Yoboseyo? A Zhoumi one-shot.


Super Junior-M has just released their comeback album. All members are in China to promote their album, appear in numerous TV shows, attend interviews, go to photo shoots and go to many rehearsals. All the members are having fun of course but they are also stressed because of their jam packed schedule. The member who has been feeling most of the stress is Zhoumi. He’s had a long a break from Super Junior-M and now that they are back, he is feeling very tired every day. He is happy to be working again and he knows that being tired is part of his job. He’s been losing sleep and he hasn’t had much appetite however when they have a show, he still gives 100% to their fans. Outside the celebrity world, Mei is a 22 year old college student. She was born in China but she’s raised in Korea. A few weeks ago, she moved back to China to start college. She’s been finding life pretty stressful too as she is on her own while her family is back in Korea. She is adjusting to her new life in China and will try anything just to fit in.

Zhoumi’s POV:

I sighed out loud as we’ve just finished yet another rehearsal. Donghae looked at me and gave me a smile. I smiled back. I felt the whole of my body aching. I just hope I’ll get some good sleep tonight. I started packing my bags along with the members.

“Zhoumi hyung, are you coming back to the dorm with us?” Ryeowook asked wiping his forehead with a towel.

“Uh, no. I’m going to that coffee shop down the road first,” I replied.
“Ah hyung, caffeine won’t help you with your sleeping problems.” Ryeowook shook his head at me. I just pursed my lips at him.

“See you back at the dorm hyung, don’t get mobbed.” Donghae grinned at me. The other members and I walked out of the dance studio. I waited for all of them to get into the van. I waved them off and I quickly put on my disguise: a pair of sunglasses. It usually works so hopefully no one will recognize me this time. I had my earphones on as I walked down the road to my favourite coffee shop. There was a long queue and I let out a sigh but kept my head down. I took my phone out of my pocket and started reading my past messages to past the time.

Mei’s POV:

Stupid courseworks. I’ve got loads! How am I supposed to finish all of them by next week?! Ah, I’m panicking. I need to chill. I need some coffee. The only drink that can make me calm. Luckily, there was a coffee shop at the other side of the road. I quickly crossed and entered the coffee shop. I couldn’t see the counter because there was a really tall guy at the end of the queue. I stood behind him and sighed. He’s so tall. And he was wearing sunglasses. Inside a coffee shop? That’s a bit odd, I thought. He was fiddling with his phone and I think he looks kinda familiar. The queue finally disappeared and tall familiar guy was taking his order. I took my money out of my bag and started counting my change. Tall, familiar guy left and it was my turn to order.

“Can I get a coffee to go please?” I asked as I continued on counting my change. When I finished, I noticed a phone on top of the counter. It looked like the same phone that tall, familiar guy was fiddling with earlier. The waitress handed me my coffee and took my money.

“Excuse me, is this your phone?” I asked her.

“No,” she shook her head.

I then quickly ran outside of the coffee shop and looked from left to right to see if I can find tall familiar guy but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the phone and snooped through the contact numbers. Familiar names started to catch my eye.

“Donghae, Eunhyuk, Henry, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Siwon, Sungmin… What the hell?!” I muttered.

I then decided to look through the photos. Whoa! It was full of selcas! Selcas of-

Zhoumi’s POV:

I got back at the dorm and found Ryeowook cooking in the kitchen, Kyuhyun sprawled on the sofa playing his PSP, Donghae running after Eunhyuk, Siwon reading his bible, Sungmin watching TV and Henry taking a nap in our bedroom. I asked Ryeowook if he needed help in the kitchen but he said no so I went to the bedroom. I looked at Henry and he was in deep sleep, his mouth hanging open. He must be really tired. Poor magnae. I reached down my pocket to get my phone but it wasn’t there. Back pockets: not there either. I started to panic. I looked through my bag and took out all of the stuff out. No sign of my phone. Oh no. I then retraced my steps: I remember having it last back at the coffee shop. I had it in my hand when I was ordering my coffee. But I placed it on top of the counter to get money out of my wallet. I probably left it on top of the counter. Great. Just what I need. I let out a very loud annoyed groan that Henry woke up. “What happened?” He asked.

