I saw it! I saw it with my own two eyes.
That new PA of theirs was flirting with him. And stupid Baro was being too cute about it. Grrr…

I threw my pen down on the table when the picture of Baro and that stupid Rika flirting with each other passed by my mind for the nth time that day. I tried focusing my head again towards the gazillion home works in front of me.

Curse schools and rappers…

So what if he likes that girl? He can flirt with her if he wants for all I care. I’m not jealous. Not jealous. Not jealous. Not jealous…I slammed my forehead on the desk for the last time before returning to my work again. 

“sin2±sin5=2sin+〖1/2 (2±5)〗 cos+〖1/2 (2∓5)〗…”

“Baro-yah, don’t you think I look fat in this shirt?”

“No, not at all. Actually, you look cute…” Baro answered with that stupid smile of his.

“Aww, you’re too sweet…”

“aaaagh!!!!” I pulled a fistful of my hair in frustration. I unconsciously grabbed my calculus workbook and threw it violently to the door—just in time when the hamster of my thoughts came in.

“Aww!!!” He was holding his forehead as he crouched down on the doorway. “If you’re having a hard time finishing that calculus homework, there’s always the library. You can’t just go around and throw stuffs like that you know? Ouch…”

Ha! Serves you right! 

He picked up my ballistic textbook from the floor and placed it back on the table as he sat beside me. I decided to ignore him.

“Hey, what’s with the face?” He chuckled as he poked at my cheeks jokingly. “C’mon. Give me a smile, will ya?”

“Bug off…” I swatted away his hand annoyingly and went back to work.

“Sheesh, you really are in a bad mood today aren’t you?” He leaned closer down at the table to look at me. “What are you so mad about anyway?”

“I’m not mad.” I answered, my eyes still fixed on the calculator. I tried to keep my attention on the equations but Baro’s constant teasing just made my solutions more scrambled than ever, forcing me to snap at him. “Will you just get the hell out?”

He stared at me wide-eyed in disbelief. Thanks to the stress brought about by my homework mixed with the human rodent beside me, I started losing my cool.

“Stop bugging me! Why don’t you just go back flirting with that puppy-eyed girlfriend of yours?” I wanted to stuff my fist in my mouth after what I just said. 

Pabo!! Why didn’t you just shut up?

“W-Wait…” He raised his palms up in defense. “What do you mean girlfriend?”

I glared at him for a second before turning back to my work, making sure that I lean on my paper close enough to hide my beet-red face, “just get out...”

A couple of minutes have passed and I was already half-way through one of the questions when I noticed I haven’t heard him leave yet. I looked up and saw him still there beside me, sitting cross-legged with his arms folded across his chest. He was grinning while watching me comically, obviously trying to hide a huge laugh from bursting out.

“what?” I scowled at him. “Will you cut that out?”

“You’re jealous…” He stated matter-of-factly before leaning closer, the grin never leaving his face. “...with whom, I wonder?”

“N-No.” I stammered—my face redder than ever. “Why would I be?”

“Do you have any idea how cute you are?” He started poking at my cheeks again “especially when you go red in the face like that.”

“S-Shut up!” I raised both my hands up and pushed him away with all my might, making him tumble on his elbows. I quickly gathered my stuff and headed out of the room. But I only managed to take three steps before he quickly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down. Before I even knew it, he was already cuddling me tight, laughing light-heartedly as I tried to break free from him.

“I don’t have a girlfriend...” He assured me with that charming smile never leaving his face. “…I swear.”

“Yes you do.” I answered, staring at my stuffs that were now scattered across the floor. “I saw the two of you yesterday. You were flirting with Rika.”

“Wait.” He broke in, “you were at the studio yesterday?”


“How come I didn’t know that?”

“Because you were too busy with Rika so I just decided to leave…” I pouted, “You said she was cute.”

“Eh…” He chuckled “I wasn’t flirting with her.”

“Yes you were.”

“No I’m not. And besides,” He snuggled me closer to him. “How can I flirt with her if I already like someone else?”


 A/N: something really really random. kekeke. Thanks for reading ^^

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Chapter 1: Wish this was never ending
Why was that so cute?! >w< It's really good!
NerdyGullibleMe #3
So cute! :]
barooya #4
Chapter 1: sweet >w<
Alice_ #5
Chapter 1: sequel