Please Stay

Please Stay


There are things in life where you have to let things go.

Even if it's too painful, you just have to.

But when it comes to you, I just don't want matter what the consenquences please stay.


"Where are you going?"

You turned around by the sudden voice that called out to you. You parted your lips and tried to speak. "Gi Kwang..." He looked at you and then back to the luggage that you were packing with. He walked towards you and grabbed your wrist, stopping you with the packing.

"Answer me." He tightned his grip and a whole shutter of anger was replaced with the happy Gi Kwang you always used to know.


Everytime you didn't answer him, it made him even more mad. You saw red shot veins across his eyes and his arms. "I'm leaving.."

He choked on his saliva, "What?..Where? When!? Why?" He asked you too many questions for you to handle right now.

"I'm tired of everything that has been happening to me for these past years..and I- I'm leaving tomorrow morning..Why? Because I love you.." You confessed everything. Once you opened your mouth and told him that you loved him, you couldn't help but cry. You started to punch Gi Kwang on the chest as he held onto your wrists looking down at you with his eye brows crooked and tears were filling his eyes.

"Love? You love me...? Well if you did. You would stay because I love you too." He confessed. You stood still as his grip loosened up. "..Exactly..that's why I'm leaving.." You looked up at him and sniffed, then his tears streamed down his face and thats when he wanted to break down as well. You quickly grabbed your luggage and zippered it. You swung the luggage off the bed and you felt a hand grip onto your wrist.

"Can you live without me?" Gi Kwang's voice broke in half. There was a mixture of regret, hatred, and angst. You gulped down your chokes and closed your eyes, "..Yes." You snatched your wrist away and walked out of the hotel room that you lived in.

There stood Gi Kwang still making the wrist grabbing hand gesture. He started to go crazy, he sat down on the bed and looked everywhere and thats when he started to pant out his cries. He tightned his fist tightly and started to cry out your name. He placed his hands on his forehead and asked himself what was going on.

His head started to spin and hurt at the same time. He grabbed onto his shirt where it laid his heart. He started to pound his hard muscled chest and cried more from the pain that he was recieving.

He threw his head back and started to yell loudly making the whole room echoe with his depressed voice. He stood up and went to the dresser that was filled with skin products that you left behind. He swiped them with his arms and he continued to yell like he was crazy. He threw the lamp that was lit onto the ground which made the light switch off. He sat harshly at the ground leaning against the bed and yelled once more, wanting to bring you back. Maybe treated you better..

Then he found a peice of paper laying against the table. His hands were shaking, but he had the strength to pick up the letter atleast. He read and the first sentence made him cry.


Dear Gi Kwang,

You're an amazing person and I love you.

I love you as my bestest friend, and I love you as a man.

If I have to tell you the truth, I've loved you since our first study date that you had planned for us.

Remember the time when you dabbed whip cream on my nose and you got a full strawberry and picked it up and ate it?

And then after that, there were still remaining whip cream, so you kissed it off my nose? Yeah, that's when everything

happened.. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, but I guess I didn't have the guts too..When I found out that you were going out with my close friend, everything started to change. You've started to see her more then you saw me. You've started to love her more then you loved me.. I guess that is normal, but I missed the old Gi Kwang that I knew..

And finally it was your one year anniversary with your girlfriend...and remember the time when we finally met together at a cafe alone? I was so happy that you wanted to see me, but ..I guess it was for some other reason.

You told me that you've wanted to marry her as soon as possible. You told me that whenever you were with her, you felt like you were going to soar into the heavens.. I placed a smile and nodded, but in the inside..I wasn't too happy about it. I've thought that you called me to see me. Only me, no one else. But I was wrong..and now I feel guilty that I only wanted you for myself. I've learned that there were some things that you had to let go..even if it was too just had too.

And this me right now leaving this messege to you..

I know you're dissapointed..but I feel like if I got out of your way, you would be more happier with your life. I'm sorry if you feel the oppisite of what I'm feeling..but you're someone that I just didn't want to let go..but I have to now..

You were a good friend to me Gi Kwang and..I will miss you, a lot. 

I love you Gi Kwang forever and always.



He crumbled up the paper tightly making his hand shake in place, his eyes were red filled with tears, he couldn't take it anymore. He knew it was too late for him to catch you, he didn't know where you were even headed in this depressing Friday night.


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Chapter 2: If she don't stay I will stay Gi Kwang Oppa
Chapter 1: Poor Gi Kwang come to momma I will comfort you
Chapter 2: Gosh . My tears ●︿●
Chapter 2: omo.. update sooon.... seven years... >.<
Chapter 2: Awww 7 years
Chapter 2: LOVE <3
ailisu #7
Chapter 2: OMFG; ----; MAH TEARSSS
LOVE IT ♥♥♥^O^
ailisu #8
Chapter 1: ;-; oh my kikwang!!! so were they ever in a relationship? :O
or was she there when he dated her friend?:(
Chapter 1: update soon please! :D