Chapter 4

I Still Love You✽

Myungsoo’s P.O.V~

                The obnoxious ringing of the school bell signals the end of last period and the class quickly disperses into the hallway. I stand and begin to pack away all of my belongings, mind buzzing with a thousand thought. “I’ll meet you at your locker,” Dongwoo calls out as he makes his way out of the room leaving me behind without a second thought. .

                “Could you move,” A soft voice speaks up from behind me and I turn in surprise. I’ve almost forgotten what his voice sounds like. Sungjong’s even more attractive up close. His smooth features blend together perfectly and his warm brown eyes match the shade of his hair. I wonder when he dyed it.

                “I’m sorry,” I say, attempting to sound as polite as possible but he doesn’t look me in the eyes even as I step out of his way. He walks out of the room, completely unshaken from seeing me. I guess it’s good that he’s already moved on…

                “Move,” This time the voice is harsh and assertive. I turn to Hoya with a glare. I’d love to beat the out of the kid. His eyes are full of arrogance and he walks around with overly proud shoulders.

                “Underclassmen should be respectful to those older then them,” I say coldly.

                “You’re not someone I have respect for,” Hoya pushes me aside, hitting my shoulder forcefully. What does that mean? No one in this school is more respected than I am. He doesn’t even know me.

                “Speed it up, Myungsoo. I don’t want to be here all night,” The teacher says with a sigh. I look around the room and realize I’m the only one left. There seriously must be something wrong with me today. “I’m sorry, Ahjumma,” I hurry out into the hall and make my way to the senior hallway. Most of the students are already leaving the building, rejoicing with their friends out by the buses.

                Since it’s only the second day of school I don’t really need to take anything home so I decide to shove everything into my locker. I go to close my locker but it doesn’t close. A groan of irritation escapes my mouth as I begin kicking at the contents in my backpack. “Just close,” I cuss at it (as if that’ll help).

                “Calm down, Myungsoo,” Sungyeol comes up from behind me, laughing. He places both hands on my locker and pushes it full force until it closes. “There ya go,” He sings out, smiling. He’s so adorable.

                “Thank you darling,” I loop my arm through his and lead the way down the hall. The school is pretty much empty now so it’s not like anyone will see us. “Want to come over for dinner? I already asked my mom this morning and she said it was alright,” Sungyeol silently thinks for a moment before answering.

                “Sure. I don’t have any plans,” He seems happier than usual.

                “Did you have a good day?” I ask and he nods his head. If my boyfriend had a good day then that makes mine a little better. “I’m glad,” His soft smile grows a bit.                            

                “How about you, did you have a good day?”

                “It was alright. It’s great now that I’m with you,” Sungyeol’s cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.

                We make our way out of the school, pushing through the crowds of other students. A familiar looking red-head makes his way over and I grin as he struggles to get past the masses of people. “Are you leaving without me?” He asks, placing his hand over his chest in an attempt to be dramatic.

                “Don’t you have your own car?” I ask.

                “I did. Until it got taken away…” Sungyeol begins to laugh at my best friend.

                “Why’d it get taken away?”

                “My dad excused me of drinking one of the champagne bottles from his collection in the cellar,”

                “Well, did you?” Sungyeol asks, trying to suppress a laugh.

                “Yeah,” I roll my eyes at him.

                “Can’t you get a ride from Woohyun?” I ask, not trying to sound rude. “I’m taking Sungyeol home for dinner,”

                “You’re just going to leave me here!? Woohyun has practice,”

                “Alright, alright, I’ll drive you home.”


                I listen to Dongwoo complain about his teacher from the backseat, but my attention quickly turns to Sungyeol. I silently admire my boyfriend, watching him as he texts away. “Who are you texting, Babe?” I ask, trying not to sound too interested. Why is he texting someone while he’s with me? I grimace at the thought of him texting another boy. I shouldn’t be jealous. I know Sungyeol loves me, and I know he would never cheat on me, but from some reason I’ve become overly paranoid at the possibility.

