Then Came You




Kyungsoo had to force his jaw not to drop when he received another genuine smile from Lu Han. The first time the Angel of the East did--when he met the Chinese singer at KSE's lobby this morning--he honestly thought he had just imagined it. But after the fifth time it happened, Kyungsoo knew there was something different.

The blonde singer seemed softer. Happier. There was a slight spring to his steps and gone was the usual hard expression in his eyes. They were on break and Kyungsoo watched as Lu Han reached for his phone. He could see him try and fail to control the grin which had started to spread across his lips. He didn't know exactly what had happened to his partner but Kyungsoo was glad that something was making Lu Han this happy. If this continued, he wouldn't have to endure the other singer's judging stares anymore.

He had to admit he was a bit scared of Lu Han ever since he first met him. Even with his angelic countenance, Kyungsoo had always thought one wrong move and the Chinese singer would flay him alive. He grinned and shook his head at himself.

They had come a long way since their first meeting about three months ago. After spending countless exhausting recordings and long bone breaking rehearsals together, they had come to forge a sort of friendship between them. Although not entirely comfortable with each other's presence, Kyungsoo and Lu Han by now knew what each other's pet peeves were and how best to avoid them.

They had been through a lot already but both knew it didn't stop there. The preparations were tough but the real fight would begin next week when the album they had poured all of their efforts in would be released. Every debut was a risk. They couldn't just rely on their established names to succeed. Everyone had to do their best--give it all they got--and it wouldn't do to give in to the pressure. Good thing Kyungsoo had a lot of people supporting him.

Just then his phone beeped, distracting him from his thoughts.

(^_-)--☆ look im holding a starling lightstick.

He wasn’t even finished smiling yet when he received another one.

(●^o^●)I love youuuuuu~

He couldn't help but grin while he replied.

Jongin, get out of that emoticon website. orz

He was lucky he had Jongin. His boyfriend could make everything seem easier with just a simple message. When the stress of the past few days weighed him down, Jongin was there to calm him. Although they weren't able to spend much time together since Sunday, Jongin never failed to cheer him up or send him an encouraging message all throughout the day. His presence helped him stay grounded.

Kyungsoo wished that everything would run smoothly from now own. Not only for Jongin and him but also for the people around them. Especially for Chanyeol. His friend deserved all the happiness he could get. Maybe he could get a break in his schedule this weekend and ask Jongin for a double date with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. He still had a lot to learn about the guy his best friend fell in love with.

But it’s fun here. v(⌒▽⌒)v!

((Baekhyun showed me the site. blame him))

"Kyungsoo?" Lu Han called out.

"Be there in a sec," he answered. Break was over. Kyungsoo quickly typed a reply, promising to see Jongin later before he went home.

Woohee! Okay. Fighting! \(◎o◎)/!

See you later. I <3 U


Smiling, he gave a last glance at his wallpaper (a selca of him and Jongin which the taller guy had insisted on) before he returned to the middle of the room to stand beside Lu Han. With a determined look and a lighter heart, he gave his partner a nod.

"Ready when you are."






He was wondering why the hell he felt so apprehensive as he put on his black silk shirt in front of the tall mirror in his walk-in closet. His eyes went to his large hands fastening the buttons one by one and frowned at the way they seemed so unsteady. He zipped up his tailored slacks, buckled his belt, and took a deep breath to calm the heck down, but the strange listless feeling remained.

Kris gave an assessing glance at his reflection. The polished surface presented him with the same image he saw every day. Long-limbed perfection topped off with blonde hair and aristocratic features, befitting the only son and heir to Wu Enterprise. He looked handsome, irresistible even, despite the tinge of wariness in his dark brown eyes.

If he was being honest with himself, he actually knew what the source of his troubled expression was. Or more accurately, who was the one causing it.

It had been several days since he got a glimpse of Huang Zitao. His last memory of him was of tousled inky black hair and sweat dampened skin against pristine white sheets--that moment a few hours before dawn, casting him in shadows and patches of pale moon light. It was a memory so deeply entrenched in his mind that if Kris closed his eyes, he could almost hear Tao moan his name brokenly in between gasps of pleasure, could almost feel the sharp edge of his nails when they raked against his back as they both neared the edge of ecstasy.

Kris wanted to facepalm himself. He sounded like a badly written romance novel. Where did those fanciful words even come from? He sighed.

