Chapter 5

What Can Fate Bring?


I take a quick shower. Man I swear our dance teacher is going to make me exhausted sooner or later. I let the water run down my hair and just thinking about Mi Young makes me so paranoid. Do I have a crush on her already? *Laughs* Haha, there’s no way I can like her so soon. I don’t believe love at first sight... Or do I? No,no, no you’re being crazy. I turned off the shower and took my towel to dry down my hair and put on my uniform. That girl is pretty good, I have go to say. I’ve never seen girls dance like that before. She’s the first so far. Looks like I have some competition to deal with. *Smirks* She may be shy on the outside, but on the inside, she’s more than people expect. The way her eyes changed during the dance caught me offguard. Let’s see what else she has up her sleeve....


Mi Young’s POV:

The bell finally rings and I head to the Advance Music Class to find EunHae. I feel like my legs are going to fall off my body sooner or later. I saw some students coming out of a classroom and I assume that it was EunHae’s class. I walked in and found her packing her things into her bag.

“Hey Eun, how was class?”

“It was okay I guess.”

“It doesn’t sound like you had a good time...”

“Nah, it was just okay, nothing really special. How was your class?”

“It was so tiring! I was about to collapse... Well not really; it was just a lot to take in. The teacher made me perform in front of the whole class with the choreography that he gave us. You know how I change when I start to dance; the look in my eyes change. I look innocent outside of class, but if you put me on stage, it’s a whole different story. “ I help her grab the things and we head down to the cafeteria to get some food. We walked and talked until we got there and we look around to find an open table to sit at. We sat in the back and EunHae went to get some food for the both of us. I sit down and place my chin on my hand. *Sigh* This day, it just seems to be going by so slow. I take out my book and continuing reading from where I left off. I honestly forget about the world around me when I read. Everyone that I knows never bothers me when I am reading.

“Here’s your chicken salad with ranch and lemonade Mi.” I look up from my book and find Eun putting our food on the table. I put my book away in my bag and started to eat my food.

“So Mi, My class is just weird. Aron took my lyric book, but he gave it back later, and then his friends interrupted me when I was about to introduce myself. Everything just seems to be out to get me today.” I laugh a little at her. She is a cute girl and I just don’t know what I would do without her.

“Eun, it’s okay. Calm down. It’s going to get better. I promise.” We continue to eat our lunch and after we were done, I went to throw away our rubbish. When I turned around, I found Aron standing in front of me.

“So you already ate huh?” He said standing there tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. Dang he found me!

“Hey Aron... Listen I-” I was about to say sorry when he interrupted me.

“It’s fine. I know you don’t like me hanging around you.” So why do you hang around me if you know already?

“Huh... The world is pretty cruel don’t you think?”

“...Well life’s always going to be hard”

“Especially when the person you like probably likes someone else.” He walks so that he is directly right beside me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“That guy must be really lucky.” He pats me on the shoulder and leaves me alone confused with what he had said. What does he mean by that? Oh well... I walk back to EunHae who is waiting for me at the table. She looks at me with a bit of concern.

“So what did Aron want?” EunHae asked curiously.

“Nothing important. He just was like ‘promise you’ll have lunch with me.’ But honestly, I don’t really want to...”


“You okay Eun?” I was a little worried the way she said that.

“Yeah I’m fine.” She said and smiled. We then headed back to our homeroom class to hang out and just talk. I just hope I don’t have to bump into Aron too much...



“ Ugh, guys, let’s get out of here. I want to sleep in homeroom.”All of us agree and we all head out of the cafeteria. As we were walking through the hallway. I see two familiar figures in front us. Is that who I think it is? Walking in the distance is Mi Young and her friend EunHae. They turn and walk into the homeroom. I have to be first into that classroom! I start to walk faster then the guys.

“Dude, why are you rushing? We still have time.” Aron was asking as they tried to keep up with my pace.

“No reason, just want to get there already so I can sleep.” I had to lie. I just needed to be in the class before anyone else gets in. As I approach the door, I open it casually and I find EunHae and Mi Young in the back of the classroom. Mi had hear earphones in and she had her head down on the desk while EunHae was writing things down in a notebook. The other members finally catch up and we head to the back of the room to our seats.

“Dude what was the rush for?” Minhyun ask as I sat down in my seat and slouched in my chair.

“Nothing, I just... I don’t know. I’ll tell you about it later.” My mind wasn’t in the right state at the moment. Why is my heart beating so fast? It can’t be because of Mi can it? She has such an innocent smile, but that all changes when she is dancing. Haha, just like me. I want to talk to her, but for some reason, something is holding me back...