                “A girl in my Pre-Calculus class; the teacher’s making us do a partner project with the person we sit next to,” He answers, not taking his eyes of the screen.

                “That sounds fun,” I say, trying to get him to hold a conversation with me. He shrugs his shoulders, not offering much of a response. 

                “Myungsoo,” My best friend snaps, “Are you listening?”

                “Yes,” I lie.

                “Well, what did I just say?” Dongwoo tests, I hate when he does this.

                “Uh, well, you were talking about how you got kicked in the knee by a freshmen girl who didn’t’ like you flirting with her,”

                “Wrong! I was talking about that story five minutes ago. The last thing I was try to talk to you about was how Woohyun ditched me in English today,”

                “What happened?” I ask, suddenly interested in what my best friend has to say. Why would Woohyun ditch Dongwoo? We’re like the three musketeers.

                “At the end of class he left me to go talk to Lee Sunggyu. I swear he has a man-crush on that loser,” Lee Sunggyu; just hearing his name makes me cringe.

                “Lee Sunggyu’s a senior, isn’t he?” Sungyeol asks, suddenly chipping in on the conversation.

                “Yeah, he is,” I say, not really interested in talking about him anymore.

                “Why is he a loser? People say he’s really nice,” Sungyeol asks, slightly baffled. He wouldn’t understand.

                “He’s—” Dongwoo starts, but I’m quick to cut him off.

                “It’s a long story,” Sungyeol nods. I’m surprised he doesn’t push for a proper answer like he usually does.

                “We just don’t like him,” Dongwoo states, “Well, anyways I was mad. I didn’t have anyone to talk to after he left…”

                “How sad,” Sungyeol giggles.

                “Yah! Shut up,” Dongwoo begins to mope.

                Our conversation turns to another subject, but I find it difficult to concentrate on what the others are saying. I don’t really have a true reason to dislike Sunggyu. We’ve been going to school together for as long as I can remember. I think I started to dislike him when I realized he disliked me. He never came out and said it but I knew he didn’t. I could tell.

                In middle school, whenever I went up to talk to him and Sungjong his smiles would fade and his laughter would stop. Sometimes I would catch him giving me dirty looks. Even if it’s something I don’t really care enough to admit, but it did make me feel kind of bad about myself. People usually adore me, but he’s was the first who didn’t. And now Sunggyu’s not the only one who hates me; Sungjong does too.



Sungjong’s P.O.V~

                I storm out of the school, brewing with anger. There goes my good mood. I hate myself for letting him affect me so much. I should have controlled myself enough to just ignore him. I begin to kick every pebble of the sidewalk in a fit of rage. I can’t take it. Tomorrow morning I will go to the office and request to be taken out of that class. I’ll double up on math if I have to! But that means leaving one of the only classes I have with Hoya… I like Hoya, maybe a bit more than I should, and I don’t want to leave that class just because I can’t handle past drama. I let out a long sigh. I need to get my together. Myungsoo no longer controls me, no matter what we had in the past. We’re strangers now and I can’t give in to all my bitter feelings. It’s been over for almost a year now. It’s done and over with; we’re done and over with. There’s nothing else to it.

                “Hey, Sungjong,” Sunggyu strolls up beside me, “Why did you leave in such a rush?” I saw him and every damn memory and feeling came rushing back. That’s what I want to say, but I don’t want to burden my best friend over this anymore. If only I had listened to him from the start.

                “Sorry, I was just getting overwhelmed by all the people,” It’s an obvious lie—I’m perfectly fine with large crowds—but Sunggyu simply nods.

                “How was your second day of school? Was it as bad as the first one?” He asks; a slight bit of humor filling his tone. I sigh.

                “It was close to it,” I hug his arm and lean my head against his shoulder. I want my best friend to come home and comfort me (not in any weird way of course). “Want to sleepover?” I ask anxiously.

