Surprise, my love!

Surprise Me!

Looking as the time goes by, Jongin hasn't even bought a single thing from the mall. Sehun though, bought tons of merchandise for himself.

"Why won't you just take her out for dinner?" Sehun suggested, but Jongin shook his head. "I want to do something special. Something that she'll never forget about, since she's done so much for me," Jongin replied.

"You're such a lost puppy when it comes to romantic surprising doing," Sehun murmured. "I only have three more hours left, Sehun. Three more hours," Jongin panicked.

"Geez dude, might as well just put up a show for her. You're such a perfecture in dancing, so why not just dance for her? Take her to an empty auditorium, play music, dance for her whilst holding a cake," Sehun rambled out with annoyance.


Jongin's eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face.

"Oh Sehun, you my man, is a genuis!" Jongin cheered in glee, as he hugged him. "Dude, stop it. We're at the mall, and people are staring!" Sehun shouted, trying to push his friend away.

"Sorry, I was just too happy. But I've got an idea," Jongin replied, and Sehun nodded his head along with the master plan.


"Oppa, I'm freezing cold out here. Can I come inside now?" Haerin asked over the phone, as she was shivering in the cold icy winter outside. "Just wait one moment. Your surprise is going to be fantastic," Jongin replied on the other line.

"Just forget it. My parents already ruined everything at the dinner. I really-"

"Come in!" Jongdae and Chanyeol shouted out loudly, as they opened the front door of the SM building. "Eh?" Haerin was confused, but the boys ushered her to hurry inside.

"I'll see you inside! Follow the arrows!" Jongin spoke one last time before hanging up. 

Smiling and greeting the two EXO members, Haerin then walked inside. Turning her head back to face the boys, Jongdae and Chanyeol had soon disappeared.

It freaked Haerin for a second, but she remembered what Jongin had told her. 

'Follow the arrows!'

The room was slightly dark, so how was Haerin going to follow these arrows that Jongin spoken of? But with her brains, Haerin took out a tiny flashlight inside her bag, and flashed it around.

There was a medium size arrow on a wall in front of her pointing up. Tilting her head to the side, Haerin decided to follow the arrow up the stairs.

She then came to an orange colored one this, and pointed left. Biting her bottom lip, Haerin continued on the path. Arrows after arrows, Haerin would giggle every time she came upon them. Jongin surely was adorable for this.

Then the arrows came to a stop, and there was a huge red heart taped to a door. There were also writings on it, which said, "Unlock this heart to get to mine!"

Haerin giggled at the cheesiness, and assumed that it had to be member greasy Baekhyun who would only think of such stuff to say.

By pushing the door open, bright white lights and shone down at a tiny stage. Walking down an aisle between tables and chairs, Haerin squinted her eyes at the stage.

Suddenly, a familiar tune started to play. Haerin laughed silently to herself, as the song was indeed, "What is Love". 

Coming out from the right side, someone started dancing to the song. Trying to figure out who it was, Haerin couldn't tell. The person was wearing a mask on their face, and Haerin was eager to find out.

Before shouting out to see if it would be her boyfriend Jongin, another person appeared from the left side of the stage. Joining in with the first person, the two danced on stage.

The white lights then changed to colorful colors like the arrows. Trying to figure out who is who, Haerin just watched the dancers.

Next, member Baekhyun and Kyungsoo showed up on stage singing to the song, and Haerin covered in awe.

This was really surprising, but there were still no Jongin. Plus, the dancers increased to two more dancers, and Haerin grew confused as to which one is her boyfriend now.

Finally, Jongin is the only one who shows up without a mask, but holding onto a hat and jacket, which Haerin had bought for him. 

Near on the verge of tears, Haerin watched her boyfriend danced beautifully to the song. Giggling here and there, as Jongin would remove his hat onto the hand where the jacket hangs, she knew he was trying to mean that the hand was her.

He slowly danced down off the stage, as he grew closer and closer to Haerin. Smiling brighter, Haerin chuckled when Jongin placed the hat on her head.

Jongin twirled around her and then grabs her hand and kissed it. Pulling her close into his arms, Jongin moved it into a slow dance.

"Happy birthday," Jongin whispered inside her ear, and Haerin's heart skipped a beat. "You really surprised me," Haerin softly spoke back, as her head rested on his chest.

"I know I did," he remarked, and Haerin moved away to look at him. "Thank you," she thanked him, and Jongin nodded his head.

Looking down at her luscious lips, Jongin cupped his girlfriend's cheeks and pulled her into a passionate deep kiss. 

For the first time, he had succeed in surprising her and stealing a kiss. Haerin's heart flutter in glee, and Jongin couldn't be much happier.

"Get a room!" Sehun shouted from the stage, when the song had stopped playing. "Hahaha! Happy birthday, Haerinnie!" The members gleefully shouts.

"Thank you all so much!" Haerin thanked everybody, when she and Jongin pulled away from their kiss.

"Let's celebrate!" Tao shouted in bliss, as he held the cake up. "You just want cake," Kris teased, and Tao stuck his tongue out at the leader.

"We have to let birthday girl cut the cake," Suho said, as he took out a plastic knife. "Wow, like that's so going to work," Minseok jokingly retorts, and Suho creamed his cheek.

"You shut up, bun boy!" Suho yelled at his buddy, and everyone all laughed in laughter.

