Things That Go Bump In The Night



                    He fell from the sky the same night the thunderstorm rolled in. Tumbling down to Earth from the crack of giant nimbus cloud, his black wings disintegrated into feathers and dust before his body contacted the muddy ground.

                    He wasn’t a fallen angel, though. He had wings but no halo; in fact, he was anything but an angel. But his identity didn’t matter as much as his purpose on Earth  a purpose that was both holy and unholy, a purpose that would change the world that we know of forever.

                    With his right cheek pressed up against the rain-soaked ground, he waited silently with his eyes wide open. He didn’t blink nor flinch as lightning flashed through the night sky. Although he could see the world around him, his conscience was dormant. He couldn’t feel anything on the inside but he knew that would change very soon. 

                   His limbs stayed limp and unresponsive even when the massive wheels of a passing truck crushed his inert body.

                   Grunting, the bearded driver got out of his four-wheeled drive to see what he'd hit. As if his day wasn’t horrible enough already, he also had to deal with road-kill. But, the thing in the middle of the road wasn’t a dead animal; it was a human boy. Or what appeared to be a human boy. Truthfully, he wasn't sure because all he could see was a head full of disheveled black hair and a bare, bloody back. Chills ran down the column of the driver's spine when he realized he might’ve killed somebody. How did that happen? He didn't see anyone walking down the road! Was the boy already on the road before he came or did he accidentally knocked the teen down? Squeezing his eyes, the driver pounded his head as he tried to recap the events that happened earlier. It was true that he had a few drinks but he wasn’t drunk enough to run someone over without even noticing it.   

                  Panicking, he walked over to the boy under the wheels, his steps skittish. With a shaky, clammy hand, he brushed the boy’s bangs away, revealing a pair of unblinking light brown eyes. They were lifeless, soulless eyes  the eyes of dead man. Heart racing, the driver checked to see if the boy was still breathing but as he ran his finger until the boy’s nose, he realized the boy was not respiring at all.

                 “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.” the driver muttered to himself as he struggled to get up, his head shaking frantically from side to side. He had to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible; he had to bury the boy before anyone found out about his felony.

                Scurrying back to the truck, he back-tracked the vehicle until it was no longer sitting on the boy. With a shovel in his hand, the driver dragged the boy’s body away from the road. He didn’t stop until they were deep in the forest. Slamming the shovel into the rain-soaked dirt, he began digging a makeshift grave. It wasn’t very deep but it would do the trick.

               With a rough push, the driver rolled the boy into the hole before filling the empty space with the remaining soil.

               “Don’t look at me like this.” The driver snapped as he patted more dirt over the boy’s head, “You’re dead and dead people don’t see.” He tried closing the boy’s eyes but the boy’s eyes wouldn't shut. Was it his imagination or did the boy's eyes changed colors? They were caramel-brown half an hour ago, now they've darkened to a medium cocoa. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he ignored the eerie effects and returned to covering the boy’s head with more dirt. The pouring rain was washing away his efforts but he continued anyway, clawing dirt from the nearby soil and spattering it over the boy’s face. There was a big lump on the ground when he was finished with the hasty burial but it didn’t matter, no one would find out. This was the countryside after all.

               Rubbing his soiled palms against his jeans, the driver grabbed his shovel and hurried back to the road. He needed a long drink when he returned home. Actions couldn’t be erased, but he hoped his memory could be when he drowned himself with vodka and beer tonight.   


Author's Note: Nothing much happened in this chapter (well, in my opinion anyway). Guang Mei (the heroine of the story) won't appear until Chapter 4 or it's just going to be Kai and some miscellaneous characters for the first few chapters. 

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Chapter 1 will be out either Sunday or Monday.


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Chapter 7: I love this story so far! whoop whoop!! Kai and Guang Mei!! ^^
Chapter 7: Awww, poor baby Kai T^T he needs a home too! But the cabin will do ok, it has books and Guang Mei is close, and she will teach him to read and everything necessary for life. I love a plot about a robot, the fact that they look like us but at the same time they are so fundamentally different, and what amazes me is the supposed ability to learn that they have... You know... Emotions and independent thinking are learned?? Or is it that these emerge on their own?? Well, I love this story, so thanks for the update ♥
Chapter 7: Wait, how did Guang Mei know Kai doesn't need food or water?

Things seem to be working out almost perfectly. Right after abandoning Kai, he and Guang Mei met up again a few days later and is even allowed to stay with her. I was kind of hoping there would be a little more struggle, but I look forward to seeing how Kai develops under Guang Mei's nurturing :)

And I guess I misunderstood your Author's Note from the last chapter, but I was expecting EXO-K to appear. Not that I'm impatient though because I do want to see more Guang Mei/Kai interactions.
Chapter 7: Ah... :)
Idk why but im thinking this as werewolf boy (song joongki)
Thanks for the update^^
Your story is good!
Chapter 7: interesting to see that kai has some interest toward guang mei yet he couldnt make it into action nor say words to her.
im really wondering if kai i doing great with guang mei`s language lesson ^^
Chapter 7: interesting to see that kai has some interest toward guang mei yet he couldnt make it into action nor say words to her.
im really wondering if kai i doing great with guang mei`s language lesson ^^
Chapter 6: whoa that was fast.. yeaa!! i'm thankful that her uncle is such a nice person. hurray for the uncle!
Chapter 6: i guess fate totally brought them together again. i can imagine sehun's character being a snobby one hah cant wait .
Chapter 6: Must be fate that Guang Mei's uncle happened upon Kai, and seeing how she's been regretting leaving him alone, I get the feeling she's going to try to convince her aunt and uncle to let him stay with them, thus beginning his journey on trying to become human.
Also, since his eyes were black at the beginning but they're topaz now, does that mean he's becoming more good?
And I'm sure Sehun will not be happy with Kai's entrance into Guang Mei's life. But I find it cute that he's a lovesick puppy around her ^_^ Hopefully he doesn't get too jealous and try to wreak havoc with Kai, because I fear what the consequences will be. Like Kai might retaliate and since he has superhuman strength, it could end badly for Sehun.
Anyways, looking forward to the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Ooooo excited about what will happen next!