Princess of the Pirates


A young princess from a kingdom thinks her fiancé is a prince, when in actuality he is part of the famous band of pretty-boy-robin-hood like WANTED pirate band that go around robbing the riches of rulers through the use of fake princes, and she is kidnapped, but then loses her memories, forgetting who she loved, so they all determined to win her heart.


I thought this was actually love. Out of all the fifty suitors that had come for my hand, I thought he was that one I truly love, and could live happily with him. He was charming, incredibly handsome…

However, that day turned sour when I was pushed into a barrel by him. I remember his pleading eyes and his hushed voice that told me he actually loved me, and he couldn’t bear to lose me.


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KISSmeBecca #1
Chapter 1: Squeee~~ :3 *please excuse me as i spazz. XD
Yerlie1001 #2
Wow, i just read this and it's really good! Why'd you stop the update after the first ch? Plz come back to it, it's really good and funny too, no lie...;)