He woke up that morning after a night of bliss, and alone on Tao's bed, hurting like a from the bruises he got the afternoon prior (not because of anything else, okay?). The fact that Tao could just leave him like that didn't sink in at first. He only thought that the younger guy was just around somewhere, showering or preparing food even. But after a full survey of the house yielded no ill-tempered-wushu-stick-wielding-assistant-bodyguard, Kris finally realized that indeed Tao had left him.

It wasn't nice how he somehow felt used. Worse was when he realized this was exactly how he treated his past conquests. One night of physical gratification and he was done with them, whoever they may be. For of course he was Kris Wu and he could have anyone he wanted. But this time, it was him who got dumped with nothing more than a slip of paper on the bedside table.

Lock the door when you leave.

Kris saw it when he reached for his phone and watch. He had studied the sharply written letters, noted how impersonal and detached the words were. So unlike the passionate hours they spent entangled during the night. Kris thought Tao had felt that all-consuming heat between them, too. Except, maybe, he thought wrong. If it was any other person, he wouldn't have been bothered by this--would even be grateful since he just avoided a morning-after confrontation. However, this was Tao and Kris genuinely liked him. He felt a twist in his stomach and he was hurt. It was absurd how much he hurt.

He had not contacted the bodyguard ever since. That was three days ago and now he was going through some sort of withdrawal. Kris originally thought he could easily get over his silly infatuation if he didn't see him. After all, Kris liked variety and he already got a taste of Tao. That was supposed to be enough, right? But to be honest, it wasn't as simple as all that because, dear god, he missed him.

Kris Wu wasn't a stalker and he certainly didn't run after people who didn't want him. Yet here he was making sure he looked his best for when he would meet with Tao later. The younger guy didn't know that he had every intention of cornering him today for a confrontation but Kris didn't care. If Tao didn't really like him, then fine, Kris would stop pursuing the guy. Even if seeing Tao always made him want to try again and again, he promised himself this would be the last time.

One last time.






Baekhyun was pretty sure what they were doing was illegal. Well, not really illegal but it definitely was something they shouldn't be doing inside the President's office.

He felt Chanyeol's grip tighten around his waist as he pulled Baekhyun closer against him, clothed thighs splayed wide as he straddled his boyfriend's lap, leather office seat letting out a low whine beneath the weight of its occupants. Baekhyun's palms traveled up Chanyeol's chest and he could feel the warmth of the taller boy's skin even through his shirt. Chanyeol's hands slid down his spine, pausing just above the curve of his backside and Baekhyun couldn't stop the throaty moan from escaping his parted mouth--a moan instantly muffled by eager lips that took his in another deep, bone-melting kiss.

This started innocently enough. Team leader Shim told him that there was an important contract for President Park to sign and Baekhyun was to deliver it immediately to his secretary. He readily complied for he was quite eager to get a glimpse of the potato. He had already started to miss him despite the fact that it wasn't even a full three hours yet after they parted ways in the company elevators.

The secretary, Mrs. Lee, greeted Baekhyun with her usual cheery smile. He was about to hand her the file folder when she told Baekhyun that he could go inside the office since Chanyeol didn't have any appointment for the next hour. The old lady gave him an encouraging nod before going back to what she was doing. Baekhyun's brow knitted in confusion but he shrugged it off, intent on seeing Chanyeol again. He opened the door quietly and paused by the doorway, riveted by the sight before him.

Chanyeol was sitting behind his large desk, a pen in one hand while poring over some documents. He was wearing his customary black suit and tie but to Baekhyun's surprise, the taller guy was now sporting silver wire-rimmed glasses which made him look every bit of the president he was. He had never seen Chanyeol wear them before and unexpectedly, he found it extremely attractive. Well, Byun Baekhyun you always find Chanyeol extremely attractive, he thought wryly. Still, he was pleased to see this side of his boyfriend. He shouldn't really be surprised to learn new things about Chanyeol for there was still a lot he had yet to know about the potato.

Chanyeol still had a lot to find out about Baekhyun as well--starting with the circumstances that led him to the young president's doorstep he absentmindedly thought. He was nervous and unsure of how to tell Chanyeol about his past but Baekhyun knew he couldn't put it off any longer. He was more than a bit scared to share his secrets; he didn't exactly know how Chanyeol would react. However, he believed love couldn't survive without trust. So he planned to do it tonight. It was the only way they could really start their lives together and make their relationship last.

It was some moments before Chanyeol looked up and noticed Baekhyun was there. The potato immediately put down the paper he was reading and flashed Baekhyun a heart-stopping smile. Chanyeol waited for him to reach the side of his desk before speaking. "What brings my pup here? You miss me already, don't you?" he asked teasingly.

