Chunji the Cheshire

Save the Last Dance for Me

The guitar sat snugly on top of a crossed leg as nimble fingers slid across the neck, practiced and calloused, they pressed naturally against the strings. The familiar sounds drifted around the room, filling it until a voice molded around each sound, creating near-perfect harmony. Chunji gaped at it all, not knowing someone at school sung so well. In fact, he wasn’t even sure anyone even used the music room outside of class. He held his breath as he peered at the person’s back. The long hair looked familiar, causing his brows to furrow in confusion as he craned his neck to catch a glimpse of her face.

Jieun couldn’t remember when she picked up the guitar. It was most likely because she would always get bored when Hyangwoo would disappear on her. He would go out to practice a dance or whatever he did with his newfound dance friends. Not that she minded much; at least she could say she had something to do when he felt guilty for leaving her. Bossing Hyangwoo around probably doesn’t count as a real hobby anyway. It was also Hyangwoo’s guitar, left over from his ‘I want to be a rockstar’ phase that started it all. At the time, it was much too big for little 11 year old Jieun, but she sat it in her lap and reached around the large body and experimented with the strings one day when he was out with his new friends outside. It wasn’t long before Jieun could play a few tunes--probably due to long summer days without any school to hinder her. Little Hyangwoo was too engrossed in dancing that he didn’t have a clue. Before long, she was experimenting with chords to make new songs. She never really finalized them, and she was alright with that. In her mind, she was just passing the time and that was okay with her.


“Jieunnie, when did you replace me?” a younger Hyangwoo’s voice whined childishly by your side, tugging at her sleeve.

“I didn’t replace you, what are you talking about?” little Jieun scoffed, ignoring him and continuing to fix up part of a song. Playing a few chords, she started tapping her fingers on the body in thought.

“You so did. With him!” He pointed dramatically at the guitar sitting in her lap. She only raised her eyebrow and rolled her eyes, playing a new chord with the tune she was working on with a satisfied smile.

“See?” Hyangwoo wailed and latched himself onto her arm. She tried shrugging him off but his grip just tightened. With a small sigh, she put the guitar down next to her carefully and stared at Hyangwoo blankly.

“When did you learn to play so well?” the young boy tilted his head at her and she shook her head.

“I started.. when you first started really dancing, I think.” she looked up at the memory, tapping her chin, “So around two years maybe?”

“That’s so long. You’ve been cheating on me this whole time?”

“We’re only 13, why would I replace you with a guitar? And I only started because you started dancing so much.” She shrugged as Hyangwoo’s pout just grew.

“Jieun?” A voice broke through the last note of the song, causing the girl to clutch at her heart and the guitar with a quiet shriek.

“Ch-chunji?” Jieun stared wide-eyed at the boy who had a similar expression on his face.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, I was walking by and I got curious...” He rushed out as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Jieun slowly relaxed and set the guitar down.

“It’s alright, I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in. I was told this was rarely used.” She took a few deep breaths and relaxed her beating heart, standing up to put the guitar back in its place.

“It is rarely used, which is what got me so curious.” Chunji smiled apologetically and she just nodded in realization, “Done already? You’re pretty good.”

“I would hope so, I’ve been playing for a while now.” Jieun smiled at the memory of when her younger self picked up the guitar six years ago, “I was playing for a while before you came-- which reminds me, how long have you been listening?” Chunji looked a little sheepish and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“From the beginning of the song you just finished?”

“So you heard...”

“Yeah, but you made a great recovery.” It was Jieun’s turn to look sheepish as Chunji grinned at her.


After their encounter, Chunji would accompany Jieun as she played in the music room. It started off with more chance meetings where he would be walking by and she happened to be inside. It wasn’t long before he would go with her when they found the time, giving his opinion whenever she asked him on how something sounded. All while the talent show auditions loomed over the club, everyone was tense or excited. Or both.


Jieun walked into the classroom after her class and sat in her usual spot, getting ready to put her headphones in and zone out. She would be learning how to dance, she supposed, if the boys actually stopped shoving each other around long enough to dance. Chunji walked in with L.Joe- looking indifferent as ever- and walked to the center.

