Chapter 6

What Can Fate Bring?

EunHae’s POV:

I reached my locker and grabbed my phone and music books so that I could start early on my homework. Once I closed my locker, I headed back to the room and I saw Ren and Mi talking. Thank God that she is enjoying herself. After watching them, Ren left to go back to his seat and I opened the door and head to my seat.

“Did you grab everything Eun?”

“Yeah, I did. How was your talk with Ren?” She looked at me with suspicion.

“Oh you saw that? Well, it was okay. I made a new friend, which is good.” She smiled and looked out the window. I always admired Mi. She is the nicest person that you will ever meet in your life. She’s not like those girls that are snobby and stuck-up. She has a calming aura when you are around her. The presence that she gives is just so sweet. Haha, there is no way that our friendship will be destroyed.

“That’s good, but I’m always going to be number one right?” I said giving her a wink.

“Of course you’ll always be my number one! I don’t know where I’d be if you weren’t here with me!” She pouted. Awww... She is so cute. I pinch her cheek softly and she smiled.

“Aww, You’re too cute.” I put my books in my bag and sat down in my chair. I saw Aron looking in our direction and when our eyes met, he stared and then he looked away. What’s up with him? He’s really weird, but pretty cute. I know he can speak English because he talked to me in music class.

“Hey Eun, how about we get some ice cream after school today? I heard there’s a really good place that sells it.” She had her sleepy smile on again. Aha, what am I going to do with this girl?


Mi Young POV:

“Mi wake up, the teacher’s coming pretty soon.” I slowly get up to Eun calling me. I stretch in my seat and rub my eyes.

“Ugh, *Yawn* Okay, I’m up. I just need to stretch out my body because I definitely feel tight at the moment.” Ugh, I keep yawning. I look around the room to see if anyone else was here and my eyes land on... Nu’est... *SIgh* Why of all people do me and EunHae have to be in the same homeroom as them? I feel like this is torture.

“I’m going to wash up really quick, I feel like my eyes are not going to wake up any time soon.” I get up from my seat and head out of the class.



Oh, she got up from her seat! Maybe I should go and talk to her. Wait where is she going? “Guys, I’ll be back.” “Alright JR, don’t do anything immature.” I glared at Aron and he continued reading his book. I push my seat in and head out of the classroom. I see Mi walking down the hall with her hands in her blazer pockets. Haha, she is cute. She’s the girl that fits all my expectations. I followed her until she had reached the bathroom. I decided to go wash myself up also because I still feel like I’m going to sleep sooner or later. After I washed my face, I headed out the door and I suddenly bumped into... Mi... Just my luck... This is going to be awkward...


Mi Young’s POV:

I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up and found JR in front of me.

“I’m sorry; I wasn’t looking where I was going...” I looked down to the floor so that I didn’t make contact with his eyes.

“It’s alright; it’s my fault too.” He smiled. He is pretty handsome... No wait! Mi, get yourself together! No falling for guys! You promised!  I ran my hand through my hair and excused myself. That was weird... It’s like fate is bring me and him together. I don’t like him like that. Not now because I don’t know much about him. I turn around and coincidently, we are going the same way.

“So how are you liking the school so far?” I got startled by his sudden question. He was now walking next to me.

“Ummm... It’s okay. Still not use to it yet. But all in all, it’s a great school.” I had my hands behind my back while walking.

“Don’t worry too much about it. You’ll do fine.” At his comment I felt a smile crept along my face. It was reassuring to hear that from someone. I didn’t want him to see how happy I was. I just gave him a small smile as we headed back to the classroom. I walk back to my seat as JR does the same.

“Took you awhile missy.” Eun wiggled her eyebrow.

“Eun, nothing happened; we just happened to bump into each other.” Honestly, really. I just accidently bumped into him. There’s nothing wrong with that right? Or is there... *Thinking* I scratch my head and get out my book. Ugh, I need to reflect on my life later. Then the teacher walks in.

“So class, as you all know, we will be having the big music and dance competition this year again! You will be having rivals in this class and I cannot change them.” She started going through the list and then I heard my name.

“Mi Young; I heard about your performance in class today and you will be doing a dance off with... *Teacher widens her eyes* with Jonghyun Kim, well JR...” WHAT?!?!?! YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!!!! What the heck? Was this suppose to even happen? There is no way that I can verse JR! I look at Eun and she is surprised as well. What have I gotten myself into this time? I looked at JR and he was just chilling out and not really caring who he is going to challenge. I think this year is going to be the end of me...