Baekhyun shook his head in denial even though it was true. "Sorry to burst your bubble, President Park, but I am here because of this," Baekhyun said as he waved the folder in front of the other's nose.

The potato caught his hand and took the papers before he threw them on his desk without a second glance. He then went on to pull Baekhyun closer until the shorter boy was standing in the space between his legs.

"Aww, you didn't miss me?" Chanyeol was now holding onto both of his hands and Baekhyun wanted to laugh at that crestfallen expression on the potato's face. And perhaps kiss that pout away.

Instead, he shook his head again. "Nope."

"Not even one teeny tiny bit?" Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun's right hand and touched his lips against his palm. "Really?"

"Maybe a little," he relented and cupped the potato's face with his hand. The taller boy grinned and Baekhyun brushed his thumb across his cheekbone, suddenly overcome with tenderness. It wasn't hard falling that much more in love with Chanyeol every single time he saw him especially when Baekhyun could see what he was feeling reflected in Chanyeol's eyes.

Mesmerized, Baekhyun took the glasses off and placed them on top of the file folder. He then wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck and it was bold of him to do so but at that moment all he could think of was kissing him.

It was just supposed to be a short peck on the lips. But at the first touch of their mouths, Baekhyun could already feel that this would be everything but simple. There was a jolt of heat that passed between them, melting his insides. He thought it would stop at that but then Chanyeol drew him closer and closer until Baekhyun was practically on top of him. His pulse quickened and with a pull of Chanyeol's teeth on his lower lip, he could feel the heat turn into a low burn in the pit of his stomach.

Chanyeol pulled away only to settle Baekhyun on his lap before he continued with his assault on Baekhyun's senses--slow and thorough kisses, gentle yet possessive caresses. Baekhyun didn't let his hands go idle either. He ran them through Chanyeol's soft hair, down his neck, beneath his collar where the skin was hot against his fingertips. There was an overwhelming need to close whatever distance that separated him from Chanyeol--a need to be one with him emotionally as well as physically.

Now, here they were. Time ceased to matter as the kisses grew longer. They went on and on, broken only by murmurs of each other's names and breathless I love You's. Still, it wasn't enough as Baekhyun felt the urge to move. The sensation of a warm hand his thigh was so maddening, he couldn't stop the involuntary roll of his hips against Chanyeol's. The movement brought a surge of pleasure, heady and exquisite, that made him gasp against Chanyeol's lips.

Chanyeol tore his mouth from Baekhyun's, his hands clamping on the shorter boy's upper arms to gently push him away. "Stop," he breathed out hoarsely. "I think we should stop."

Both had the same dazed look--hair hopelessly mussed and lips swollen. Baekhyun heard Chanyeol clear his throat and it was then that he remembered where they were. His eyes widened with embarrassment and he began to scramble to his feet, blushing a deep red.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, panicked.

But Chanyeol stopped him from getting away, pulling him once again into his arms and settling Baekhyun's head against the crook of his neck. "Nothing to be sorry for, pup," he said reassuringly while tracing circles against Baekhyun's back.

He was flustered by the way he wasn't able to control himself around Chanyeol for even up to now the desire to continue what they were doing still lingered. His heart was still beating so fast. But then he felt the throbbing pulse on Chanyeol's neck and he realized he might not be alone in this. That made him feel a whole lot better because it meant he was able to make Chanyeol want him just as much, too.

"Was it the glasses?" Chanyeol murmured against his hair.

"Huh?" Baekhyun straightened and faced his boyfriend.

"I know they really make me look damn y and you have never kissed me like that before--"

Chanyeol wasn't able to finish. Baekhyun squished his cheeks together, making his lips stick out like a duck's. "Park Chanyeol," he said with an exasperated laugh.

The taller boy leaned forward and dropped a kiss on Baekhyun's nose, making him let go with a chuckle. He stopped laughing, though, when he saw Chanyeol turn somber.

"Baekhyun," he started. "I need to tell you something."

Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, suddenly curious. "What is it?"

"Not now. Tonight."

Baekhyun nodded. He sensed it was something serious with the way Chanyeol was looking at him. "Okay. I also have something to tell you. Tonight."

The things he wanted to tell Chanyeol were not for the office either. Not that what they were doing a few minutes ago was for the office. He felt another blush stealing over his face.

"You're blushing," the potato said with a touch to Baekhyun's burning cheeks, eyebrows wiggling. "What is it that you want to do tonight?"