                “I can’t, sorry,” He says and I can tell he feels bad, “I wish I could,”

                “It’s ok, you don’t have to be sorry,” Another sigh escapes my lips.

                “Why don’t you invite Hoya to sleepover?” He asks and the idea makes me blush.

                “That would be weird! I’ve only known him for two days. We’re not that close,” Sunggyu’s the only friend I ever invite over.

                “You want to be close to him, don’t you?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. I slap his arm.

                “What do you mean?”

                “Does the idea of having him in your bed make you nervous?” My mouth drops. Is he trying to be erted? “Or does it excite you?” He laughs.

                “Hyung! Stop that! Even if he did sleepover, he wouldn’t be sleeping in my bed,” That’s weird. It’s only normal for girls to do that with their friends. “You’re trying to be awkward, aren’t you?”

                “Am not, I saw Hoya staring at those long legs of yours today,” He laughs again, making it difficult to tell if he’s joking or being serious.

                “You’re trying to embarrass me. Go sneak in Woohyun’s bed if you’re going to be a ert,” This time Sunggyu’s cheeks turn bright pink.

                “I-I don’t like Woohyun,” He stutters.

                “Why not? He’s handsome,” I saw Sunggyu staring at him from across the cafeteria today. “He’s nice, too,”

                “He’s one of them though,” He says and I automatically understand what he means by this.

                “Do yourself a favor and don’t judge him by who his friends are. Give him a chance,” I nudge his shoulder playfully. My best friend lets out a grunt and I know I’ve won our small argument.

                “Since when did you become such a relationship expert? You’re still going through puberty, aren’t you?” He snorts.

                “Yah! Am not,”


                Once I make my way home I head straight for my room. I set my backpack down at its usual spot at the end of my bed and quickly undress for a shower. The warm water feels good. As I let my body soak I can feel myself becoming less stressed.

                How am I going to survive this year? I’m sick and tired of school after two short days. I sigh and slide down into a sitting position. Just one year. That’s all he has left. He’ll graduate and move off to college. I’ll never have to see him again after that. I feel a pang of sadness in my chest and I curse myself for feeling like this. I admired him for so long, and I even began to love. And soon he’ll be out of my life. Sunggyu’s also senior, but I don’t have to worry about losing him. Our families adore each other so we won’t have to worry about keeping in touch. I’m going to miss him though. He’s always been there for me and high school’s going to without him. At least I’ll have Hoya for another year. The idea makes me feel a bit better. I need to stop focusing on people who make me sad and start focusing on the ones who make me happy.

                I step out of the shower and dry off. Once I’m dressed and properly groomed I head to my bed. It’s still early and I haven’t even eaten dinner but I don’t care. I’m exhausted and since I don’t have any homework to worry about I can just go to sleep. I settle down beneath my sheet and push aside all my racing thought. Tomorrow’s going to be a new day.

                I close my eyes and wait for sleep to come but before I’m able to completely pass out my mind races back to my conversation with Sunggyu. I’ve never told him about that one sleepover I had with my ex-boyfriend. It was late and by the time we settled down to go to sleep my mom had been out cold for hours. My heart was beating so loud I was afraid he could hear it. I felt guilty having my boyfriend sleepover without her knowing the full extent of our relationship. She was so excited when I brought Myungsoo home for the first time. She was glad I was making new friends. If only she knew how much more he truly was.

                I was excited that entire night, but also nervous. I knew what kind of guy he was, what kind of reputation he had. I wasn’t sure how much I meant to him. He hadn’t ever dated a guy before me so I wasn’t sure if I was going to end up being some kind of experiment to him.

                I watched as he climbed into my bed, not wanting to sleep on the floor, and enclosed the distance between us with gorgeous eyes that glowed in the dark. I wanted to curl up against him and breathe in his scent, but I was afraid. I stayed still, unsure of what was going to happen next. We had only been dating for one month and I wasn’t sure how far he was going to want to go.

