Sorry for not Updating





                It’s been about two weeks since the wedding, Taemin and Sulli went on their honeymoon in Aruba, much to Taemin’s mother’s dismay.  Ironically Sulli’s father was gung-ho for this honeymoon, he even helped Taemin pack.  I still haven’t forgotten about her.  I didn’t even get a chance to ask for her name.  I probably don’t even have a shot seeing how close she was with the wedding singer.   Practically every single lady there was though, he had some smooth vocals.  What was his name? Yusung?  Wooyeon? Juseob?  Yoseob?  Yeah that was it Yoseob. 


I look at my clock after finishing my term paper this morning. 7:56am. , I’m late.  I run to the nearest café, Très Bon, to get my daily coffee and doughnut. 


“Kim Jongin?” I turn to get my order and come face to face with a familiar face that I haven’t seen since the wedding. 


“Hey I didn’t know you worked here Krystal,” she was one of the bridesmaids, specifically the one I was paired up with. “What are you doing working here?  Didn’t you have that internship in New York city with that one fashion magazine?”


“Oh that, yeah well, you see I did. That was until my stupid boss decided that my internship was and I quote not working out and she fired me.  She was just jealous that all of her colleagues like me better than they ever liked her.  Ugh, such a witch.  So yeah I needed to find a job fast because now I have to go back to school and I really don’t want to break it to my parents that I got fired from a job that I wasn’t even getting paid for in the first place and yeah…” She finished her rant just before her manager gave her a mean glare to get back to work.


“I see. That’s nice?” I honestly didn’t mind Krystal, she was one of my good friends.  Although she was usually quieter, but give her a little and she’ll just keep droning on and on and on and on, if you catch my drift. “Look I got to go, why don’t we meet later, I have to hand in my last term paper to my professor.  It’s the last one I’ll ever have to write before I get to graduate from the damned place.”


“Sure I’m sure my manager’s shooting daggers at my head anyways telling me to get back to work,” she mocks in a nasally voice that is supposed to be her manager’s voice. “How about we get some lunch later and we’ll catch up, yeah?” I nod signaling my acceptance to her idea and start to head out.  While leaving the café, I get a glimpse of Chanyeol heading my way and I start walking quicker back to my apartment, to get to my car, seeing that I ran here. 


“Hey wait up man!” At that I start to walk at an even quicker pace than I was before, knowing that he’s spotted me and wants to make conversation.  But unfortunately for me he has legs like a giraffe and caught up sooner than I would have liked.  I feel his large hand grab my shoulder, making me stop, while he tries to catch his breath.  “Why’d you run away from me? Didn’t you hear me earlier?” He gives me an incredulous face as if I’ve done him the greatest wrong he’s ever experienced in his twenty-four years of life.


“Sorry I didn’t hear you.” I answer, feigning innocence.  I receive a dirty look from the giant, and a shove in the shoulder.  “What? I’m telling the truth!”


“No you aren’t, I can tell when you lie.  You’re eyebrows go up slightly and you smirk a little.  You think I don’t know? Ugh jeez you are something Jongin, really.”  I widen my eyes in surprise.  How did he know all of this about me?  What the heck? Is he my stalker?  “Don’t worry bro, I don’t stalk you everywhere that you go, I’m just you’re number one fan, that’s all.”  Yeah… like that makes it better.


“Hey look whatever, I gotta go hand my term paper in.  I’ll see you next week for Kyungsoo’s birthday alright?”


“Yeah, yeah cool.  See you then.”  He shoots me the biggest grin that a person could manage and strolls in the different direction from my apartment building.


 Author's Note:  So um a really really really really REALLY short chapter for you guys.  A filler to get to the core of the story really.  I'm really sorry I just have major writer's block and have little to no drive to write now-a-days.  I think I might take some time off of this sight for a little bit and get my mind in the right setting for writing.  I'm like a quarter done with the timeline of this story, so don't worry I have something to go off of, but I just can't put it into something that I am satisfied with or something that I think you guys deserve or even like.  Don't worry I'm not giving up on this story, just a break.  Again really sorry about my irregular updating patterns :(

PS I really do love you guys and appreciate all the support, love, and comments that you give me.  I promise to come back as a better and more frequent writer, but until then love y'all.

PSS I really hope IU gets that part in Nodame Cantabile

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But I really do want to finish this story. I've been shipping Jieun and Kai hardcore, and Jieun and Yoo Seungho, it's not even funny how much I ship them


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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 3: Please update your story again author-nim >.<
hayeonkim #2
Chapter 3: please, update soon, this story is so amazing and i very like it >.<
and i like kaiu too ^0^
aweirdo #3
I <3<3<3 this story. please update (:
Chapter 2: Hiiii! I have been out of AFF for almost a uear now, and I'm aware of the fact that I "lost" amazing fics, but, by far, this is one of the best I've "lost". Everything about it is so tied up creatively and nice to read. It's creative, different, well-written and makes you wish for more! Congratulations on writing such a great fic! I'm really looking forward for new chapters! Keep up withthe hard work!
Chapter 3: Please update ASAP thanks :)
Chapter 3: Please keep update :(
Chapter 3: Pls update soon!!!
I really want to read this story!!!
When will you be updating this? :)
Chapter 2: It's kaiu!! This sounds great! :D
Chapter 2: I like this chapter. Can't wait for the next one! :)