"Go back to work, potato-ahjussi," he said, rolling his eyes. Baekhyun stood up, a little weak-kneed. He then leaned down for a quick kiss goodbye.

Baekhyun was by the door when Chanyeol said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I have a meeting with the board this afternoon and it'll probably end late. I'll try to escape as soon as I can. But I'll have Zitao drive you home, okay?"

Baekhyun felt a little disappointed but he agreed. "Okay."

He turned his back only for Chanyeol to call him again. "Oh and Baekhyun? It was the chair, wasn't it? I didn't know you had a thing for handsome men in office chairs. Just tell me because I can definitely buy another one to put in the apartment. Then we can--"

"See you later, President Park," Baekhyun said, cutting of whatever the potato wanted to say before Chanyeol got him all flustered again. He couldn't keep from smiling all the way to the elevator, though.

It wasn't the glasses or the chair, Baekhyun thought as he pushed the down button. It was you.






Everyone in the Starling headquarters was busy with preparations for the Do Kyungsoo-Lu Han showcase. The one-room building was teeming with balloons, banners and dedicated-as-hell fanclub members. Kyungsoo's Starlings were playing host to the Sweetest until next week which meant half of the headquarters was temporarily lent to Lu Han's fans. It was with heavy hearts that the Starlings watched the other side of their sunshine yellow haven turn into bubble gum pink territory.

There was a bit of uneasiness at first since the two clubs were unused to this sort of set up but thankfully, both groups have learned to adjust quickly. The invisible line separating the Starlings and the Sweetest was now a thing of the past. Yellow and Pink shirts worked side by side to help ensure that their precious idols' showcase would be a resounding success.

A huge factor that helped dispel the tension was the way the two fanclub presidents somehow fell into a truce succeeding the battle for the official lightstick color. After the seemingly endless bickering the first few weeks, they could now even smile at each other in greeting.

So it really made no sense why Kim Jongdae missed how Kim Minseok insulted him (and his hair).

The Starling president stole another glance at the Chinese-but-not-really leader of the Sweetest and he felt a (ridiculous) pang of loss. Yeah, sure, it was nice to not be harassed by Minseok everyday but it didn't sit right with Jongdae how the bun seemed to be avoiding him. There was that greeting in the mornings and a nod of goodbye in the evenings (and the occasional consultations) but apart from that there was no contact at all.

Was he that disappointed by their loss over the lightstick color? But Jongdae remembered how Minseok even shook his hand after the decision was made. Did he somehow do something offensive or--ugh, this is crazy, he thought. Why did he even want Minseok to notice him? It wasn't as if he liked Minseok, he scoffed. He wasn't even Jongdae's type.

However, type or not or whatever it was, it still felt wrong. He was startled for a bit when the bun looked up from the fliers he was arranging and their eyes met. The guy gave him a slight nod before he turned to talk animatedly to Jongdae's vice president. He looked away and told himself he didn't feel jealous at the way Minseok appeared to be comfortable with the other Starling. Definitely not.

He had to think twice about that, though, when he found his eyes straying once more to where Minseok was. He felt acid swirl in his stomach at the sight of Minseok's hand on the girl's forearm. They were laughing and Jongdae wanted to hurl. He didn't plan on this at all but he suddenly found himself beside the Sweetest president, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, bun," he blurted out. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." Minseok excused himself from the other Starling.

Jongdae's brow arched at the way the girl giggled. She stopped though when she saw her leader looking pointedly at her. But instead of shying away, she gave Jongdae a wink and a knowing smirk before she traipsed away, leaving Jongdae gaping at her. What even?

"So, Your Excellency, what's this about?"

Prez turned to the other guy. He thought it had really been some time since he had Minseok's full attention for he didn't remember thinking that the bun was this good-looking. He slimmed down and his cheeks appeared sharper. His new shorter haircut made him look younger, cuter and--


"Uh, yes." Jongdae scanned the place for a quiet corner but he couldn't find any. He made another sweep of the floor and his gaze landed on the only available spot in the headquarters. It wasn't the best of places but it would have to do. They needed privacy. "Come with me."

Minseok seemed like he wanted to ask something except he opted to just shrug and trail behind him. Jongdae halted before a white door at the right side of the room. He glanced at Minseok and the shorter guy looked confused at first but the expression in his eyes began to border on amusement.

"What are we going to do inside the comfort room?" Minseok said, his lips curving at the corners.

"Just get inside, okay."