This is going to be an interesting competition this year... No one can beat me when it comes to dancing. “JR, why don’t you go easy on her? It’s her first year here and even though she pretty good; I hate seeing girls lose...” Minhyun was looking in Mi young’s direction as he was talking to me.

“Nah, I won’t. Besides, I know she has more tricks up her sleeves. I can tell very easily.” I smirked just thinking about the many possibilities that are in store for me. The competition is in about 4 months and I already have my routine made already.

“I’ll see her progress as the time comes for the competition. I have dance class with her like everyday so I’ll see how she’s going to overcome this task.” Might want to watch Mi, because you’re going to be in for a surprise. *RRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG* School is over... Finally I can go back to my dorm and sleep. Me and the guys headed out of the classroom after Mi and her friend.

“So how was your dance class with Mi Young?” Ren ask as we walked down the halls while all the girls were fangirling over us.

“It was interesting... Right Minhyun?”

“Ya that girl has moves...” He was reading his book while talking and walking. What is with this kid? Anyway, what am I going to do with you Mi Young...?


Mi Young’s POV:

“Ugh... You can’t be serious. Just because of my dancing skills, I have to challenge the best guy dancer in the school?”

“Mi, you’ll be fine. You just need to relax and do what you always do. You have you’re lucky charm with you and you always wear it.” I took out my necklace that was around my neck and looked at it. It was a gift from my grandma before she passed away. It’s been 5 years since then and I haven’t been myself much and EunHae knows it. We were very close and even now I still get tears in my eyes when I think about her.

“I hope so. I don’t want anything to go wrong when that performance time comes...” I already have a plan up my sleeve. I’m going to have to make a call tonight to one of my best dance teachers.

“Come on Mi, have more confidence in yourself and I already know that you have a plan for this.” She smiled and hugged me as we went back to our dorm. She knows me too well. We walked down the hall ignoring the fangirls that are screaming Nu’est. Three years that I am going to deal with this...


Aron’s POV:

I watched Mi walk down the hall with her friend EunHae. She is cute; I have to say. The way she smiles and her personality. I’m pretty sure that JR likes her; just by the way that he looks at her. I think I’ll just back off of her and be friends with her. I know that it was such a short time crush, but for some reason, I only see her as a little sister. I’ll just get to her know her better. That’s the only way that I’ll know her better. If JR really does like her, then I’ll just be on the side to support them both if they start dating. She better remember the promise that she made with me.


Mi Young’s POV:

Omg, I’m going crazy now. EunHae and I had just reached our dorm and I flopped onto the couch. “Mi, what do you wanna eat? I’m thinking some American food; or maybe some Japanese food... I don’t know, I’m still undecided.” I put on my thinking face and Eun just laughs. “What? I’m thinking okay? Don’t laugh...” I kept thinking but the only thing I could think of was sleep!

“Well, to be honest. I’m not really hungry EunHae. You can eat. I think I’m going to sleep now. I’m just really exhausted from today’s class.” I got up from the couch and headed towards my room. I opened the door and walked in. Man I’m really tired. All that dancing wore me out. I slowly walk over to my bed and freefall into one of my pillows. I turned and looked out the window by my bed. It was dark outside already and I could feel my eyes slowly start to close. I could hear EunHae playing games on the TV in our room. Huh she's at it again. Her and her game obsession. My vision starts to go blurry and I soon fall asleep. I wonder what tomorrow will bring me?


EunHae POV:

I see Mi walk to her room and close the door behind her. I should probably turn my game volume down so that she can sleep. I walk up to the TV because I can’t find the remote and turn down the volume. I then jump back on the couch and continue playing. All my American friends and I play videogames together every night. We play all different sorts of games like Minecraft, Call of Duty, and much more. They were really sad that I had to leave but we always keep in touch no matter where we are over video chatting and calling each other on the phone. I played for about an hour or two before telling them that I had to go to sleep since I had to wake up early. I log off of the game chat and go and brush my teeth. I remember all the amazing things we got to do and see today and I smiled almost choking on the toothbrush that was in my mouth. I remember JR and Mi. The way they look at each other is... strange. I will have to investigate tomorrow. Maybe I should tell Mi about “that” too? No I can always tell her later. I finish brushing my teeth and head off to bed.

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Chapter 4: Yes ! Finally ! they met each other !!
Chapter 3: uwwoowww !! haha :D Author-nim .. i don't what to comment anymore /awkward/ hehe :)
anyway ,, the story is interesting !!
Update soon !
Chapter 1: yeay !! finally !
anyway ! update soon Author-nim ~~ ^_^
Hello Author-nim !! When will you update this story ?
WildBunny #5
Chapter 1: Update soon^^ I like you story very much
Can't wait <3