After the late night celebration, Jongin decided to walk Haerin home. Though she lived quite far, it didn't matter. Jongin wanted to make sure that Haerin would be home safe.

"So did you like my surprise?" He asked with a victory tone, and Haerin giggled. "Why wouldn't I? It's the best thing anyone has ever done for me," she answered with her smile still glued onto her face.

"Well, how was dinner with your parents?" Jongin changed the subject, as he wanted to know how her entire day was spent with her parents.

"Ugh, it was super boring. They took me driving around Seoul, when I know where everything basically is. Went shopping here and there for new dresses and shoes, and then dinner was lame. My steak tasted like burnt coal, my salad had watered down dressing, and my dessert...let's just say your cake made up for it," Haerin explained, and Jongin pinched her cheek.

"You still have to be thankful that they took you out," Jongin said, and Haerin nodded her head. "I am thankful! Even though it was one of the weirdest birthdays every with my parents, I had fun taking pictures," she replied.

"What about the pictures we took? You're going to keep them forever too, right?" Jongin asked, as Haerin gurgled.

"Silly boy! I'll never forget this day, and will always keep everything you give me. Even if they are the littlest things," Haerin replied.

"Even if they're little like..." Jongin paused for a second, as he leaned down and pecked Haerin's lips, "this?" 

"Yah, oppa!" Haerin shouted, whilst Jongin ran off. "That's the second stolen kiss I did today! Woot!" Jongin screamed in joy, as they ran down Haerin's neighborhood.


Laughing at the pictures inside the photo album, Haerin wiped the tears that welled up to her eyes. 

"Oh my dear Jongin," she mumbled, whilst touching the picture of a young looking kid.

"Yeobo, yah! Yeobo!" 

"Shhh! The kids are finally sleeping!" Haerin tried to shush her husband, as she poked her head out of the nursery room.

"Ah! Sorry," he quickly apologizes, and Haerin giggled. "Are you hungry?" She asked him, and he nodded his head steadily.

Following his wife to the kitchen, Jongin wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. 

"I'm not late this time, am I?" Jongin asked and pecks Haerin's cheek. "Almost," she replied and shrugged, as Jongin pouted at her.

"Just kidding," Haerin laughed at her husband's face, and caressed his cheek. "Well, I brought something home for you," Jongin said, as he dug his hand inside his backpack.

Peeking over to see what's inside, Haerin inched her face near Jongin's bag. 

"What is it?" She asked, sounding like a three year old. "A kiss!" Jongin surprised her, as he rose his head up and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

Smiling through the kisses and wrapped her arms around Jongin's neck, Haerin just loves her childish husband.

"You lied to me," she gave him a pout, and Jongin shook his head. "I didn't lie, I just surprised," he retorted with a smart come back, and Haerin giggled.

"I love you," Jongin said, as he pecks her forehead. "I love you too," Haerin replied back.

Just right when Jongin was going to lean in for another kiss...

"Waaaaa~ Waaa~"

"Your turn," Haerin told Jongin, as their infant cried. "What? I just got off from work," Jongin replied, but Haerin shook her head.

"Jo Rin wants her appa. I'll go check on Ha Gin," Hae Rin told her husband, and then moved to the hallway.

"Fine," Jongin mumbled, as he made his way to the nursery room to find his baby girl crying. 

Smiling to himself and at her, Jongin picked her up from her crib and softly pats her back to shush her from crying.

"Aigoo, you're just like your mommy. Giving me the best surprisings ever," Jongin spoke, as he can smell the dirty diaper.



So I thought about the surprising scene during lunch at work, when I decided to listen to "What is Love".

AND THANK GOD KAI DANCED TO FRIGGIN "WHAT IS LOVE" TEASER... though i cant stop watching Sehun's dancing one... LOL!

I hope ya like this one, although I feel like it's not my very best one. :\

Have a nice day everyone!

I'm going to eat now. LOL

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layluhantaoforever #1
Chapter 1: Tao is cute there!!! >_< Well~ the oneshot is also perfecto!!!
rrated #2
Chapter 1: whoa~~~~ thank you for the oneshot~~~ :) this is just so fluffy!!!
aww... Jongin is really the boyfriend material.. hiks... i'm now liking him more~~ jongin... why u so cute and childish~ hehehe XD
aww... they had 2 babies! one with 'Jong' and one with 'Ha'
as always... xiumin and tao... XDD
lol the end! 'as he can smell the dirty diaper' u gonna wash that bro? XDD thank you once again~
Chapter 1: waaaah. > u< So cute. :3
Chapter 1: So cute!!! <3
Chapter 1: ahh so cute. my friend had a dream about this but instead of kai dancing it was Yunho XD
Chapter 1: Right away, FEEEEELS from that gif! xD

KYAAAAA! This is soooooooooo cute!


He danced. So sweet! And EXO was there with him. Follow the arrows! Gah, so adorable!

Aww, married with kids. How sweet! LOL dirty diaper XD

saywhuuut #7
Chapter 1: LOL .dirty diaper xDD Kkamjong ,aigooo~
I seriously need to catch up with your stories. =/= Sorry for being unable to read your stories for now! I've really just been busy. T.T I miss your storiiiieeees!
Aika0330 #9
Chapter 1: This is so sweeet. :) Whenever I read oneshots like these, I always ask, "WHY CAN'T I HAVE THIS? ;;" lol. Anyway, good job! ^^

KAAAAIII BBY <3 Buing~buing ^^