The guy shrugged again and went in, followed closely behind by Jongdae. Okay, so maybe he didn't think this through like he should have, Jongdae told himself, because when he the light, he saw that there was barely enough space for the both of them there. It was just that he didn't like how Minseok was ignoring him and he finally found something that would make the other guy notice him, not that he liked to be noticed at all, or what even, because they were so close and now the guy was staring at him and he didn't know what to do and he could barely breathe and he was just confusing himself more, his brain should just shut down right now. Like really.

"You look creepy up close," Minseok teased.

"I do not!" he answered indignantly. Jongdae could see Minseok laughing at him and in some way it made him relax. The Sweetest president was back to being obnoxious and Jongdae could handle Kim Minseok when he was like that.

"Cute, too, but definitely creepy." Minseok continued to grin.

Cute? He thinks I'm cute? He shook his head. Kim Jongdae, focus. You were going to tell him something. Say it now. He cleared his throat. "I am not creepy."

That wasn't it, Jongdae. He wanted to bang his head on the door.

"Then why did you lock us here together?"

"I just want to show you something, okay?" Jongdae fumbled with the zipper of the jacket he was wearing.

"Woah, easy there, tiger," Minseok held his hands up in mock alarm. "We haven't even had our first date!"

Jongdae's eyes narrowed into slits. "I'm about to stab you to death."

"With what? Your eyebrows?" The bun smirked.

"No. With this!" Jongdae reached into the pocket inside his jacket, took out the lightstick he designed for the showcase and promptly shoved it against Minseok's chest.

Startled, the shorter guy grabbed it against him before it fell on the tiled floor. "This is--"

"The sample for the official lightstick," Jongdae muttered, all of a sudden embarrassed and uncertain. He designed the lightstick himself and nobody had seen it yet except for him and now, Minseok. He watched as the bun inspected it and turned it around his hands.

The design was simple. It was basically a modified Starling lightstick. There was still the star at the center but this time there was a half circle--some sort of halo--arching above it and two small wings below. There was an S in the middle of the star and the letters of the names Do Kyungsoo and Lu Han were embossed around it.

"S for Starling?" Minseok asked.

"Yes and for Sweetest, too." Disconcerted by the way Minseok was staring, Jongdae distracted him by turning off the light, plunging them into darkness. "Well, now turn the lightstick on."

The guy did and the star glowed a bright yellow while the halo and the wings lit up a dazzling pink. Jongdae glowered at Minseok's look of disbelief. "Don't be too shocked. I'm not selfish and all that."

"I know but--"

"Yes, we won but this is a collaboration. Of course I thought of your club as well. Besides there was no rule against lightsticks having two colors," Jongdae said with defensive tilt to his chin.

Minseok glanced at the lightstick in his hand and then back at Jongdae. "I don't know what to say."

You can say I'm cute again, he thought. Kim Jongdae, what even?

"Whatever," he mumbled. Jongdae hurriedly the lights once more and squeezed himself into the space between Minseok and the door, hoping to escape before the other could see his reddening cheeks.

"Wait," the bun said behind him. "Thank you, Prez."

Jongdae looked back to see Minseok grinning widely at him. And he couldn't breathe properly again. He nodded weakly then turned the knob. He forced his feet to keep walking until he reached his desk where he promptly sat down on his chair.

He barely kept himself from groaning in frustration because oh my god he just realized that he was maybe, kind of, just a tiny bit crushing on Kim Minseok.

Kill me now.






Tao scowled fiercely at the soggy noodles cooling inside the cup he was holding. Damn that Kris Wu. This was all his fault.

If the arrogant bastard had not been invading his thoughts once again then Tao would have paid more attention to his food and he would've now been enjoying a perfectly prepared beef stew flavored noodles in peace. But no, the memories of Kris deemed to be as stubborn as the actual man, forcefully pushing their way into his subconscious and making him forget everything else, leaving Tao arrested with recollections of thick blonde hair and large hands roaming his body.

He stabbed the floating pieces of vegetable with his chopsticks in agitation. He knew he should never have slept with him. Damn it all, he knew. Tao had two crammed folders worth of Kris Wu's life--his blood type, his business transactions, the countries he visited, his favorite food and even the brand of his cologne. He learned the names of the people he hooked up with. The frequency of how he easily started and carelessly ended a relationship--if it could even be called that. Kris was a first-class player; the perfect example of the kind of person Tao abhorred the most.