                I almost cried out when his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me against him. I was so bashful in the beginning. My cheeks would turn a bright shade of every time we hugged.

                I squeezed my eyes shut when his hand sneaked under the rim of my t-shirt. His fingers grazed my skin, leaving my body tingling. I wanted more of him, but at the same time, I knew I wasn’t ready. He was my first boyfriend; I never had a relationship with someone before him. But nothing happened. He was gentle and sweet and I felt safe in his arms as I fell into a deep sleep.

                When I woke he kissed me for the first time.

                I burry my face in my pillow; embarrassed by the petty memory. I force him out of my mind. What we had was fake and I’m glad it’s over; but deep down I miss him. I miss him more than I’ve ever missed anyone else.



Myungsoo’s P.O.V~

                I leave a trail of kisses down my boyfriend’s neck, hugging him from behind. He continues to search through the TV channels, barely noticing me as I run my lips up and down his smooth, soft skin. I continue to leave soft kisses, traveling all the way down to his shoulder. A few minutes pass and he’s still fully engrossed in the TV. I let out a long sigh before deciding to slide my hands under the front of his shirt. He lets out a small gasp and I can feel him leaning into me. I smirk to myself.

                “Myungsoo,” He moans my name, only tempting me to go further. “We’re not doing this now,” His blunt statement makes me grimace.

                “Why not,” I whine. He grabs my hands and pulls them out from underneath his shirt, causing me to sigh in irritation.

                “Because your parents are right downstairs,” He turns to me and meets my eyes.

                “So?” He raises an eyebrow and gives me a stern look.

                “Fine,” Why does he always have to be so frustrating? I don’t like not getting my way. “Can I at least have a kiss,” Sungyeol scoffs, rolling his eyes.

                “Just one kiss,” He turns his head and closes his eyes, waiting for me to take the initiative. I lean in and press my lips against his, gently at first, but with more force after a few seconds. Before I’m able to further the intimate moment he breaks away, smirking.

                “You’re such a tease,” I groan, lying back down on my bed. “Go back to watching your stupid TV show,” I close my eyes, waiting for him to crawl on top of me or something but he doesn’t. Why can’t he just make out with me for once? I always have to annoy him into doing anything intimate. “Sungyeol,” I kick his back with my foot. “I’m ,”

                “Aren’t you always?” He doesn’t even turn to look at me. Is he even interested in me anymore? Sometimes I feel like our relationship is more strained than I’d like to believe, and it’s not just because he won’t pick up on my flirtatious advances.

                He argues with me over everything and sometimes he just ignores me when I try to talk to him. Could he be upset about keeping our relationship a secret? When we first started going out he was fine with it. When I dated Sungjong he was more than happy to be discrete about our relationship, but now that I think back on it he was probably like that because he was so bashful and innocent. He would get embarrassed every time I tried to hug or simply touch him. It was amusing though and it made our relationship fun and exciting.

                Sungyeol’s not fun and exciting. “I love you,” I say, trying not to sound too serious. He doesn’t even hear me. “I love you,” I repeat myself, speaking a bit louder this time.

                “I heard you,” He says, sounding annoyed. I cringe.

                “Why didn’t you say it back?” I’m a bit hurt that he didn’t. A few silent moments pass.

                “I love you, too,”


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Chapter 1: Ha ha no more updates T.T i feel so sad....
Chapter 5: update soon !! please !! please i miss your story!!!!
shazreeza #3
Chapter 5: Thanx for the story..update please!
Chapter 5: omg please pkease update !!!!!!!!
Cuz this story is amazing !!!!!!
lemonboy #5
Chapter 5: Please update!
Chapter 5: omg. My Myungjong feels. eue<3
Alheechy #7
Chapter 5: So I wanna read more! q----q but It semms i need to wait (I hope not too much) your update~ ;-;
Chapter 5: Damn~ I like this flashback chap.
I hope you do another update soon. ^^