“I left my phone at the coffee shop.” I told him.

“Call your phone,” He said.
“Why? What’s the point?” I quipped.

“So you can ask the person who has it to return it to you.”

“Can I borrow your phone then?” I asked.

Henry gingerly handed me his beloved phone and I quickly dialled my number. It rang three times and I was shocked when a very angelic voice answered.
“Yoboseyo?” she spoke on the other end.

Mei’s POV:

I got back at my apartment, not believing my luck. As if I have, in my hand, a phone of a celebrity. Not just a celebrity, its Super Junior-M’s Zhoumi! I can’t believe he was standing right in front of me earlier. No wonder I found him familiar. Damn he was tall. I sat down on my sofa and decided to look through his photos again. He loves to take photos of himself. Wow. Suddenly, I jumped out of my seat as the phone started ringing. It said “Henry” on the screen. I stared at the vibrating phone in my hand. Should I answer it? Three rings later, I took a deep breath and decided that I should answer it. “Yoboseyo?” I answered nervously.

“Oh you’re Korean?” The voice replied. It definitely wasn’t Henry’s.

“Oh no, I’m Chinese, I just moved her from Korea though so I’m still speaking it.” I blabbered. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hangs up on me right now.

“I see. Umm, listen, you’ve got my phone.” He said.

“I know, don’t worry you can have it back.”

“Xie xie, please do take care of it?” He requested. He sounded so worried as if his life depended on his phone. Well he’s a celebrity, it probably did.

“I will. Are you actually Zhoumi from Super Junior-M?” I asked stupidly. I heard a light laugh from the other line.

“I am Zhoumi. What’s your name?” He asked. I could tell that he was smiling. He was probably smiling at my stupidity and ignorance.

“My name is Mei,” I answered.

Zhoumi’s POV:

“Nice to meet you,” I told her. For some reason I was actually enjoying talking to her. Her voice was so sweet; I can’t help but admire it. I wonder what her laugh sounds like.

“You too, Uhh when do you want your phone back?” She asked.

“Preferably soon but you can keep hold of it for a little while. I’m quite busy for the next few days,” I explained.

“You mean you’re just lazy,” She sniggered.

“I’m not lazy. Hey you’re a fan; you should know how busy we get.” I said.

“I don’t believe that you’re the actual Zhoumi.” She snapped.

“What? Surely you’ve looked through my phone?”

“Of course. This phone can easily be a fan’s phone who is so obsessed with you.” She claimed.

“How about the fact that I’m calling you from Henry’s phone?” I grinned. “How do you explain that?”

“HEY! IT’S ME HENRY!” Henry shouted.

“Oh well. Umm, gosh was that Henry? No I still don’t believe it. This is too good to be true.” She stammered.

“Just take care of my phone and I will collect it from you when I get the time.” I said.

“Okay, Zhoumi. Bye.” She said.

“Bye Mei,”

I handed Henry back his phone. I suddenly wished I didn’t end that phone call. I suddenly felt lonely even with Henry just in front of me. I wanted to hear her voice again. Now.

“Henry-ah, one more phone call?” I smiled.

Henry narrowed his eyes at me and then sighed.

Mei’s POV:

I stared at the phone in my hand. Was that actually Zhoumi? Tall, handsome, stylish and talented Zhoumi from Super Junior-M? Surely it can’t be. Although the guy who spoke in the background did sound like Henry. OMO. What if it was actually Zhoumi? I let out a little shriek when the phone rang again.

“Yoboseyo?” I answered.

“It’s me again.” Zhoumi spoke.


“You still don’t believe that it’s me don’t you?”

“Nope.” I replied.

“Do you want to prove it?”

“How?” I asked getting interested.

“I’ll sing for you.” He stated.

“Go on then,”

To my surprise, he did actually sing.

Dao le ming tian zhi neng rang ai ca jian
Liang ge ren de xiao lian tian lian qian bian cheng fan huang de zhao pian”

He was singing his part on Blue Tomorrow and I swear my heart did a flip. His voice was so beautiful.

“Do you believe me now?” He asked in a teasing tone.