Yet the fact remained. He let his guard down and let Kris in. Now he knew more things about the guy that he did not really want to know. Like how his kisses could be rough and gentle at the same time--relentless in their quest to elicit a response from him. He had seen how his eyes darkened when Tao called out his name in the throes of pleasure and how his hand trembled as he cupped Tao's face when he found his own release. Committed in his memory was the way Kris' chest felt solid and warm against his back when the taller guy pulled him close as they slept. For once, Tao felt as if he didn't need to stay alert and awake. For once, he felt that he was the one being kept safe and protected.

If he was being honest, he liked the feeling--perhaps even loved it. But it was something he could not entertain. He didn't want to be one of Kris Wu's conquests, although it may already be too late for that.

Tao felt tired just trying to stop himself from remembering that after what happened, Kris was nowhere to be found. The blonde guy already moved on. Which got his hackles raised once again because, more than the heartache he would never admit to, he had wasted a perfectly good cup of noodles for he couldn't stop thinking about the jerk.

He was confusing the hell out of himself. He should just concentrate on his work. He glanced at his watch. A few more minutes before he had to pick Baekhyun up at KSE. He looked at the cup noodles in his left hand and debated whether he should still eat it or not. He particularly didn't like overcooked noodles but on the other hand, he was hungry. Occupied, he didn't notice a white car stop in front of him until he heard the engine die.

The door opened and out came Kris, looking cool and composed, and Tao wanted to throw the contents of the cup in his face. Tao felt immobilized when he saw something flash in Kris' eyes. The jerk walked towards him, closer and closer and closer until he had Tao backed against his own car, the younger unwillingly trapped by the other's stare.

"What do you want?" he asked through gritted teeth, ready to push the taller guy away.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You. I want you," Kris almost growled. His eyebrows were gathered into an impressive frown. He moved closer still and Tao was forced to tilt his head back so he could see his face. "What I don't want is to wake up alone in bed with just a note telling me to lock the door! I don't want the feeling of being used and discarded like a piece of gum!"

Tao scoffed. "This is coming from the guy who wakes up with a different person every night."

Kris ignored that piece of impertinence. He leaned in further, leaving barely enough room for Tao to breathe. "Most of all I don't want to be strung along!" He slammed his palm against the roof of Tao's car. " it, you did all of those but I still want you. Goddamn it, I like you. So tell me if you want me or not or whatever. Just don't--"

"Excuse me. May I remind you that you were the one who disappeared?" Tao paused for he could hear the tremor of suppressed emotion in his voice. "No calls. No messages. No nothing!"

Kris' brows knitted in confusion. "You were waiting for me to call? But the note--"

"What was so bad about that note anyway?" He glared. "I told you to lock the door. Or is Kris Wu too high up in his horses to even contemplate touching a door knob?"

Kris appeared taken aback. "I thought--"

Tao grabbed on to Kris' shirt with his free hand. "You thought what? That I was stringing you along?! The hell I was. You were stalking me! Now you're saying you still want me when I haven't even seen your shadow for three days!" Tao felt mortified at how he sounded so needy.

Silence. Then Kris caught his chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Do you want me, too?"

Tao clamped his jaw, refusing to answer. He did want Kris, more so when he was like this--a far cry from the weakling Tao thought he was. Except he didn't want to want him. He couldn't believe the blonde guy would change his ways just because he liked Tao.

Although Kris must have caught on the feelings he was desperately trying to hide because his gaze softened. "Let's go."

"Where?" Tao asked.

"Somewhere where I could convince you that I wouldn't want anyone else but you."

He was a bodyguard for Pete’s sake. He could fight ten full grown men all at once without breaking a sweat. So why the hell did he feel weak-kneed with just those words?

"I--I have work to do," was all he could answer.

"Fine. Then I'll see you tonight." It wasn't a question. He would probably regret this but Tao found himself nodding.

"Tonight you'll willingly give yourself to me and do as I say," Kris said sternly. That earned him a punch in the stomach.

"You're pushing your luck, buddy," Tao said.

Surprisingly, Kris laughed. The sound was nice. The taller guy drew Tao against his chest and hugged him. This felt nice. Tao didn't even think of pulling away anymore.

"I really like you. I want to see you every day and not just when you give me your boss’ money to pay Byun Baekhyun's debt. I want to be with you."

"Fine," Tao answered. He wasn't ready to say the same things but he hugged Kris back.

"Is that all you can say?" Kris pulled back but he was smiling.

"Yes," he said just to be obtuse. "I'll see you later anyway."

The taller boy chuckled and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "Okay."