“Guys, I have an idea for the auditions.” The boys stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on the leader of the club. “I say we split up into the usual teams and go from there.”

“Hyung, but what about Jieun noona?” Niel was the first to break through the murmur between the boys quietly discussing things among themselves. He stood close to Chunji and L.Joe, the other boys had already split into three groups. She looked up at the mention of her name and looked over at Chunji curiously.

“She doesn’t have a team-” Chunji put a hand up to silence Neil when he opened his mout to disagree and invite her into their team, “And we already have strong teams right now and you’re still pretty new, you won’t mind right?”



“Besides, you have something much better, don’t you think, Ji?” He continued with a knowing grin and Jieun frowned. Chunji was up to something and she didn’t like it. Using her nickname he gave her from their music sessions was the first sign. Calling her that outside of the music room was rare and that raised another red flag. She didn’t like it one bit. With a harsh glare, she crossed her arms at him.

“Chanhee. No.” Niel gaped at the two, mouth still slightly open in surprise as L.Joe raised a brow at the interaction between the two.

“Come on, Ji. I’m serious, you should.” Chunji walked closer with the same grin plastered on his face, “And don’t call me that.”

“I’m serious too. No.” She shook her head and frowned, though it looked more like she was pouting in frustration. Chunji just chuckled and leaned forward, reaching up and pinching her cheeks, playing with them. Jieun swatted his hands away, making sounds of protest as he just laughed.

“Call me oppa.” Chunji smirked at her, still pinching her cheeks and she just glared. “Do it or I won’t let go.”

“You’re barely older than me.” She muttered darkly as she tried ignore Niel’s surprised face and L.Joe’s ever unreadable expression.

“Come on, Ji.” He sang teasingly.


“You haven’t called me oppa yet.”

“Yeah, for a good reason.”

“Come on, it won’t hurt you.” Jieun snorted, rolling her eyes before snapping back at him.

“I’m telling on you.”

“On who?” It was around here the other boys looked up from their own conversations and stared at the two bickering. The sight was quite amusing.



“Chunji... I’m serious--Chanhee... Dammit fine.” Jieun sighed, slumping in her seat as Chunji leaned closer with a wide Cheshire smirk, “Oppa. Let go of my face.” Chunji released her cheeks and pat her head, still smirking. The other boys just stared in confusion. They dared not say anything though.

Not yet, at least.

Niel had been wondering about the exchange between Chunji and Jieun from that morning all day, not even focusing in class-- not that he did much of that in the first place. What was Chunji’s relationship with Jieun? They looked pretty close. Kind of like how she was with Hyangwoo hyung when he visited. The thought made him pull his hand through his hair.

He knew for a fact L.Joe was at least curious by Jieun. Niel had caught him staring at her when he went to go fetch him in those early days of her arrival. But knowing L.Joe, he wouldn’t do anything first until he had a good reason to, and it was his lucky day. He would make something happen for his hyung. If only L.Joe wasn’t so lazy, this would be much easier. He wouldn’t just be observing from the side like he always does. Clearly not as much as me, Niel snorted to himself as he pretended to scribble down notes in class. At least L.Joe hyung’s better than Chunji hyung, he has no idea what’s going on half the time. He grinned down at his paper at the thought, glancing up at the clock to check the time. There were still five minutes of class left, he should start planning soon, otherwise nothing will happen. The talent show looks promising... How do I use it to my advantage.



Blam. Another chapter, another very cheesy twist? Sort of. Anyway, comment or subscribe... or whatever
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Chapter 4: Jieun and Hyangwoo still
if not those two, than Jieun and Niel
Yes, one of those two couples
Awesome Update ♥
emira96 #2
Chapter 3: iu and l joe pretty please~!!XD
Chapter 3: I kinda want Jieun to be with Hyangwoo...
Awesome Update ♥
stayuptonight #4
Chapter 2: Haha that was cute xD cant wait for more *o*
Chapter 2: Haha the part where they tot niel was the one who let out the high pitched voice was so funny! <3