Practice and Move in

MissU TS Entertainment's New Co-ed Group (Apply Closed)

 The next day of practice began like the day before. Ae Cha greeted the tired kids and guided them to their first practice, vocal training. Jae Sun came out of the recording room just as he did the day before and greeted Ae Cha before she left.
After she left, Jae Sun began to study the members with an odd face. “Who did what I asked them to yesterday?” He asked.
Of course, everyone raised their hand to say they did. He circled them like a vulture, eyeing them carefully.
“WOULD YOU STOP THAT!?” Na Eun began the day with her normal sour attitude.
“I see you didn’t do your ‘homework’” He smirked at her.
Na Eun growled at him. “So what?” She huffed as she folded her arms over her chest.
“No practice for you today then. Sit out!” He ordered quickly turning away from her not giving her an ounce of attention.
“HEY! You can’t do that!” She began, but he never answered her back.
Again, she huffed and turned away. She sat in a corner watching not saying a word.
“Who else didn’t do their work?” He looked through the group again. “Did you o your work?” He pointed to Kairi.
She nodded lightly with a worried face. She knew she did her work but she didn’t want him to think she did it and end up sitting out for practice.
Instead he smiled at her, “Good job.” He praised her. formed a small smile as he looked through the rest of the crowd. “You!” He pointed at Hwang Geum, who wasn’t even paying attention. “You’re sitting out for today.”
“Excuse me?” Hwang Geum asked back.
“You didn’t do you work, sit down.” Without question Hwang Geum sat beside Na Eun and looked out the square window of the door. In a few minutes, she was just going to leave to find something else to do.
“And you!” Jae Sun pointed at Chanhee. “Go sit with the rest of the people who didn’t do their work. Chanhee frowned at the man before taking a seat away from Na Eun.

After that, practice began. They got further than last time. They actually sang. Jae Sun began assigning parts. He gave away the parts of the three sitting down; hoping they would feel threatened and try harder for the next day. However, Chanhee and Hwang Geum were already planning their escape from boredom and Na Eun just wanted to be away from the teacher.
Sure enough, as he was helping the others with their singing, they snuck out of the room.  Na Eun distanced herself from Hwang Geum and Chanhee since she just wanted to be away from the teacher. She sat down in the hallway, enjoying the silence and relaxed for the free time.

Hwang Geum and Chanhee began to walk around now that they had a free space and they didn’t have to be quiet. They just simple walked, talking for a bit.
“Wow! You’re Chanjo’s brother!” Hwang Geum repeated what Chanhee just told her.
“Yea, he’s my little brother.” He confirmed as they continued to walk.
“Ae Rin loves Teen Top,” Hwang Geum noted her friend.
Chanhee laughed, “Maybe she could meet them sometime. I’m sure my brother and his friends won’t mind coming for a visit.” He smiled at Hwang Geum.
Hwang Geum laughed, “Nah, it’s ok. They’re probably as busy, if not more than us.” She noted as they walked down the hall.

As the turned the corner, B.A.P. was walking down the hall.
“Hey Sunbaes!” Chanhee greeted them.
Hwang Geum turned oddly quiet as they passed reach other in the hall. “Hello.” She tried to add politely as they passed.
“Hey Chanhee!” Youngjae greeted as a friend, since they were similar ages.
They high fived.
“We haven’t seen you in a while.” Daehyun added, stopping in the hall. He barely glanced at Hwang Geum and kept his attention on Chanhee.
“I know, I haven’t seen you since ‘No Mercy,’” Chanhee replied.
“I guess we won’t be seeing you anymore, Hyung.” Zelo joined in.
“Yea congrats on make it into the newest group!” Youngjae cheered as he glanced at Hwang Guem, “Is she one of the members too?” He asked politely.
“Yea, sorry I didn’t introduce you guys. This is Hwang Geum, she’s our age.” He gestured to Youngjae and Daehyun.
Youngjae greeted himself properly but Daehyun just stared at her not sure what to do.
“Congratulate her.” Youngjae nudged him.
Daehyun did as she was told. “Congratulations! It’s nice to see people working so hard.” He shook her hand like it was their first time they meet. She did the same adding a light nod.
“Well, we got to go.” Yongguk tried to organize the kids.
“See ya!” Youngjae waved as Daehyun did the same.
“Yea see you guys around!” Chanhee waved them off, as Hwang Geum grew even quieter.