Kris got into his car and drove away with another reminder for Tao to see him as soon as he was able. Tao watched his tail lights disappear down the road. He then gazed at the cup of noodles still in his left hand. He was barely holding onto the edge of the cup, one lift of a finger and it would fall. He could fight two thugs while holding securely onto one without even spilling a single drop. But an encounter with Kris Wu--a kiss and a hug--could get him so shaken he almost dropped the cup.

He sighed deeply. He'd think about it later when he was off work, he told himself as he spun on his heel. Tao reached out to open his car door but he froze when he saw someone at the corner of his eye. To his horror, it was Baekhyun, standing there looking pale and eyes wide.

Holy , he cursed. Did Baekhyun see Kris? Did he hear them? What was he doing here? The smaller boy was supposed to be waiting for him at KSE's entrance.

"Baekhyun?" Tao asked tentatively.

"I'd like to--Please take me home."

"Okay," he said. He opened the door for Baekhyun who slid wordlessly inside.

Tao kept on looking at the rearview mirror all throughout the drive. He wanted to ask Baekhyun of what he saw but he couldn't seem to find the words. The other boy looked lost as he gazed out the window, his hands clenched tightly on his lap.

Baekhyun was silent up until they reached Chanyeol's apartment. Tao wanted to explain and he thought furiously of how to start but Baekhyun was already out the car, thanking him. His eyes were suspiciously bright and his parting smile was down the edges.

Tao quickly took out his phone when Baekhyun got inside the apartment building. Chanyeol had to know. He immediately dialed his friend's number but the call just went to voice mail.

Answer the call, he thought worriedly. After the fifth attempt and he still couldn't connect, Tao drove out into the street and sped along the roads, anxious to find the young president and tell him that perhaps Baekhyun already knew their secret. This couldn't be good.






Home at last, Chanyeol told himself as he rode the elevator towards his apartment. He had wanted to go home early but the meeting got extended for two hours. The other board members also insisted on drinks after which delayed Chanyeol further. It had been a long and very tiring day but he couldn't relax yet.

He was going to open up more about himself to Baekhyun and tell him about the things he was keeping from the world. Then there was the matter of him paying off his boyfriend's debt. He fervently hoped Baekhyun would understand why he did it. He was afraid but he wouldn't change his mind. No more secrets after tonight.

Chanyeol stepped out on his floor. He forgot to thank Zitao for bringing Baekhyun home so he took out his phone while walking towards his apartment. He turned it off during the meeting so he wasn't surprised to see a barrage of messages in his inbox when the phone . He was just inside his apartment when he realized that most of it was from Zitao. Curious, he began to dial his assistant's number but stopped when he saw Baekhyun standing in the middle of the living room.

He promptly forgot everything else.

Chanyeol went to him and immediately enveloped his pup into a hug, squeezing him tightly. It was late but he noticed that Baekhyun was still in the light blue shirt he was wearing in the office. He must be too tired to change, Chanyeol thought with a grin. He leaned down to give Baekhyun a soft kiss and was a little disappointed when he didn't kiss back.

Baekhyun stepped away from him. His back was to Chanyeol so the taller boy didn't see how the pup's lips trembled when he said, "There was something you wanted to tell me, right?"

"Yes, I do," he replied. Chanyeol breathed deeply. He then took Baekhyun's hand, held it securely, and began to lead him to the only place in his apartment that Baekhyun had yet to see. They stood in front of the door to his home office.

You can do this, Park Chanyeol.

He slotted his fingers in between Baekhyun's slender ones, getting strength from the boy beside him. He entered the security code on the lockpad. 11270506. He felt good just entering the digits in. He had changed it the other day and he probably looked like a schoolgirl going all giggly just seeing their birthdays together.

The door opened. Here goes nothing.

He guided Baekhyun inside and he heard the guy give a faint gasp. It was to be expected though. Going in was like entering a totally different place. In contrast to the bleak black and white interior of Chanyeol's apartment, this room was bursting with color; with life.

No spot on the wall was uncovered. A cacophony of images filled the space; from vintage posters of the Avengers to the latest Super Junior album. There were shelves and shelves of action figures. There was even a drum set and two guitars standing beside it. There were a lot of things in this room that nobody knew existed. This was his secret hiding place--where Park Chanyeol coud just be Chanyeol.

And at this moment he was sharing it with Baekhyun.

"You were surprised weren't you?" he laughed awkwardly. He couldn't read the expression on Baekhyun's face and he was starting to feel nervous again. Was Baekhyun disappointed to know that he was so childish as to keep such silly things? "Um, yeah. It's nothing much but--look!" Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun and went to pick up one of the guitars. "This was the guitar I got from guilt tripping my father." Another awkward laugh.