“Y-yes…” I stammered.


A couple of days passed and I still had Zhoumi’s phone. It’s okay though. We talk everyday; he always uses Henry’s phone, sometimes Ryeowook’s phone to call. I had to buy a charger for his phone because otherwise it would die and he wouldn’t be able to contact me. I was starting to like Zhoumi so much even though I know that I shouldn’t. I know that this will end soon and when he gets his phone back, that is it. I won’t get to talk to him ever again. I stared blankly at his phone waiting for it to ring. When is he going to call? He said he would call as soon as he gets back to their dorm. Aish!

Zhoumi’s POV:

Who knew losing my phone would be the best thing that will ever happen to me?!

I smiled to myself as I thought of her. I finally found the person I didn’t know I was looking for.

“Henry-ah,” I shouted from across the room.

“Oh Mimi you’re not going to borrow my phone again are you?” He frowned at me.

“Just let him call his lover, Henwy.” Siwon sniggered.

“Please Henry?” I asked.

“Fine,” Henry huffed. “But please meet up with her already so you can get your phone back!”

“I will. Soon.” I beamed at him as I got hold of his phone.

I went outside our dorm and dialled my number quickly. She picked up in one ring and I smiled to myself.

“Yoboseyo?” Her voice sent shivers down my spine. I then went to the bathroom.

“Mei…” I breathed.


“How are you?” I asked. I was grinning widely, I couldn’t control it.

“I’m okay, how was rehearsals?”
“Tiring but fun, what did you do today?” I asked her. She started to talk quite fast, telling me what she did with herself today. I was so focused listening to her voice that I didn’t notice Henry. He was just standing by the bathroom door, laughing to himself.

“Who is that?” Mei asked.

“Henry.” I replied, glaring at Henry so that he would go away.

“I want my phone back.” He said before walking away.

“Why was he laughing Mimi?” Mei asked.

“Uh, I think he wanted to use the bathroom but I’m still here, just looking in the mirror and he was just laughing at me..” I said, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

“Oh how cute,” She giggled.

“Who? Me or Henry?”

“You.” Mei said without any hint of lying in her voice.

“We need to meet up soon.” I told her.

“We should. But your schedules are never compatible with mine…” She sighed.

“I’ll take care of it I promise, for now, Henry wants his phone back so I’ll call you later okay?”

“Okay Mimi, bye.” She said sweetly. I hated ending our calls but Henry wanted his phone back badly.

“Bye Mei…”

Mei’s POV:

I sighed as another phone call with him just ended. Why does Henry need his phone anyway? I thought. I wanted to talk to Zhoumi again and I badly wanted to meet up with him so I can talk to him in person. I wonder if we will get along when we meet each other? He probably won’t like me. He’ll probably realize how stupid he was for actually taking the time off his busy schedule to call me and talk to me. But I’m sure that when he realizes that, I will be ready. I paced back and forth across my living room and thought deeply. Does he like me? Is it possible for him to actually like me? I mean we’ve only talked on the phone. He doesn’t even know what I look like. Maybe he’s just being nice to me because I’ve got his phone? He probably thinks I’m some psycho fan girl. Aish. My head is messed up. Hopefully I’ll be back to normal once this is all over. When he gets his phone back, that is it. Everything will be back to normal. I can focus on my studies again. But I wonder if I’m going to be able to forget Zhoumi? All those late phone calls, he’s been a really good friend come to think of it. But then again, he could just be acting nice to me because I have his phone. I don’t think I can wait any longer. I need to meet up with him. I need to.

Soon. Otherwise my head would explode for sure!

Zhoumi’s POV:

I laid down on my bed and sighed. If Henry would just go to sleep already so I can call Mei again using his phone. He was just playing on his phone, concentration spread on his face. I could borrow the other members’ phones but I don’t want to disturb them. I my side to face Henry.

“Henry-ah,” I called

“No I’m still playing.” He said.


“You have to wait Mimi…” He said without looking at me.

A few minutes passed and he started to yawn. Finally.

“Zhoumi-ah,” Henry called.


“Why do you like talking to that girl so much? Does she perform- I mean do you two- umm…” He stammered. What was he on about?