As they walked away, Hwang Geum stayed quiet.
“It was good seeing them again.” Chanhee noted. “I haven’t seen them in forever. They’re good guys. They always manage to have fun. I hope our group can end up like that.” Chanhee continued to talk.
As he looked back to face Hwang Geum, he noticed something was off with her.
“Hey, are you ok?” He asked concerned.
“I’m fine.” She replied.
“Are you sure? Are you feeling well?” He could tell she wasn’t acting herself. He reached over to her, placing a hand on her forehead and one on his own. “No fever.” He noted to himself.
She swatted his hand away, “I said I’m fine.” She tried to look for something else to focus on for the moment. “Hey look at that!” She tried to pick up her attitude even if she didn’t feel like it. Right now, she didn’t want to share her problems.
They walked over to what she was pointing to. It was a poster for ‘MissU.’ The two of them couldn’t help but smile as they looked at it. It made things more official then it already was. Before long they were going to debut.
“We should show this to the group.” Chanhee added.
“Mhmmm,” Hwang Geum hummed as she smiled at it. “We should head back soon anyways.” She added as they turned around.

When they got back, practice just ended. Jae Sun looked at them with a frown. “You two! Cardio and Vocal training for tonight!” He ordered, “And where’s the third one?” He asked looking around.
Hwang Geum sighed. Na Eun was missing again. “She was sitting outside of the room earlier. She might have just gone to the bathroom.”
Such enough a few minutes later, she returned.
“Cardio and Vocal training for tomorrow.” Jae Sun pointed at her. Na Eun rolled her eyes, ready to exit the room, the moment she returned.
And, as if heaven sent, Ae Cah showed up ushering them out of the room, happy to see there wasn’t an argument yet that day.

Dance practice began just as even more easily. The minute they entered the room, they got down to business working with their original partners.
Mihi frowned as she looked at Na Eun and Haewon. “You guys have to touch.” She grabbed Haewon’s hand and placed it in Na Eun’s. “You’re a team, partners. Work to…get…her!” She emphasized as she pushed them closer.
Na Eun tried to push away. She felt very uncomfortable. “I CAN’T DO THIS!” She shouted, pushing Haewon far away from her. “I can’t be his partner!” She point a finger at him.
Mihi sighed, “Then who can you be partners with?” She asked.
Na Eun looked at Kairi, before pointing at her. She was the best choice in a bad situation.
“You can’t have a female partner.” Mihi stated, “You need to choose a male.”
Na Eun looked around the room again, studying her choice. Her eyes landed on Da Seung. She couldn’t help but feel something was odd about him. “I’ll work with Da Seung if I have to choose a male.” She stated in an annoyed manner.
“Fine.” Mihi agreed. “Da Seung you’re with Na Eun.”
Kairi looked at them couple together and couldn’t help but feel annoyed. She didn’t like the fact that Da Seung and Na Eun seemed to be getting closer. They were both her friends but in her mind she didn’t want them to be each other’s friends.
“I guess we should just change the order.” Mihi sighed as she looked for a choice for Haewon and Kairi not really wanting to up them together.
The pairings changed again. Hwang Geum and Baeyoung were placed together. Bochil and Riley were paired with on another. Minki and Daejung were working together once one more. Haewon and Jihyeon were paired together and the final pair was Kairi and Chanhee.
Some didn’t dislike their pair but they may have preferred their original. Practice continued. Things went more smoothly, at least with Na Eun.