"Oh and this," Chanyeol picked up a spongebob plushie. "It's cute, right? I bought this to give to a classmate I liked back in third grade but I was too chicken... so yeah." He gazed back at Baekhyun and it was then that he saw that something was terribly wrong. His stray pup wasn't even looking at him and his hands were clenched at his sides. "Baekhyun, is there something wrong?"

The shorter boy stared directly at him. His eyes glittered with unshed tears. "When were you planning to tell me?" he asked. "Were you even planning to tell me?"

Chanyeol's heart slammed inside his chest. Baekhyun knew. "Baekhyun--"

"How long have you known?"

It hurt Chanyeol to see a tear tumble down Baekhyun's cheek. "Listen to me. I--"

"How could you?" he sobbed. "Was I that pitiful?"

"No, you weren't," Chanyeol answered.

"Poor orphan boy Byun Baekhyun. No money and no clothes and no one to take care of him," Baekhyun said, voice almost wavering. Every word slashed through Chanyeol's heart. "Poor orphan Byun Baekhyun."

"Baekhyun, it's not like that--"

"It wasn't just a debt! I was going to get my family's honor back!" Baekhyun angrily swiped at his tears. "Do you know how it feels for everyone to turn away from you and hear everybody say bad things about the people you loved the most? My parents were the most wonderful parents in the world! They loved me. They were the only ones who truly loved me."

"I love you, Baekhyun," Chanyeol said helplessly. It hurt a thousand times more when he reached out for Baekhyun but the shorter boy stepped back.

"No, you don't. If you truly did then you would've told me that you knew about my past. You would've let me pay my own debt. You would have left me even a small piece of my pride." Baekhyun buried his face in his hands. "If you truly loved me then you would've trusted me to do this on my own."

This was not how Chanyeol wanted this night to be or for how any of this to turn out. Not with Baekhyun crying and breaking in front of him. "Baekhyun, I just wanted to help."

"This was my fight. Mine. You had no right, Chanyeol." Baekhyun looked up, shock pulling at his features. "Mine... That night, when you told me I was yours... You knew by then didn't you?" He let out a strangled laugh, sharp daggers of sound cutting Chanyeol open. "I literally am yours now, aren't I? How much did you pay for me?"

"Baekhyun, stop it. It's not--"

"You stop, too," Baekhyun said. Chanyeol felt himself starting to break into little pieces as well. He was scared because Baekhyun's eyes were suddenly so blank. "Stop. We both need to stop."

"Don't do this please," Chanyeol pleaded, desperately grabbing onto the Baekhyun's wrist because he realized he was losing him. "Don't do this to us."

For a second, his Baekhyun was back. The shorter boy let out a harsh sob. "I don't know anything anymore." Then Chanyeol lost him again to the pain. Baekhyun pulled his arm from Chanyeol's grasp and began walking away.

"You promised," Chanyeol called out hoarsely. "You promised me that as long as I don't let go, you wouldn't either. I'm never letting go, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun stopped in his tracks and Chanyeol felt a spark of hope that was quickly dashed away by the other boy's next words.

"Maybe you should."

Those three words pierced through his soul. But he was Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun belonged with him. He couldn't let go. He wouldn't.

"No, I love you too much." He tried to stop his voice from shaking. "I know you need time. If you want to go, you can. Just know that I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere, Baekhyun."

The only answer he got was the closing of the front door. He was alone.

That was when Chanyeol finally broke down and cried.











an: so okay. once again. i'm sorry. always. forever. orz
i have not been able to update for more than a month i apologize. if u want answers pls check my last blog post.
also sorry for making u all wait and then my subs just getting another crappy chapter.
i apologize for my potatoeness ;;;;
i have literally lost what small ability i have to english T_T
(as usual this has yet to be betaed so forgive the fail and the stupid) BETA-ED \O/
just one full chapter and an epilogue i guess..
and it has been a wonderful and painful experience lol
ill try my best to make atleast the last chapters at least readable. i promise T.T
sorry i really at this author note thing.Thank you so much for the upvotes the amazing comments.
i don't deserve such wonderful readers like u but ahjsfjgskkklah I CRY.
i think i have forgotten to put a lot of things here but yeah if u want to talk to me,
shout at me, or just throw bricks at me, you can find me on twitter @pokeito or tumblr. :D

((trembles in fright as i click add chapter))

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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1480 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10