Just Checking.

Save the Last Dance for Me


Jieun spent another day was doodling in her notebook. She had already taken the class at her old school but a scheduling mishap when she transferred had her in the same class- not that she minded, of course. She stared out the window after she was done, hand holding her pen as if she was taking notes in case the teacher happened to look in her direction. Unbeknownst to Jieun, a pair of eyes was watching her subtle movements from the back corner of the classroom.

Class ended quickly and Jieun was in no hurry to pack her things and make her way to the classroom in the empty hallway. In fact, she was almost dreading walking into the room filled predominantly by guys who actually know how to dance. It was all in vain because a tall mass of all limbs and gently tousled hair she had met the day before bounded into the classroom. Jieun tried to suppress the startled squeak when she thought she was going to be called out but instead the boy called out somebody else’s name. “L.Joe hyung! You’re going to be late again, so Chunji hyung told me to come get you.” Jieun watched as he quickly made his way into the back of the classroom to start dragging the shorter male with him. “Oh! Hyung, why didn’t you tell me Jieun noona was in your class?” the boy stopped comically mid-stride, as if someone had pressed pause in a movie.

“Pardon?” Jieun blinked, still shocked that she failed to notice that L.Joe was in her class the whole time, “ And ‘noona?” she raised her brow at the considerably taller boy. Niel just shrugged and smiled happily back and jogged over to extend his elbow out, “This way, miss.” He motioned theatrically to the door, with a small grin, Jieun hooked her arm through his while shaking her head slightly, letting him lead her towards the unused classroom where the dance club was held. L. Joe followed behind them, looking indifferent, his eyes flickering over Niel, who was walking closer to Jieun with every step until he ended up draping his arm over her shoulder as he chatted animatedly. She was smiling and replying when he paused, already looking quite friendly with him. This didn’t bother L.Joe in the least. It was when Niel looked back with a triumphant smirk without Jieun noticing that something ticked.


This means war.

Byunghun was unsure why Niel’s smirk bothered him so much, he didn’t really care for the short girl, he guessed she was alright though.

It was another rainy weekend, the clouds casting a gloomy shadow over the mound huddled under a pile of blankets from the window. The mound let out a pitiful groan as an arm creeped slowly from its depths to reach blindly for the cellphone on the bedside table. A head with thoroughly tousled hair slowly peeked out as the arm retracted to hold up the phone. The barely-awake girl grumbled, tapping a few buttons before putting the phone to her ear.

“Jieunnie!” a bright voice chirped through the phone into her ear causing her to groan again.
“Do you realize how early it is on my weekend?” Jieun growled into her phone, tempted to just hang up and go back to bed. All sounds on the other end ceased, and she imagined that the boy’s mouth had formed a small ‘o’ in realization of his mistake.
“Oh, is it really that early?” Hyangwoo mumbled as Jieun heard shuffling, which she assumed was him looking around for a clock, “Hmm, I guess it’s a bit early. But it’s almost noon, you need to wake up and help me.” She hissed as her feet touched the cold floor, wanting nothing more but to crawl back into her sanctuary of blankets. “Come on, you big baby, out of bed and go get dressed.” Hyangwoo’s voice filtered through to her ears, putting the phone down more roughly than needed down on her bed and tapping the speakerphone button. Walking to her closet, she grabbed the closest things her hands could reach. Luckily it was a simple pair of jeans and one of Hyangwoo’s t-shirts she had stolen when he wasn’t looking.
“Hurry, Jieun, I’m so bored. Why don’t you go to bed early and wake up like a normal person?” he whined childishly.
“Shut up, nobody asked you.” Grumbling, she made her way back to the phone and sighed- she found herself doing that often around Hyangwoo. She heard him chuckle, knowing he was grinning, “Come on Miss Grumpy, open the door. We’re walking today.” Figures. He would already be a her door. She grabbed a jacket and grudgingly went outside and lazily draped herself over his back.

“At least carry me then.” she drawled, having no intention of walking. The boy sighed, crouching down so he could get a good grip on her, Jieun quickly situated herself on his back and rested her head on his shoulder. She was just getting comfortable, being rocked back to sleep with his rhythmic walking when he set her down, much to her disappointment.  