When practice ended, it was time for the members to see their new dorm. Ae Cha walked over to the practice room picking them up.
“Make sure all your stuff is back from your dorm.” Ae Cha began, “Bring it outside of the dorm and we’ll place it in the extra van.” Ae Cha instructed as the kids did just that. When that was done, they kids joined Ae Cha in a van. There were two vans. In van 1, Baeyoung, Da Seung, Kairi, Bochil, Chanhee, and Na Eun sat there with Ae Cha in the front seat. In van 2, Daejung, Minki, Haewon, Riley, Hwang Geum and Jihyeon were in the other van with an extra driver.
After what felt like forever, the vans finally pulled over to the side of the road in front of a stoop. The members filed out of the van and gathered their belongs. Ae Cha led the way as they entered the building. She continued to show the way as they walked up a few flights of stairs. When they got to the third floor, Ae Cha stopped in front of a door. She opened it and led the way in.
When they walked into the dorm, they saw a big entrance way. As they continued throw the entranceway, it split into three different halls. Ae Cha began to speak, “This way.” She pointed to the hall on her left, “are the male rooms…. And this way,” She pointed to the right, “Are the females.” She smiled, “Each hall has a bathroom. Down that hall.” She pointed to the middle, is the common area, the kitchen, and the dining room.” Ae Cha explained the lay out of the house. “Haewon, Da Seung, and Baeyoung will share the first and Chanhee, Daejung, and Bochil are in the one across from it.” She explained the bedroom situation. “The bathroom is the last door across from the manager’s bedroom.” Ae Cha explained.
“Manager?” Bochil asked, “Aren’t you or manager?” As if on cue, a man walked through the door.
“Hey Ae Cha!” He greeted with a smile. He looked young for his age. His hair was a neat light brown and he wore a suit. He had a cheerful smile as he entered the room, “So these are the guys!” He looked at the members. “Hey, I’m Park Chung Hee, I’ll be your male supervisor in the dorm and be your manager for when and if the group splits into it’s sub-groups.” He explained.
“Nice to meet you.” Everyone greeted before Ae Cha continued the tour.
“In the far room, Na Eun, Kairi, and Riley will sleep there and the room across from that Minki, Hwang Geum, and Jihyeon will sleep there.” She explained. “The bathroom is the last door across from my room.” She smiled as she let the kids settle in their rooms. “Just reminders, opposite genders are not allowed in the other’s hall or bedrooms.” Ae Cha warned as everyone entered their respective bedrooms.

So I got really tried and I wasn't able to write the bedrooms in detail or anything yet. I'll do that next chapter. Sorry if there are mistakes I wasn't able to edit it yet. I'll try and edit it in the morning but i can't right now.

Once again I'l advertising because I'm cool like that, but not really, check out my story SnowFall, I'm entering it into a contest. It's not finished but I would love input. lol. Anyways I'll try and write more tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed it. After move in, I'm hoping to write one mroe practice or making of the music video before the debut. I think the making of the music video should be before the debut but I could be wrong. What do you guys think? Do you want it before or after their debut?


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Hi, HelloKelly~ I just noticed this story on AFF and I'm really into it :D
Hope you can Update soon, author-nim! Hwaiting!!! ^^
Chapter 43: Omg.... I love Da Seung SOOO much!!!
Chapter 43: I hope you are ok. I faithfully wait for an update from you.
Chapter 35: Its good to have you back!!
I have to catch up myself since i havent been on for a while....
Have fun continuing

^^ So AKWARD ^^
Munruben #5
Chapter 43: An update! Its good to see you back in action!

I can see Haewon showing who's boss but Da Seung, don't wake up Na Eun, you have a death wish boy xD
vveibo #6
Chapter 43: Hark, is this an update I see? /shot
So so so so glad to hear from you unnie! And this story, of course.
Sometimes I feel that Da Seung is the only one that can withstand the scary Na Eun lmao. Kinda feel bad for my baby.
ANYWAY, it's fine that you can only update every once in a while. Just hearing from you is fine with me and us all! \o/
Chapter 43: Trouble is definitely going to happen.
Chaos is likely to occur once the girls find the guys....
ooooohhhhhhhhhh I cant wait.

I will read no matter how long it takes. :D
Chapter 43: Update ^-^ Glad to see you aren't dead, hehe
Chapter 43: An update?!
Am I dreaming???
YAH! These guys are so naughty!
Good thing Da seung volunteered to wake Na Eun up because I know no else will.
Sheeshhh I'm afraid how will the girls react if they realize that boys are inside their room.
AND I will definitely read the next update no matter how it will take.
Chapter 43: oh chu unnie~ ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3