Remember Me As a Time of Day

A Hazy Shade of Winter

 Disclaimer: The character, Eunhyuk or "Hyukkie", is not mine, unless he marry me in which case I'll be very glad to do so. The plot, narration and the remaining characters, however, are mine. The chapter title came from Explosions In The Sky's song Remember Me As A Time Of Day.


My last visit was on a cold winter afternoon. As always, the House’s greeter gave me the key to Sarah’s room as soon as my money reached the desk. I was a regular, after all. The long walk to the room had a feel of impending doom in it – like the walls were reeking an air of finality. The heavy oak-door was lock, which in my opinion was overkill since the occupant was chained in bed. The colourful draperies, glittered banners and softly-dimmed light concealed the fact that the room was, in all consideration, a prison. A very fancy prison for an enchanting prisoner.


Eunhyuk said that his parents were sending him away to study abroad. He talked about not wanting to go, that he wanted to stay because going far away would mean no more visits to his ‘Butterfly’. That nothing pained him more than going away, leaving me.


I’ve always wanted to go, to get as far as that place as possible. But the Butterfly’s presence was enough to compensate all the hatred that I felt towards the House. I made it a point to visit her as often as I could, but I could only do that as a paying customer. It was fortunate that the ladies in the House didn’t know me and that mother rarely check the goings-on in my life. All she cared was her House, the ladies and the customers.


His retreating back was the most painful thing I have seen and coming from someone who experienced the House’s inspection, that was saying was something. I never allowed myself to cry, but that moment broke all my boundaries. The impact of the heavy door as it close was like a flip of switch --I spilled seventeen years worth of tears.


From where Eunhyuk usually sit, beneath all the disgustingly colourful draperies, was a foreign object not quite out-of-place in the grand style of my room. It was a gold Butterfly locket and written in careful, rich, flourish were the words ‘I love you not for what you are but for what I am when I'm with you.’


I stared at it for a long time, trying to comprehend what the words meant or what Eunhyuk was trying to say. But the 'meaning' was sleeping elsewhere and no coherent thoughts went into my mind. In the end, I just decided to open the locket.


Inside was a small silver key similar to the one that unlocks my chain and the door.






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Poster update! I'm sooo excited! thanks shineecrazed! -maud-


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why123you #1
Chapter 6: Although I don't quite understand some parts of the story, I can tell that this story is written by a highly experienced author. It' very professional. The plot is very unique and original. This story totally have it's own color. Love it !
YoshikuniKumiko #2
Chapter 6: this fic was beautiful like butterfly!!
love this fic!!
My name is Sarah too and I really like her character you describe her as Butterfly...And Eunhyuk is so nice..too bad it ends that way... :(
Chapter 5: kay,i just finished! o_O english is not ur first language?? u write better than native speakers..ermmm anyway,ur an amazing author!! now i'll just go read ur other stories and keep stalking u for more updates lol :p gud luck ;)
woooohooo ^o^ my name is SARAH and thnx for writing this story about meh!! *justkidding*
kay,i guess i'm gonna start reading now...
Made a poster!

Hope you like it even though it's really simple >.<
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 5: :'( Beautiful, yet tragic ending. Thanks for writing this story. <3
lahdeedah000 #8
Chapter 4: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! ~wails and cries and throws a tantrum~ NO! Just no, don't die Hyukkie..... :'( I feel so sorry for Sarah still tho, no one should have to go through what she did, but NOOOOOOOO HYUKKIE!! :''( Dang you Maud for torturing us like this... >.<

...okay I didn't mean that danging part, this is way too beautifully written for me to actually mean that. But stilllll! >.<