“What is it Henry?” I asked.

“Phone …” He whispered. My eyes widened in shock.

“WHAT?!” I gasped. Why would he think such a thing??

“Don’t be angry, I was just asking…” He pouted.

“I can’t believe you- Well no, we don’t do that okay?” I shook my head in disbelief.

“Why don’t you? Hehehe…” He grinned his face playful.

“HENRY!” I yelped. I felt uneasy about this. I thought our magnae was innocent.

“I’ll sleep in Siwon and Ryeowook hyung’s room.” He winked at me before throwing his phone at me. “Have fun!!” He giggled and then walked out of the bedroom.

I stared at his phone for a moment. Should I?

Mei’s POV:

I covered myself with my blanket and prepared to go to sleep. It was nearly midnight and I don’t think Zhoumi will call again. Henry probably refused to lend his phone this time. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to get me when the phone rang. It made me jump but a smile quickly spread on my face.

“Yoboseyo?” I answered sounding a little too eager.

“Hey Mei,” Zhoumi said on the other line. He sounded nervous.

“Are you okay?” I asked him quickly.

“Yeah… Umm, w-what are you.. Er, what are you wearing?” He stammered.

“What?!” I shrieked.

He cussed at himself while I was still confused. Why did he ask me that?

“Ya, what’s going on?” I asked.

“Sorry, Henry corrupted my mind.” He sighed.

“Oh, gotcha…” I laughed lightly.

“Listen,” He said. “What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?”

My heart started racing.

“I’ll probably be home, why?” I gulped.

“Can I get my phone back tomorrow??” He said. I knew he was smiling.



I took one last look in the mirror and sighed. I’m finally going to meet him in person. My so called love story will come to an end. I’ve been anticipating this. I’m finally going back to reality after this. Just then the doorbell rang. I took a deep breath and then ran to answer the door with the phone tightly clasp in my hand.

“Hi,” He smiled instantly when he saw me. “Please tell me you are Mei.”

“I am,” I smiled back at him. He looked so handsome I couldn’t help but stare at him in awe. Somehow, he looks taller. His hair was styled neatly, he was wearing really fashionable clothes and I just wanted to kiss him. But I can’t.

“It is so nice to finally meet you.” He stated.

“I know, it’s been quite a while since I got hold of your phone. You have a lot of messages to answer by the way and-” My blabbering was cut off when he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

“Mimi?” I spoke as I hugged him close. He smelled so nice.

“Can I tell you something Mei?” He said when he unwrapped his lean, long arms around me.


Zhoumi’s POV:

I didn’t want to let her go. I wanted her in my arms but I also have to let her know something. Something that I didn’t want to tell her through the phone.

“Mei,” I started. She looked at me, her brown eyes mesmerizing.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you…” I declared as I stared at her.

She was more beautiful than I thought she would be.

“W-what?” She stammered as her pretty eyes widened in shock. “Are you being serious or are you joking? Cos it’s not funny…”
“I’m serious.” I said. To my surprise, she didn’t say anything at all. She just walked away from me completely. I followed her inside her apartment. I watched walk back and forth, her face scrunched up.

“Mei, please talk to me.” I pleaded.

“Am I dreaming?” She asked.

“Uh, no.”

“I have to tell you something too Mimi..” She said. I nodded intently.

“I think I’ve fallen in love with you too…” She smiled. YES!


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Chapter 1: aww what a sweet ending... ^^
I loved it! What a sweet ending! :)
Finally someone who understands.
MusicChibi@ I laughed to hard to the point where my throat died XD
Keep it up~ You've got a thing for oneshots ^_^
akared #4
Omo!!!!!!!!<br />
It's good!!!!!!!<br />
thanks for sharing this!!!!!!!
winter-child #5
Cuuuute~ <3<br />
Zhou Mi has always been my bias in SJM >3<
Huining #6
This is so cute... I wish it has a sequel~
AWWW!!! So Sweet! :D
chocolat_hyuk #8
OMO!!!! I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!! OH YEAH, I'm CRAZY over Mimi too!!!! LOVE YA!!!! 사랑해