Mi Young’s POV:

Ugh, I’m really tired... Jet lag is taking over me. I still haven’t gotten use to the time difference. I put my head down on the desk and put in my earphones. I heard the door open, but I didn’t want to look up. Probably other students coming in. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I lifted my head and EunHae looked at me.

“Hey Mi, I need some help with my lyrics, tell me what you think...” I took out my earphones and placed them down on the desk.

“Alright, go for it.” She sung softly and I listen to the words carefully. Honestly, it is really good. She has the talent.

“Eun, it’s good. I like it.” I smiled at her to make her feel happy. She smiled and went back to her lyrics.

“Sorry to bother you Mi. I just really wanted to know if they were good or not. I know that you’re the only one that gives the most honest answer.” I smiled at her comment about me and put my head back down on the table. I wonder what we’re going to do after this...


EunHae’s POV:

Mi seems really tired. I guess she worked hard in dance class. I put my lyric book away and took out my guitar to just play with some chords. I was just playing and I looked around to see who else came into the room. Just my luck... I see Aron and Nu’est all in here. JR’s head was on the desk and the other members were talking to each other. I turn back to face Mi and I tap her shoulder.

“Hey Mi, how you feeling?”

“Just a little tired that’s all.” Haha, her face is priceless right now. She looks so cute.

“I’m going to my locker to grab a few things okay? I’ll be back in a few.” And with that I left to grab my things. I hope nothing happens to her. I don’t know what those boys would do....



I lifted my head again and found that Mi was by herself now. Her head was still down on the desk. I guess she overworked herself in class today. I see Ren go up to her and tap her shoulder. I have no idea what they are talking about, but for some reason, I’m kind of jealous...


Ren’s POV:

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She looks up slowly. Her eyes were half closed.

“Yes?” She rubbed her eyes and stretched out. Haha, no wonder JR likes her. You want to know how I know? The reason why is because I can tell by the way he looks at her. With eyes that aren’t filled with thoughts of how beautiful she is but with thoughts of wanting to get to know her. He wants to know more about her and that really shows. Of course you could only tell if you live with him. *Laughs*

“Hi, I’m Ren by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier.”

“Oh no no, it’s okay; it’s not your fault. I’m Mi Young.” I held out my hand and she looked at it for a second. She then slowly shook my hand.

“So how did you get accepted here Mi?”

“My friend and I do covers of different bands or solo artists and we posted them on YouTube and we got so many views that the Principal of our old school told us that we would transfer here to continue our talents that we have.” It actually surprised me that they had actually got here like that and that she was in the Advance dance class. I saw her walk out of there when I was waiting for JR.

“That’s so cool! Well, I’d like to congratulate you on making it here. Not many people get accepted here.”

“Ya, everyone is talented here. I just still feel a little uncomfortable here. I’m just not used to it like my friend EunHae.” She was looking down at her hands and fiddling with them.

“Oh she’s the one in my Advanced Music Class! She has an amazing voice. Better than mine to say...” She smiled and I swear she looked like and angel.

“She would have been happy to hear that from you. She is actually shy and very kind. She’s been through a lot but always manages to smile when she’s in front of me.” It seems like that just seeing her care so much for best friend really hit me. The look in her eyes changed and all I could see was sadness.

“I’m sorry; did I bring up bad memories of the past, because if I did; I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

“Oh no, it’s fine really. I’m just protective of her; that’s all. We’ve both been through a lot, but we managed to fight the troubles we’ve had.” I smiled to try to make the sad atmosphere go away and in responses, she smiled back.

“It was nice meeting you and I hope we can become close friends.” I then left her and I went back to my seat next to Minhyun.

“What was that all about?” Minhyun looked at me and asked.

“I have a plan and I might need your help...” Minhyun gave me the ‘you -have-got-to-be-kidding-me’ look. This is going to help JR. He’s not going to know until later. I have to start making a plot for them to get together...


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Chapter 4: Yes ! Finally ! they met each other !!
Chapter 3: uwwoowww !! haha :D Author-nim .. i don't what to comment anymore /awkward/ hehe :)
anyway ,, the story is interesting !!
Update soon !
Chapter 1: yeay !! finally !
anyway ! update soon Author-nim ~~ ^_^
Hello Author-nim !! When will you update this story ?
WildBunny #5
Chapter 1: Update soon^^ I like you story very much
Can't wait <3