

Hi guys..... a one shot dedicated to my friend..... :))))))))))))))))) 



Relationship is like buildings

If there is a miscalculation in its structure and the foundation is not that well studied

There is a big possibility that it will break down and just turned into a failure construction.

But there is also a way to revived it. By considering and reflecting the problems

Asking these questions:

 What have you done wrong?

What could be the reason it? And;

Do I have to rebuild it?

If you were an architect would you rebuilt a new building that is stronger than anything else? Or would you just give up and just let the others do it?

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A real story of my friend, who recently experience heartbreak and as a friend it’s hard for me to see her sad and crying, I can’t even helped her or even gave her a little advise but I hope in this way I can ease her pain in her heart and hope she’ll be well and back to a happy and cheerful friend I used to see.


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