tapped the shoulder of the guy having his back on her and as he fidgeted around half a second before turning to her, she found her jaws hanging and nothing came out because that face and those eyes that were currently staring at her, weren’t the face and the eyes she was expecting to see.

“Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to our Yoona, Happy Birthday to you!!”
Luhan clapped, cheering. Yoona choked on her food. Kai slapped a palm over his face.
Such a heart warming reunion.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Envy. I wish I was her. Gentlemen.

Thoughts of those people walking passed them as they watched Yoona being squeezed in between those two tall guys towering over her, both being extremely adorable pilling their jackets on top of her in case she’d catch a cold.

“I’m fine, guys. Really.” Yoona said, smiling as she put her palms over her cheeks because she definitely didn’t want them to catch a glimpse of her blushing face.
It was an awkward start maybe because days of not seeing each other had them feeling a little distant but once Yoona started talking and assuring that nothing ever changed, the brothers finally warmed up again and Kai took his role as the lame jokes cracker with Luhan being in charge of the laughing part.

“He’s not my boyfriend actually, guys.” The honest confession coming from somewhat turned out as something rather shocking to both Luhan and Kai, they remained speechless for a while, “…He’s my older brother.”

“But!” Luhan exhaled deeply, thought he was going insane, “…But you called him-“
“Prince. Yes, I know it’s weird.” Yoona said, acknowledging the fact, “…but there’s always explanation to everything and in this case, it’s because well, you can already tell that physically…We don’t even look like siblings.”

Luhan nodded, at least Yoona herself knew of that fact, “Way too different from each other.” He commented.
“He took after Dad.” She responded, tucking her arms to shield herself from the wind.
“Father and son, a pair of anchovies.” Kai silently laughed at his own thoughts which he would never speak it out again in case Yoona would not just whack him this time but would hate him forever at the least.

“Since we were kids, oppa had been having trouble with self esteem because everybody kept comparing us and criticizing his looks all the time so I made a promise to him when I was ten. That it didn’t matter what other people say because to me, he’ll forever be my prince charming.”

“And that’s why you call him your prince?” Luhan’s question was aiming for a confirmation and so when Yoona nodded, it had him and his heart (And Kai’s heart too), blooming in what seemed like a view could only be seen in mid-spring.
Aww. Luhan and Kai both sported admiring smiles on their faces because really, how much sweeter could she get?

“And by the way, won’t it just be plain cheesy for me to call my own boyfriend a prince? I mean, come on! How could you guys think I’m that lame?”
“It’s not that lame actually. Kai here always asked the girls to call him that though.”
Luhan sneered, glancing towards Kai who was already shooting murderous glares at him.

 “Other issues aside…” Kai awkwardly cleared his throat, “…So this means you’re still single and available, right?”
Yoona shrugged, “Single yes, but available…” A smirk slowly appeared at the corner of her lips, flicking her eyes between those two brothers “…that one, I’d have to think it over again.”
She added and started walking faster ahead, secretly hiding that clever smile on her face which the boys failed to see.

Luhan and Kai looked up at each other, blinking blankly. Maybe a second passed as they just silently looked at each other while Yoona was already walking further in front.

“Let’s play fair this time.”

The wind blew, lamp posts and lights blinking above them. There was nothing but silence and tranquillity. Above them were stars, behind them was darkness and ahead of them was Yoona.
It was total quietness until,

Kai screamed, scurrying towards Yoona just to have him being pulled back by the collar from Luhan’s firm grip. Kai responded with a grasp of Luhan’s cloth with a little bit of violent back hugs and cat scratching attacks, the brothers’ crazy outburst of laughter filled the atmosphere when they jostled competitively to catch after the footsteps of that girl who would endlessly be that one thing they never could share.





A/N : First of all, I'd like to dedicate this story to everyone who have been really supportive and kind to me especially thecandice/ candyredhearts (this feels so awkward) but you're always fangirling over my stories it's not funny anymore T.T I hope you're not disappointed with Trinity though and I just wanna say, without you knowing, you've actually encouraged me to write, A LOT so thank you :) <3

And second thing is, I just want to say, no matter what other people say or how much bashing my OT3 gets, I'm not going to stop writing
about them so pls don't waste your time criticizing me and my faith in LuYoonKai. I'm sorry that I'm matured enough not to write stupid things
on your wall/ send hateful messages like an uncultured person. Stop hating and start making peace with the world, okay? ^.^

Psst, about Eunhyuk's cameo, don't kill me. I personally think he's goddamn good looking and he's even my second bias in Suju
after Heechul but I just have to make use of his Anchovy nickname so pls don't be offended.
Trinity, end! Thank you subscribers and everyone who's nice enough to leave me a comment there :)



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Chapter 2: Y3ahhhh they together wohooo .... idiot luhan hahah yoona goos jobb
Chapter 1: This is best !!!! So amazing waa monggu yaa thank you hehhhe
yoongie_exo #3
Chapter 5: Daebak ! I love your story so freaking damn much
hiddencupcakes #5
Chapter 5: awww author-nim i'm seriously in heaven now~ every single chapter is incredibly daebak 0.0 i can't even-

thanks for all the unending smiles,squeals,and all of the explainable feelings you have given me after i read this fanfic<3
curse the heavens why i only read this now TT.TT i will surely read all of your stories and be one of your subscribers ^^
you're the best athour-nim~! <3

ps: can you right yoonkris ff,too? i also ship them alongside with luyoonkai >w<
Chapter 5: Awww
indeterminate ending ;_;
but i kinda like it better that way >.<
because neither of them get heartbroken :3
Chapter 2: im dying of feels attack T_T
that was so sweet and cute im going to faint