“You can’t always be carried around, you know.” Hyangwoo sighed with a small frown, pulling out his ipod and small portable speakers from out of his pockets.

“That’s what you think.” Jieun retorted, sticking her tongue out at him. Instead of responding, he plugged the cords in and put the speaker into Jieun’s hands and took a few steps back. There was a small cement wall behind her so Jieun sat down on it. Watching Hyangwoo bob his head to the music, his lips barely twitching, silently counting out the beats. It took a few seconds, but he quickly exploded into rough dance moves, becoming smooth when certain beats hit. Jieun watched with a small envious smile, watching him look so lost in the music. A small part of her wished she could dance like him one day...

There was a faint bass thumping through to Jieun’s ears and she noticed she was already standing in the classroom and Niel had already left her side and was talking to a boy who was a bit shorter than himself with short hair combed up in an artistically messed up style with a wide smile- Jieun snorted to herself, knowing that it must take him so much time in the morning trying to make it look like he doesn’t care. Finding an empty desk shoved to the side of the classroom, she sat on the desk, resting her feet on the chair then her chin in her hand, wondering what she’ll be actually doing in the club. Jieun was staring into space, somewhere in the direction of the door, not bothering anybody all out of the way in her little corner.

When she came back to reality, the music was faint and the guys all seemed to be crowded around the door. Blinking, Jieun stared at the group, when all of a sudden, two people stepped through into the room. Her breathing stopped for a moment, a rush of conflicted emotions flashing as her hand curled into a loose fist. She met eyes with the boy, his features turning soft and forming a small smile. Jieun charged at him, shouting his name and jumping on him- nearly knocking him over in the process- while wrapping her arms and legs around him. The rest of the boys stared wide-eyed in shock as they watched the unexpected behavior. Jieun was halfway between laughing and crying, hitting him in the chest.

“Hyangwoo, you idiot!” she emphasized ‘idiot’ with another punch as he held onto her tightly, brushing his fingers through her hair. “A big fat idiot.” Jieun pouted as she buried her face into his chest. There was a quiet wolf whistle from the crowd, causing Jieun to freeze and stiffly unlatch herself while smoothing her skirt down, refusing to let go of his hand as if he would disappear if she did. Hyangwoo stepped in front of her as he glared into the group of boys, all of whom visibly shrank back. There was a quiet scoff that broke the tension and everyone turned to the source.

“Hyangwoo, you at being a bully. You should stop.” Jieun rolled her eyes and poked his side. Hyangwoo turned quickly towards her, his face already softening again as he hugged her tightly to his chest.

“Oh, Jieunnie I missed you so much.” he smiled as Jieun struggled in his grasp, “Your sarcasm and all.” There was a quiet voice from the crowd, “I didn’t know hyung had a soft spot...”

“I think you’re smothering her to death.” A calm voice came from the side and Hyangwoo’s arms fell to his side and Jieun stepped away to glare at him while straightening herself out. He walked over and put a hand on Hyangwoo’s shoulder and pet Jieun’s head.

“Cap, shh. I can hug my Jieunnie as much as I want.”

“Minsoo.” Jieun glared while backing away, much to Cap’s amusement.


“Since when have the hyungs  been so nice?” a quiet grumble came from Niel as he sat with his arms crossed next to L.Joe and Chunji. The three of them were watching as Jieun talked comfortably with the two older boys, Hyangwoo being extra clingy while Jieun tried to save herself by sticking close to Cap.

“It’s not fair.” Chunji sighed, casting a glance in their direction while L.Joe just sat staring at how Hyangwoo and Jieun’s hands were still intertwined.

So I guess this is finally my update. Hope you tell me what you like- or don't like about this. Or stay silent, that's cool too. 
Until next time

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Chapter 4: Jieun and Hyangwoo still
if not those two, than Jieun and Niel
Yes, one of those two couples
Awesome Update ♥
emira96 #2
Chapter 3: iu and l joe pretty please~!!XD
Chapter 3: I kinda want Jieun to be with Hyangwoo...
Awesome Update ♥
stayuptonight #4
Chapter 2: Haha that was cute xD cant wait for more *o*
Chapter 2: Haha the part where they tot niel was the one who let out the high pitched voice was so funny! <3